Chapter 11: Ending?

"Thank you for your information miss." One of the men bowed before they both left the hospital room. Yoriko sighed in relief as both CCG agents left the room, making her relax and lay back on the bed once again. She looked at her bandaged wounds and her countenance changed drastically.

The nurse told the girl that she had woken up 2 days after the CCG left her in the hospital. Buts as soon as Yoriko woke up, her blurry vision tried to look for the ghoul she had grown to love in the past weeks. The pain had soon made her go to her reality and notice the place she was in; the hospital. Her wounds had already been treated and there were just some stiches covered in a white bandage to protect them.

As soon as the staff had given the good news of her awakening, her family members, one by one greeted her and cried for her worriedly but relieved at the same time, which made Yoriko feel bad for being so selfish in being happy while everyone thought she had been kidnapped or worse.

After some days, the CCG had come to finally question her of what she had saw and her experience with ghouls during the time she had been kidnapped.

"I can barely remember what happened, they knocked me unconscious when they kidnapped me and the rest of the time I was kept locked in a cell…" the lie she had told was something that made her feel terrible, they wanted to help everyone and she had given such false information; they had paid for the medical services and promised to never reveal such a case to the public so she wouldn't be bothered.

The girl looked at the window and a soft smile formed on her lips 'I'll see you again…' she thought before going back to sleep.







"Are you sure about this?" his voice echoed in the dark forest, his hands slowly taking off her shoe, uncovering her white skin, making the girl feel chills down her spine.

"Just do it already!" Yoriko said nervously, swallowing hard as she tried to avoid looking at her feet, closing her eyes tightly in desperation. Ayato sighed and looked over at her, a bit of annoyance in his voice "I'm not biting yet, idiot." The girl glanced at him and stared at him curiously before he spoke "When you're finally safe, those bastards will surely ask you to give them some information, you need to get by with a good, but false confession so they don't get anything useful, understood?" the girl nodded and emitted a sound of aprovement. Ayato nodded as well and took a deep breath, leaning closer to her leg….


"Now what?!" he asked in annoyance, they were getting out of time.

"Will we see each other again?" Yoriko asked looking at him with teary eyes which made the boy blush deeply "W-where is this coming fro-?!"

"Are we-?!" the girl interrupted him, making Ayato sigh and look at her in the eyes, a small smile forming on his lips "Alright, Alright…" he said and touched the skin of her ankle, ready to bite it.

"It's a promise then…" Yoriko whispered before the pain attacked her body…..









Yoriko walked inside "Oasis", the bakery she worked part-time in after going to university. She greeted the owner and changed into her uniform, starting her work of the day. The young woman prepared the oven to cook the bread she was preparing, humming that catchy song she had heard on her journey to the bakery.

The girl hadn't seen Touka after they had promised to go to the zoo together… she later found out Anteiku had been destroyed as it was a refugee for ghouls. Yoriko never had the courage to ask Touka about her ghoul nature, and she would never know what would have happened if she had done it.

Yoriko had also moved to her own apartment near her university, where she studied bakery instead of gastronomy. She had also gotten this part-time job so she could learn more things about the job and get more experience.

The bell rang as someone walked inside Oasis, and Yoriko greeted the customer as she was used to. She often wondered why she still expected to find Ayato at the door, and yet… she still had hopes that he would find her again. The human had never heard about the ghoul but some stories about attacks to the CCG by the "rabbit". So she would always go to those crime scenes and look for some clues of his whereabouts, but she never found anything useful.

But Yoriko never gave up on believing in that promise, she would always hope to see her love someday, even if time passed.

The bell rang once again and Yoriko headed out of the kitchen to greet the customer "Welcome to Oas-"the girl stopped in her tracks and stood in disbelief at the person in front of her.

"Tch, you just never shut up… do you?"

A/N: And…. It's over! I just wanted to give an open ending so you could have the imagination of what happened after all those years for their reunion!

Thank you so much for reading this far! I didn't think this story would get such follows and reviews, I know it's a really weird couple but… I'm glad a lot of you read this!

Love you all!