"Are you sure? You were wounded from a Death Scythe a week ago, you needed surgery! Get back to the bed this instant! I will not have you running around injured!" She sighed at William's truth, she's been healed by the next day, but everyone else insisted she rest - especially her Supervisor. "Will, I'm fine now, honestly. I feel great. Besides, I won't be doing any hard labour. I'm just looking for leads on the Undertaker through the town." Shrugging, Grell picked her coat and shoes. He sighed in defeat, knowing he couldn't convince her otherwise.

"I was just concerned." William adjusted his glasses and used his free hand to hand her a ribbon so she could tie her hair. An eyebrow was raised questioningly. "Concerned for me, darling?" There was a suspicious tone to her voice, and it was then that he knew, he set himself in her trap. "Do not turn this into one of your flirtations, Sutcliff. I was merely concerned for the well-being of a… co worker." She giggled. "That was too easy, Will. And I thought we were friends, no need to be formal. It's okay to be concerned for someone you care about." He fidgeted uncomfortably. "I didn't want to make it seem like I harboured any romantic feelings, as you are prone to believing, because I don't."

"I know you don't. I was just teasing. Friends do that sometimes, you can even tease me back if you'd like; but if it really makes you that uncomfortable, then I'll stop." William sighed in relief. Maybe then he'd be able to sort out his own feelings about her. "Thank you, Grell. Be careful out there, and return if something does come up. I don't want you going after him alone." She nodded, finishing tying off her hair. "I'll be alright, Willy." The redhead placed a quick kiss to his cheek, leaving him stunned, before portaling to the mortal realm.

The Phantomhive manor looked splendid - as it always did thanks to the care that Sebastian provided. She took her time walking around the gardens, before the Demon Hound showed up, basting fire all over. Surprised, but unperturbed, Grell kept walking towards it.

"Bring me to your master, Pluto. I have pertinent business with him." The dog whimpered, sensing the deathly aura of this otherworldly being. His head and ears lowered, he showed her to the mansion's back door, where Sebastian was busy replanting a few trees that Finnian had uprooted.

"Oh Ba~ssy! Hello my darling!" She cheered with enthusiasm. It was always so fun to mess with the handsome demon. Sebastian turned to face her, his face as cold as ever. "Grell Sutcliff, do what do I owe this pleasantry?" His reply came as a drone, with his face as dry as ever. She took jumped onto one of the nearby benches. "I've come to talk with your master, of course." His head shot up, a small speck of fear creeping into his being as he remembered the day when she almost defeated him. "What do you need of him?" She grinned. "You'll just have to wait to find out." She winked, walking past him and into the mansion.

The other servants had apparently gone out, for they were nowhere near. Ignoring the fact that Sebastian was following her, she kept going until she entered the Earl's study. "Good morning, brat. You and I have business, right now." Startled, he let out a gasp. "S-Sebastian! Get rid of him this instant. I can't be bothered with his foolishness!" Said Demon was about to do as ordered when Grell brought out her Death Scythe, roaring to life as she pointed it at the child.

"You will, if you want to capture the Undertaker."

They went still. She sent them her slasher smile. "You know he's not going to stop making those 'Bizarre Dolls' of his, and the Queen won't be pleased to have those here. I know of a way in which we could lure him out." She vanished her Scythe, knowing there wasn't an imminent need for it at the moment.

Frowning questioningly, he asked, "And how do you expect to do that? He beat us all last time."

"I know that. And I also know things about him that you don't, brat. So you can either handle his toys, because we all know that even your pet can't take him - or you can let me and the other Reapers handle him."

Ciel sighed, accepting the fact with poise. "What is it that you propose?" Grell took a seat on his desk. "Derrick Arden in Weston College died. Alan was assigned to reap him a few days ago, but his soul was apparently tampered with. The Queen is sure to be sending you a letter about her concerns. I suggest going over there do what you do to appease her. Undertaker is sure to appear at some point, he won't be able to resist doing something against our dear Bassy over here. When he shows himself, leave him to me." The child didn't look convinced.

"Why would he come out?" He asked, challenging her methods.

"Do you still not get it, brat?" Grell chided, grinning, "He will come out, because you and your puppy will make him. You have something of his, a 'treasure', I believe he called it. Undertaker will have to come claim it. Figure out the death of Derrick Arden, and Undertaker will show his face."

The Demon and child pair exchanged a look. It might work, it might be possible, and they could come out of it alive. "Do you guarantee he will be there?"

"Do you know of any other Reaper running around rampant through the world making those dolls that enjoys toying with you and wants to fit you for a coffin, at any given chance?" She shot back, a deadpan tone in her voice. Ciel sighed. "You do have a point. Sebastian, bring the Undertaker's lockets and give them to the red menace. If we encounter the Undertaker I don't want him to attack us. Giving it to the Reapers should allow us enough time to distract him and leave." Sebastian made a curt bow, and left the room to retrieve the item in question. He returned shortly, the lockets in hand.

"Here it is, Young Master." Ciel received it, but made no attempt to give it to the Reaper. He signaled Sebastian to fetch them tea and something sweet. The conversation was not over yet. The butler left the room.

"I want to guarantee the capture of the Undertaker. He escaped once before, how am I sure you will be successful, when you so clearly lost last time?"

"Because this time, we have an advantage. These lockets to him are important, I can tell at least one of them is from a past lover. He wouldn't give it up easily. I've also gained new contacts, if you will, that can help on the case. We'll get him, I promise you." Ciel nodded, satisfied for the moment, yet there was another thought nagging at his mind. "On another note, what did Undertaker mean when he said he wished to preserve - to save- my soul?"

Grell gazed at him curiously. "This proves how much of a child you are. You don't understand this, right?" His brows furrowed, his usually stoic face turning into a frown. "Explain yourself, and do not belittle me as such." She giggled. "You certainly are naive at times, brat. If Undertaker killed you, and reaped your soul just then, Bassy wouldn't be able to devour it, as he sorely wishes to. Your soul would be saved, though you'd most likely be punished by the Divine. It would still be better than being consumed, and the possibility to see your parents would actually exist then. Of course, as a child your mind is filled with ideas of revenge, so you don't fully comprehend his motives - you are a human, after all."

The boy grumbled. Now that he had more information, he did understand. He was comprehending everything, and the notion that there had perhaps been a chance of meeting again with his parents was lost because of the deal was - not that he'd ever admit it aloud- heartbreaking. He felt something inside him shattering. All the things he'd done for revenge, all the things he had done to humiliate those who had hurt him - they were worth nothing, in the end. Loath to accept it, Grell was right.

She saw the emotions passing through his eye - the hurt, the pain, the resentment, the anger, and the bitter guilt. "There is nothing to be done about it now. I gave my word to him, and we have a contract to maintain." His emotions were reeled back, as Grell had predicted, but he had let them show, and she knew this was exactly what she needed.

"Words don't count towards beings like them. You still have a chance to be saved." Ciel didn't want to believe her words. The brought hopes, and hopes brought expectations, and expectations brought disappointments, which would then lead to resentment and hate - not that he didn't already feel those particular emotions, but they would bring a new sort of pain he was not willing to deal with.

"There are things that once lost, can never be regained again. My soul is one of them." He stated simply. She huffed at his pessimism. "With an attitude like that no doubt. Lucky for you, I made a promise I can't break." His eyebrow raised in a silent question, doubt spilling in his mind. "I promised Angelina to save your soul, as much as I dislike you, brat. It is a promise I will keep." Now Ciel was truly surprised, but he couldn't let himself be fooled. "How do you intend to do that?"

"A Death God such as me has her ways." Came her simple answer. "You just make sure to stay alive, I'll handle the rest." She winked and stood from her perch on his desk. Her beloved coat was dusted off, and she was about to leave.

"Why?" She stopped at the window.

"Why would you help me?" He asked again, the so perfectly formed mask cracking the slightest.

"Because I once made a promise to someone I loved. She saved me, but condemned me, just like I have done to her. Anne deserves one last bit of kindness from me, and a Death God's word holds for eternity, Ciel. She loved you like her own son, the one she never got to have. You were all she had, all she ever truly loved."

The boy nodded. "Then I shall be careful in my endeavours. Aunt Anne deserves that at least from me." His expression went back to the usual stoic facade, but Grell knew that to be his normal face, and left it at that. "She deserves to have you back, let's not disappoint her." A final nod was shared between the unlikely allies before she was out the window just as Sebastian rolled in a cart with warm tea and fresh biscuits.

"So long, dearest Bassy! Parting is such sweet sorrow, though we shall meet again, my love!" Sniggering, she blew him a flirty kiss, thoroughly enjoying the way he shivered in disgust and pretended not to be affected. Messing with handsome Demons is such fun! I hope I'll see the full record one day! The redhaired flirt took her leave, heading back to the Reaper Realm.

The other Reapers in the office stopped their tasks to look up at Grell as she strolled in. She herself stopped walking. What could they want?

Their murmurs started anew as she walked past. Snippets of their conversations got to her ears, yet she hardly understood any of it. Alan was filing a few folders nearby, so she went up to him.

"Hello Alan." He looked up from his work, slightly startled. "Oh, Grell. Hello. How was your trip?" A few other files were picked up and the pair left. "It went well thank you. I got just what we needed. Do you by any chance know what they're talking about?" Alan let out a laugh.

"They're talking about you, what else. Anything you do seems to be a controversy for them. This time it's about what happened at the Campania. Everyone's curious, though this time it's mostly good things." That at least was reassuring. "Well, I just want to put that behind me. It was Ronnie, Sebastian and me against him, we didn't even scratch the man!" The brunette smiled, having nothing to say other than, "He is a legend after all." Grell huffed, blowing her bangs out of her eyes. "Legends, pfft. I'll show him!" No one messes with me like that! I'll get him for sure. The duo walked over to their respective offices, but Grell left hers after searching for the papers she would need for her meeting with William.

"Sutcliff, surprisingly on time."

"Is that sarcasm I hear in your voice, Willy?"

"You know I do not joke, Grell. But you are known to be on time if there is something of interest to you." They shared warm smiles, though William's was more awkward rather than warm - still, the sentiment was there. "You're getting better, Mr. Spears."

"All due to your help, Miss Sutcliff. Enough of the pleasantries for now, we have important matters to attend."

"Oh yes, they demand our immediate attention. I found what I was looking for." The chain of lockets was extracted from her coat's pocket and set on the desk. "Undertaker's treasure. Got it back from Ciel Phantomhive, it's still intact." William took the fragile looking object delicately. "You went over to see the Demon, for this!?"

Sensing his growing anger, Grell was quick to appease. "Don't degrade its importance. It's more valuable than you think." The Supervisor was not satisfied. "Grell, I don't care for that. You're yet to fully recover from a deadly wound, by a Death Scythe no less! You shouldn't be going on about facing Demons and such! You're of no use if you're dead, Sutcliff!" He slammed his hands on the desk, a booming sound echoing from the impact. Grell shied away. Though she was used to having William yell at her, he had never done it with angry concern for her well being. "Will -"

"Pardon my outburst." He adjusted his glasses, a nervous habit he never got rid of. "You must understand that I've never been good with relationships. I didn't mean to offend your prowess in battle, but you are hurt, and I do not wish to see you injured any further. Much less by such lowly beings as them." A smile crept onto her lips.

"Darling, it's alright. It's okay to be worried, there's nothing wrong with showing it." Her arms embraced him, and he stiffened, though did not push away. "I knew Sebastian wouldn't harm me, the brat would prevent it, and he is getting weak from the lack of sustenance, even if he dreads admitting it. The lockets, trust me, are more important than you think, so I risked getting them." William returned the hug awkwardly, unused to gentle physical contact. "At least you're fine now." He drew a breath, Grell always knew how to make his emotions boil over - good or bad.

"Is there anything else I should know about your plans?" The fact that I'm a Commander for the King of Death's Army, but~ I'm not supposed to say that just yet, if at all. "No, nothing. The plan remains as it was. Once Ciel and Bassy draw out the Undertaker we appear and get him." William nodded. "So it seems. What Agents do you think will be needed for the task?"

Grell stood stunned. The cold supervisor never asked for her opinion on important matters. "You're asking me?" Her incredulous tone provoked a slight smirk on the other's lips. "Of course. You are a competent Reaper in this area, and it is your plan after all. I thought you should see it through completely."

"So I'm not competent in other areas?" She questioned, eyebrow raised. He mentally facepalmed. "Honestly, is this all you got from that?"

"It stuck out, yes."

"Let me rephrase: It is your best area." She smiled cheekily. "I know. I was only teasing. As cold as you may be, we both know I'm an excellent Reaper when I want to be."

"Which was hardly ever." He pointed out. "Alright, alright. Enough with you teasing me, don't abuse your friend privilege." At the moment, they shared a laugh, William becoming slowly more open to their situation. Grell was aimable past her flamboyant and eccentric exterior, easily coaxing his softer side when they were alone.

"And I want Alan, Eric, Ronnie and you on the team. The less people involved in this the better." She said after their chuckles subsided. "I am inclined to agree. I shall inform the others, and have them ready by the time Undertaker appears, which I assume will be within a few days."

"Correct. I better get filing the documents. After that I've got a few reaps, but I'll keep you posted on the Undertaker situation with the brat and his Demon." William dismissed her with a curt nod and thanks.

The clock struck nine just as the redhead landed on the door of her previous Mistress' mansion. "You are late, Reaper." Ciel stood alone, coming from the shadows. "I had to make sure I was alone, no one can know about our deal." The pair went into the house, firmly closing the door. "Fancy a game of chess?" Grell declined. "As fun as that would be, I'm afraid I'm no better than Anne at the game. Your victory would be too easy and boring - hardly a victory at all." They sat in the parlour in silence, not knowing how to proceed. It stayed like this for what seemed an eternity. Ciel was the first to break the ice.

"How would you go about saving my soul? Killing me? Is that what you intend to do right now?" He made no motion to contact his pet Demon, though Grell stayed alert. "No, quite the opposite. I want you to live. For that blond friend of yours, for your servants; for the people that depend on you. That's what Anne wanted. She wanted you to live - and for you to live, Sebastian must die."

"So all of this, is for my aunt?"

"I may have killed her, but I did love her. Perhaps it was that love that made me kill her. Had she not died by my hand, she would've died by yours." Quiet enveloped the pair once more, each reminiscing about the Jack the Ripper days.

"Then, what do you need me for? If you're going to kill Sebastian, why come to me?"

"Sebastian is bound to you, wherever you are, he will be. Once you've achieved your goal -"

"You will know where to find us."

She smiled, "Exactly. When that revenge of yours comes around, you must tell it to Anne, at her grave. I will figure out the rest." She ushered him up from his seat and to the door. "Sebastian will be here soon. I promise you, Ciel Phantomhive, your soul will be spared from being devoured, but any punishment after that belongs solely to you." A polite goodbye was said and the red Reaper was on her way.

Sebastian, you better take care. I am impatient for our battles, and this time, I will avenge the wrongs you've done onto me.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for the reviews, follows and favorites, they've all made my days infinitely better!