Dear friends, you can probably fill in the gaps of what happened from there. I was reunited with my family, went home, and returned to a normal (enough) life. I never told my parents that my kidnapper was a mutant. I never told them that I was a mutant either. Through a series of lies and help from Professor Xavier, we convinced them that his school was a prep school. After a couple of weeks back at home, I went a little stir-crazy and asked them to enroll me in Professor Xavier's school. At first, they were a little reluctant to let go of their baby again given all that had happened. I understand, but I eventually persuaded them, saying that it was the best way for me to adjust back to a normal life. The school was only a couple hours' drive from home, anyway, so they could always visit or come in case of emergency.

The first few weeks of school were rough. My story had slipped out to the other students, so for a while, they were afraid to talk to me. I didn't feel much like socializing anyway, preferring to spend my time alone taking care of Dmitry, playing chess with Professor Xavier, or occasionally talking to the other teachers about my classes. The white-haired lady Ororo and some of the other teachers helped me look after Dmitry, who had grown so much since I first saw him and we found out that he has his father's teleporting ability.

I only started integrating with my peers when I met a young boy with the same powers as mine. He was 10 years old and his name was Bobby. When I saw that he was just as nervous about meeting other kids as I was, I quickly realized that he needed someone to show him the way. I began to make a greater effort to make friends to set an example for him. He slowly relaxed and began talking to other kids. So did I. Kitty, Piotr, and Warren quickly became great friends of mine.

One day, a couple of years later, the Professor returned from a mission saying that he'd brought a little boy back with him. The poor thing has been chased down by a mob in his home town because the townspeople were frightened by his appearance.

When the Professor wheeled out of the jet, the skinny little boy was asleep wrapped in a blanket in his lap. The chair bumped slightly as it rolled over a doorstopper in the Professor's office. The little boy stirred and lifted his head. That was the first time I truly got a look at him. Even though his skin was a deep blue and his eyes piercing yellow, his features were unmistakable. If this boy was an adult and scarlet- skinned, he would be Azazel. I even saw a bit of Dmitry in his face since he looked only 5 or 6 years older.

Professor Xavier didn't need to be a telepath to know exactly what I was thinking.

The boy was understandably startled by being in a strange place with me staring down at him. I put in my most welcoming smile and said, "Hi, I'm Crystal."

He paused in anxiety first, then, trying to keep up good manners, peeped in a German accent, "I'm Kurt."

We chatted for a minute until Ororo took him to the kitchen to get him something to eat.

"I understand if this makes you uncomfortable, Crystal," said the Professor.

"Does he have a mother?"

"Not to my knowledge."

"He does now."

One day, I will tell Kurt about his father and what he did to me. Until then, he and his brother Dmitry will be protected by their real family, Crystal and the X-Men.