Okami-san is the True Sweetheart (but not a True Maid)

"Attention everyone! We're rehearsing in six!" Yorubana Layla announces into her megaphone. I moan in despair.

"How long is dress rehearsal today?" I whine to Ringo.

"Four hours," she groans. The drama production that we have a request to be cast members in opens next week. Rehearsal is long and boring. We don't even have important parts! I angrily brush a feather of my swan costume from my forearm.

"We have to look like this for four hours?"

"Hey, less talking over there! The play's in a week, people! Let's get to work!"

"Man, I wish I could kick her," I mutter. Ringo is more sympathetic.

"Poor Layla. She must be so stressed."

"Well it's her own fault. It's not like she has to be the assistant drama producer." I frown.

"Well, ever since Mashoun went off the deep end-"
"Layla!" Right on cue, the former head Drama Producer runs on stage.

Layla sighs and face palms herself.

"Not again!"

"Please Layla! You've got me on my knees!"

"Mashoun! Please go away."

"But I love you!"


"Darling! Please don't say I'll never find a way for us to be together!"

"Agh! I cannot work like this! Security!" Nothing happens.

"Layla-san, we don't have security." I roll my eyes.

"I'll get it." I stomp over to the love-sick ex-drama producer, grab his shirt collar, and drag him over to the stage exit. I throw him outside, and stomp back.

"There! Jesus. Let's get this over with."

"Thank you," Layla says curtly.

I shrug. "Well, he does get annoying day after day."

"Tell me about it. Anyway! We left off at scene three, act two yesterday, am I right?"

We unanimously drone an agreement. I survey the victims of this drama production. All nine of the Otogi Bank members, plus five other general students, plus Layla-san. That makes fifteen. They weren't kidding when they told us they were in desperate need of a cast. I'm not even sure if Layla is in the play…

"So. In this scene the Princess is feeding her swans. Where're my swans?"

The Bank members raise our hands. Our swan costumes, which I was forced to make Nomagii Umi about a week ago, are ridiculous. The boys don't even vaguely resemble any bird of any kind, just big, fluffy cloud-looking… things. The girls sort of look okay. We kinda look like angels, I guess. If you have a good imagination.

"Okay. I need you at stage left…"

*I'll show all of you some mercy and omit the rest of this tedious rehearsal. There are more important things in life!*

"Thank God that's over."

"I thought it would never end." Ryoshi agrees as the cast member walk to the changing rooms.

"At least there's just one more week left." Taro sighs.

"Do you think I look nice in this costume, Taro?" Otohime asks sweetly.

"You always look like a princess to me no matter what you wear, my sweet."

She smiles and presses close to him.

"At least somebody likes these costumes…"

We split up by gender and change back into our normal clothes. The guys meet back up with us outside the school. The sun shines brightly, as if promising me that my worries are over. With Shiro gone for good, the whole city seems friendlier. The sunlight plays on my golden-brown hair, making it shine. I catch Ryoshi staring and turn away, blushing.

"You know, everyone's been working so hard. Why don't we all go get crêpes? My treat!" The President smiles.

"Alright!" I cheer.

We walk the few blocks to the tea room, talking and laughing about the stupid play and the crazy Drama Producer.

"What's that guy's deal, anyway?" asks Ryoshi.

"Love madness," Ringo giggles and winks. I scoff.

"I guess he never heard of 'getting over it'."

"Some people you can't get over, Ryoko." Ringo smiles knowingly at me. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah."

We arrive at the tearoom in no time. The President orders for us. Suddenly, Ryoshi's phone rings.

"I'm sorry; I'd better take this. Excuse me." He leaves his place by my side, and steps outside.

"So, Ryoko." Ringo takes a bite of crêpe.

"Have you decided to admit your feelings?"

"What feelings?" I look away.

"You know what feelings, silly goose."

"Where's that waiter? He brought your crêpe but not mine."

"Hm. You looked away, and tried to divert the conversation. Classic tells of a liar." She grins.

"Ugh, get off me, Ringo. Jeez."

"Are you admitting it?!"

"No! God!" Ringo giggles.

"Hush, here he comes!"

But instead of sitting down, Ryoshi stands over our table.

"I'm sorry, all of you. I have to go back to Aunt Yuki's."

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Is something wrong?"

He looks down.

"It's very possible. I'm not sure." He turns to leave.

When no one is looking, I jump up and run outside.

"Ryoko! Where are you going?" Ringo cries over my shoulder. I ignore her.

"Ryoshi! Hold on!" I dash up to him and grab his hand turning him around to face me.

"If there's a problem, tell me."

"Um," he says. Ryoshi sighs.

"That was my mother on the phone back there. She wants me… um, she wants me to come back home."

"That's it? Your house is just a few blocks away. It's no big deal."

He shakes his head. "No, you don't understand… she wants me to come home. She wants me to come back to our village. Go back to… living there, with her."

Like a punch to the gut, the wind is knocked out of me. I let his hand drop.

"She's meeting me at the boarding house to discuss it." The wind whips around us. My hair flows out to the left. My hands clench, pulling some of it accidentally.

"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere." His voice softens.

"B-but… your mom—"

"I love my mother. But you're the most important girl in my life. If I can explain that, I'm sure she'll let me stay here."

"Um…Okay," I whisper.

"I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." He gives my hand a light squeeze and smiles gently. I watch him go, and something inside me causes me to pull unhappily at the ends of my shorts under my skirt.

Will I? Will I see you tomorrow?


The next day, before class, the loudspeaker announce an emergency Otogi Bank meeting.

"All members must meet immediately. That is all." I look nervously at Ringo. We get up from our seats and head to the secret entrance of the HQ, my stomach knotted with fear.

The President, Alice, Otsu, Majolica, Otohime, and Taro are all waiting inside. However, my eyes are only looking for one person.

Trying to keep the panic from my voice I ask casually, "Where's Ryoshi today?"

The President clears his throat nervously.

"That happens to be our order of business." Nononononononononono. The panic rises against the wall I put up to protect from it.

The President open a single golden eye.

"Morino-kun is gone." Silence. A roaring echo in my ears.

"What? Where did he go?!" Ringo cries.

"When did this happen?!"

"Apparently his mother wished for him to be near her. She made him leave the same day he heard from her. I'm afraid he had no knowledge that departure was imminent, as well as non-optional."

No. No you cannot, just. You cannot just change me, change everything, and leave. Not even a goodbye.

He promised me.

"Ryoko? What did you say?" Ringo's deep ruby irises look into my face worriedly.

Did I say it out loud?

*She did. When someone's heart breaks, you can neither see it nor hear it. However, heartbreaks can be felt, depending on whose it is. Ryoko's was such that it was felt by every person in the room. But in fact, Okami Ryoko's heart did not break—it shattered, into million glass pieces, the shards tearing through her soul as they threw themselves down to the pit of her stomach and soundlessly crashed to the cold, hard floor.*

There is a long silence. Tears swell into my eyes. My heart beats. My thoughts, swirling, create a rhythm around the painful throbbing. Pullittogether. Pullittogether. Pullittogether. Say something. They are waiting on you.

"I… I'm fine. I'll be right back."

And I run, as fast as my legs can take me, to the office of Headmaster Aragami. The others, soundlessly, let me go.