Soli Deo gloria

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Big Hero 6.

So this will be a series of almost 84 snippets: basically, combined with the 4 times we saw Tadashi test Baymax in the movie, there will be all 84 attempts at testing Baymax documented.

There'll be less than 84 chapters, because we already know what happened when Tadashi tested Baymax for the first, seventh, thirty-third, and . . . eighty-fourth time. Hopefully I will update this daily, and all chapters will be less than 100 or 84 words (see what I did there? XD)


Tadashi breathed deep, bracing himself. Okay, one wrong test. He'd anticipated this. He opened his eyes and said evenly, "Ow."

The robot grew up and the black dots blinked from half-circles to full moons. The camera on, Tadashi held up the blackboard: It read TEST 2; under that, ROBOTICS TEST.

"My name is Tadashi Hamada, and this is the second test of my robotics project." He looked hopefully at the camera, which soon after capturing his eager face caught him dropping the blackboard and smashing hands against his ears as Baymax blared like a blackout siren. "Cut, cut!"

Thanks for reading! (Review?)