Hey guys!

So, I wanted to first and foremost apologize for not updating in like...9 months? But I can explain.

I've hit a road block with this story. Not like "I don't know where to go from here" kind of thing, but a "I don't want to continue because I feel like it sucks" kind of thing.


I'm just changing the tense. I've been writing in third person for months now, and re reading For The Band, I realized that it's not that it sucks, but it sucks. So I'm simply going to re-write this story into third person and then upload all the former chapters back at once, I think. It will only take me about a month or so (depending on personal issues in life and such) but I think it would be nice to have a fresh start on this story. Because lets be honest, I absolutely adore this story, and I've had the ENTIRE THING planned out for over a years now. AN ENTIRE YEAR. I have the entire story planned from beginning to finish, and I think that re writing what I have now will help me be able to continue on.

I hope you all don't hate me for taking so long to make this decision, but I think I chose wisely. I hope you forgive me. And trust me, when I fix all the kinks and re post, I promise you'll never go this long without an update ever again. I WILL be working a lot, though, but I promise, no more half year updates. Maybe just once every other week or so.

Thank you so much for understanding! See you!

Oh, and let me know your thoughts on this and if there's anything you' like to know/like me to possibly change, please leave a review and let me know.