Hi Everyone, This is my new story, i hope you enjoy. Stiles is deffinatly my favorite Teen wolf character. Outfit links will be posted on my profile. Enjoy and click the little review button to let me know what you think.

Chapter 1: Welcome to Beacon High

Madison Hale huffed in aggravation as she sat in the passenger seat of her brother's car. They were on their way to drop her off for her first day of school. She didn't understand why she had to go to school in the first place; she should be out helping her brother find their sister's killer. Madison huffed again for good measure.

"Would you stop making that ridiculous noise?" Her older brother snapped, annoyed, "I get that you want to help me find Laura's killer, but I need you to stay safe." Softening his tone, Derek said, "You're the only family I've got left, alright?"

Madison sighed, and nodded her head as she reached over and grabbed onto his large hand holding it tightly in her smaller one. "I know; you're mine too. Just please be careful, okay?"

Nodding his head in agreement, Derek squeezed her hand before letting it go as they pulled up to the school parking lot.

Madison groaned in annoyance as she got out of the car and grabbed her bag from the back. Derek smirked up at her from inside the car, "Have fun in school, don't get into trouble, make good choices and all that junk."

Madison gave him a sarcastic smile before slamming the car door and walking towards the school; his laughter following her as she walked away.

As she neared the front of the building her sensitive hearing picked up the sound of a phone ringing before the voice of a girl came through, "Mom, three calls on my first day is a little over doing it."

Madison followed the sound of the voice and came upon a girl about her age sitting outside. "I just want to make sure you are okay, sweetheart. Do you have everything?" an older woman on the other line asked her.

"Everything except a pen, oh my god I didn't actually forget a pen." The girl sighed as Madison came to stand behind her. "Okay, okay. I gotta go. Love ya."

The girl turned and jumped, startled, when she saw Madison standing behind her, "Oh my god, you scared me."

Madison smiled kindly, "Sorry, are you new here?" she asked her.

The girl nodded her head, and stood up to face Madison, "Yeah, you?"

Madison nodded her head and held out her hand for the girl to shake, "Yup, I'm Madison, Madison Hale."

The girl smiled back and shook her hand, "Allison Argent."

As soon as she said her name, Madison's entire demeanor changed, her body stiffened up, getting ready to flee and her face quickly lost its smile. Argent? There was an Argent going to her school. Oh god she was so dead; how could Derek do this to her.

Madison pulled out her phone to call her brother and tell him to come back and get her, but before she could do that the principal came out and spoke to the two girls. "Sorry to keep you girls waiting." As they began following him he asked Allison, "So you were saying San Francisco isn't where you grew up."

Allison continued to smile, not noticing the other girls quietness, nor her stiff posture, "No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual for my family."

The principal then turned to Madison, "And you are Madison Hale, I presume?"

Madison gave him a forced smile, "You presume correctly, sir."

He smiled back at her and asked, "And your school records say you moved here from New York, have you always lived there?"

Madison shrugged, "No, actually my whole family used to live here." She told him quietly.

Before the principal could ask her anymore questions they were standing in front of the class room door. The principal opened the door and ushered the two girls in, "Class, these are our new students, Allison Argent and Madison Hale. Please, do your best to make them both feel welcome."

After the principal shut the door, Madison turned to take a seat when the most wonderful scent she had ever smelled caught her attention. Looking around she identified the smell was coming from a dark headed boy with a buzz cut and a bulls eye shirt sitting somewhat to the back of the room.

He smelled of calming fall air and burning firewood, her absolutely favorite smells, and oddly enough she could pick up a hint of curly fries coming from him also, which wasn't an altogether unpleasant smell.

Madison couldn't believe her luck, on her first day of school, she had found her mate. It was a very rare thing to find your other half, especially at such a young age.

Madison didn't even care that he wasn't a werewolf, which usually is the case for most mated couples; she just thought herself lucky enough to find him. Now she just had to find a way to talk to him.

Looking around she found a seat open in front of him, so she took it, giving him a bright smile as she sat down. Before she could fully turn around she caught his dumbstruck look as he stared at her, his pencil falling right out of his hand and onto the floor, the sound jolting him out of his dazed stare. The pencil continued to roll until it hit her foot, stopping it.

Madison leaned down and picked it up before turning and handing it to him, "Here, I think you dropped this." She said to him, offering another sweet smile to him.

He nodded his head jerkily, mouth slightly parted in shock, and reached for it, "Yeah, thanks." He replied nervously.

"No problem," She told him keeping her smile in place, "I'm Madison."

The boy nodded again, "I know, I'm stiles." All the while she could hear his heart hammering in his chest.

She offered him one more smile before turning back around and opening up her book to the page the teacher directed.

With her heightened hearing she heard him turn to the boy across from him and whisper, "Dude did you see her? She's absolutely gorgeous. And she smiled at me"

The boy whispered back, "But what about Lydia, you know the girl you've been pining over for eight years?"

"Who's Lydia?" Stiles' questioned as he continued to stare at the back of Madison's head dreamily.

Madison smiled to herself, happy that her mate was pleased with what he saw. It was a natural instinct to want to please your mate in every way; so far she had accomplished that task. She looked over at the guy he had spoken to and that was when she caught the boy's scent. He was a werewolf, and a new one at that. Obviously recently turned. Probably by the same monster that had killed her sister. Oh boy, not even an hour in and she already had a lot to tell her brother.

Pulling out her phone she sent her brother a text: Dude, U R nt gonna believe whts going on here.

She got a text back twenty seconds later: Shouldn't you be paying attention in school? What's so important that you had to text me right now?

She replied back immediately: Dn't get an attitude with me. 3 thngs. 1: were you aware tht there is an Argent going to my school? 2: there's a new werewolf, probably not even a day old, here and 3: Im pretty sure I just found my mate.

It took him longer to reply to this one than it did the first, but when he did it was one word: WHAT!?