Blond hair and black leather (his favourite colour scheme)…

A Revolution fic: Charloe, Sebastian (Bass) Monroe/Charlotte (Charlie) Matheson; A happy birthday story for the wonderful Lemon Supreme (whose birthday wish was for some more Charloe!). A follow on story from 'Ride my see-saw'… On the way back to Willoughby, Bass and Charlie come across an abandoned town, go searching for new clothes and find a very interesting shop… There is smut…

Rated: M (definitely)

Dear Lemon… I really hope you like this… Here's wishing you a truly wonderful birthday - may all your wishes come true! All the best, Magpie :D


This is a story in the same universe as another story of mine: 'Ride, ride my see saw'. Bass and Charlie have been lovers since Charlie went hunting for Bass and found him in that New Vegas tent prize-fighting for Ely Gould – and where her desire to kill him turned into desire of a different kind, then to something much more than that... They have been on the road together for a couple of weeks now on their way to Willoughby to join Charlie's family, because Bass thinks that it will take all of them together to have even a hope of overcoming the threat of the Patriots. Charlie is ambivalent, she isn't sure she is ready to go back to face her uneasy relationship with her mother... She knows now though that if things don't go well in Willoughby with Miles and Rachael, and if she wanted to leave again, Bass would leave with her…

The name of the shop in the story is taken from a line in the song '1952 Vincent Black Lightening' by Richard Thompson, and the title of the story is adapted from the same lyrics (especially for Charlie and Bass…). I don't own any part of Revolution and am writing this purely for love of the show and its characters.

Blond hair and black leather (his favourite colour scheme)…

Charlie was used to deserted towns and had no problem ignoring the strangeness, but even after so long Bass found walking down the empty streets of the many abandoned post blackout towns in what would have been the morning rush hour highly disconcerting – even eerie… The everyday sounds of a busy modern city centre – the background hum of voices, cars and car horns, buses and trucks, the beeps of pedestrian crossings and the odd siren, seemed to echo just out of reach… And the memory of people in particular, people everywhere, hurrying along, going to work, shopping, eating, coffee cup in one hand, phone in the other…carrying their bags and innocently and carelessly minding their own business as though their world would never, could never end… still made him feel a bit sad and sort of nostalgic…

Bass looked around, the wide street was dusty, straggling weeds and grasses making their inexorable way up through cracks in the sidewalk and the bitumen road, and small shrubs, trees and vines crowded against and sometimes completely covered the walls, windows and tiled or metal rooves of the once historic and carefully maintained but now increasingly decrepit shops, cafés, offices, public and apartment buildings of the town centre…

He spotted two crows, almost hidden by leaves, perched on one of the spreading branches of a huge oak tree on a green island in the middle of the crossroads just ahead of them… The tree was so big that he and Charlie were already under the far flung tips of its branches…the leaves rustling in the slight breeze and flickering in the morning sun. The crows, their heads cocked at identical angles, were silently watching the humans as they approached, then, at an unspoken signal and with a clatter of wings the big black birds flew off…

The town had once been beautiful… bustling with retirees and well heeled couples looking for a tree change out of the major cities…now there were just a few rusting old vehicles – too difficult or too damaged to re-purpose – lying haphazardly in the abandoned streets.

He and Charlie had left the wagon a little out of town and off the road, the horses tethered in reach of good grazing – just in case they had to leave in a hurry… it'd be much quicker and easier to escape on foot if they had to… They both very badly needed new clothes – and boots… Charlie's tank tops and jeans were almost falling off her they were so tattered and Bass – even with the extra pair left in the wagon by Adam the bounty hunter was also feeling the wind blowing through the holes in his jeans as they rolled along in the wagon… They'd been hoping to find a market somewhere in town but the whole place looked completely abandoned, they hadn't even been able to make out the name of the town on the fallen 'Welcome to…' sign…

Charlie's keen tracker's eyes had also spotted the crows and she followed their path with her gaze as they flew off… Crows were common in eastern Texas but a little less so further south and these were the first she'd come across on the trip back to Willoughby. The big, black birds weren't especially good eating but their presence often indicated that there was other, tastier prey close by… She made a mental note to look for rabbit tracks later… she also spotted something a bit further down the road…'Bass…?' he turned to her, skin tanned a golden brown, his eyes looking incredibly blue and crinkled at the corners as he smiled at her in the dappled sunlight under the oak leaves, his hair curling in tight bronze and dirty blonde waves, heavy with sweat in the heat of the day…she caught his gaze with her own and smiled back…God he looked good…

He reached out to brush his hand under the long strands of her hair and around the back of her neck… She rubbed her cheek on the rough skin of his fingers… then lifted up a hand and pointed down the road in front of them…'Over there…'

Bass peered along her arm and grinned… She'd spotted a shop front in a quaint little row of old buildings in a side street off the main drag, a few minutes walk away…and he could just see a mannequin in the front window – looked like it was still wearing clothes, he raised an eyebrow… 'Definitely worth checking out, Charlie… could be there's something left …'

They kept a wary eye out and ears open, walking on the sidewalk, moving quietly and warily past the mostly empty, disorganised shop fronts and boarded up or broken windows… staying in the shadows where they could and keeping talk to a minimum, just in case… But no one appeared, and the street, with its occasional abandoned and cannibalised car or truck remained empty of anyone or anything moving apart from Bass and Charlie and the crows… The birds appeared to be following them… Bass spotted them again and this time they were perched on the chimney top of the corner building in the side street they were aiming for…

As they drew closer to the shop, Bass felt his grin get wider… and this had looked like such a genteel retirement and bedroom town… The sign painted above the bay window in faded and peeling red and black letters said 'Red Hair and Black Leather – Tattoos, body piercing and leather goods…' Miraculously the windows were unbroken, the wooden panelled, double doors still on their hinges, the catch at the centre fastened with an old - fashioned padlock… dark and rusted but still solid… The mannequin had turned out to be a very well done painting inside the window of a beautiful woman with long, very red, luxuriously curling hair wearing what looked like a long, black leather duster, a tight, low cut bustier and leather pants with heavy biker boots to finish the look…a painted Motorbike with 'Vincent Black Lightening' written in flowing script on the body plainly visible behind her… Bass enjoyed the view for a moment – he'd ridden a Vincent Black Shadow once in Iraq, owned by a British officer who'd been there on an extended tour and totally enjoyed the experience… he vaguely remembered hearing a song once about a red headed girl and a 1952 Vincent too… then he shrugged… all gone now… He turned to the honey haired girl standing beside him who was looking closely at the painted breasts, rising perkily and suspiciously large above the painted leather… 'Yours are perfect just as they are Charlie…' he put his arms around her from behind and around her pack and squeezed her breasts so that they bulged up above her tank…'and she's probably wearing a push-up bra anyway…'

Charlie chuckled and put her hands over his for extra lift… 'I really need some new ones though…mine don't have any push-up left in them…'

'We might be lucky, Charlie…' Bass said, leaning around to drop a kiss beside her full mouth…'it doesn't look like anyone's been in there since the blackout… incredible…' he got out his multi-tool, put a foot on the single, worn, stone step up to the door and started picking the lock…

Charlie peered in through the window, cupping her hand to see around the painting... there was what looked like a steel grille behind it and the window appeared to be glazed with reinforced glass … 'Maybe there hasn't been anyone, Bass… It looks like a fortress in there – do you think the window's bullet proof…?'

He looked up from the lock and squinted at the glass, there were some faint marks on it that looked like someone had bashed it with something heavy, but it had stood up to everything without breaking…the door looked as though it had been pounded on a few times too… 'Wouldn't be surprised…but then they could have had thousands of dollars worth of leather in there…' he shrugged and went back to opening the padlock… 'I guess people just gave up trying and found easier places to get into…' there was a tiny click…'I've nearly got this, I think…' then he gave a little grunt of satisfaction as the padlock fell open in his hands…

Charlie turned around and did a quick check up and down the street – still nothing…except the crows, who'd moved to the roof of the building opposite, sitting silently… She met the eye of one of the pair as it lazily turned its head sideways on to look at her… She thought she saw a tiny flicker of green in its eye, a reflection maybe…? Charlie frowned…Crows were funny birds, very smart…maybe they thought she and Bass had food and might share…? Too bad for them, they could go catch their own… She left them to it and swung her pack off her shoulders onto the ground, untying one of the oil lamps they'd brought with them from where she'd hung it on her backpack and lighting it while Bass made short work of picking the remaining key lock. The double doors to the shop opened at his push with a squeal of dry hinges…

Bass went in first after doing a quick visual check - it was darker inside of course, with dusty sunbeams coming in through the open door and through gaps in the painted window and the place smelled of dusty wood, paint and leather, lots and lots of leather… no sign of anyone having been in before them though… the place looked undisturbed… Charlie followed him in, bringing the lamp and her pack in with her and looked around while Bass shut the door, securing the door latch and double bolts top and bottom on the inside then lighting another lamp…

The room they were in was large – about 20 by 60 feet, obviously converted from two smaller rooms, with a bare wooden floor, white walls and dirty white, decorative pressed tin ceiling… Curled wrought iron chandeliers hung from the centre points of the front and back sections of the room, each of them worth a fortune in the old world… There were long double racks of clothes, each rack with its dust cover on the walls to their left and right with more in dust covers on racks against the wall at the far end. The bottoms of shirts, jackets and pants showing underneath the covers… all in various shades of dust…

At the mid point of the room on the left were stairs leading to an upper level – a little red and black sign above the first treads stating 'Tatoos; upstairs'. Another set of stairs on the right at the back of the room had a sign stating 'Rest rooms, underwear, Cellar, downstairs'. There was another doorway at the very back of the room that said 'Office – staff only'… the door was closed…

A counter with a dusty Eftpos machine, a cash register and some rotating units displaying woven leather bracelets, necklaces with metal and stone charms and studded leather cuffs standing on it was to the right of the door with a couple of tall black stools were visible behind the counter. In front of the bay window, a couple of feet away from the metal security grille and the picture of the woman, repeated in reverse so that the image was visible from inside as well as outside the shop, there were two small, black vinyl tub seats and a red rectangular coffee table with a couple of tidy piles of magazines at the end – the on top of one was a copy of 'Inked', the other pile seemed to be motorcycle magazines.

Apart from the undisturbed layers of dust, it all looked strangely as though it would be business as usual sometime soon and Bass felt another jab of profound nostalgia…he'd gone to somewhere a lot like this to get his own tattoo…and to shops like it for good bike leathers... He rubbed the ridged scars on his left forearm… long years and a whole lot of fucked up history ago…

Charlie looked around, her eyes bright and a smile twitching her lips, it was rare to find shops that hadn't been looted over the years and left bare and broken…This was like a slice of the history that Aaron kept telling them about… She picked up the eftpos machine…still attached by its cords to the register…'What was this for…?'

Bass glanced across at her, holding his lamp up so that he could see better… 'That was the way most people paid for things back then Charlie…it's a computer that transferred money from the customer's bank account to the shopkeeper's to pay for whatever they wanted to buy… so they didn't have to carry around diamonds and gold weights…'

She looked doubtful…'But how did the shopkeeper know the buyer could pay if they couldn't see their gold or diamonds…?'

He laughed… 'Sometimes they didn't Charlie…'

She put it back with a look of disdain… 'Seems like a weird way of doing things…'

He shrugged…'Probably was…seemed like a good idea at the time though…' he adjusted the flame on his lamp to a brighter setting…'Let's do a sweep…office first, then tattoos and finish off with the Cellar…?' Charlie nodded, picked up her pack and slung it over one shoulder, her bow over that, carrying her lamp in her free hand…

The office and staff toilet/bathroom were empty apart from the usual office equipment, desk, land-line phone, shelves of files and reference material and desk top computer… the door to the outside was locked and double bolted and didn't look like it had been touched in years… The upstairs room was similar… the cubicles with their trolley beds, black and red privacy curtains tied back against the walls, tattoo guns in their rests on stainless steel trolley's, red and black linoleum tiles on the floor laid out in a chequerboard pattern… all silently waiting for the next customer to choose a tattoo or a piercing from the hundreds of designs displayed on the walls or in bound folders laid ready on a low table in the middle of the room…

Bass was starting to feel a bit spooked… it was almost too quiet…everything a little too perfect…

They started down the stairs, Bass going first, the wooden banister looked firm but it was chancy trusting it or the treads after so long without maintenance so when he heard the tiny noise from downstairs he held his free hand up to stop Charlie then froze, steadying himself against the wall…they were both still a little too high to see anything much of the room below so Bass cautiously moved down another couple of treads and looked around… then at the bottom of the stairs he saw flicker of movement – and relaxed, letting out the breath he'd been holding in a huff of air…'It was just a rat Charlie…' he said quietly…

Charlie started breathing again herself, lowered her crossbow and picked up her lamp again…'I hate rats, Bass…' she shifted her pack and her bow into a more comfortable spot on her back and followed him down…

The rest rooms and Cellar were next and Bass headed down the steep set of stairs into the much darker space below… lamp in one hand, a sword in the other just in case…

Their two lamps lit up a cavernous space that seemed to go on forever…with multiple reflections of the lights tracing mysterious lines and curves in the huge, floor to ceiling, rectangular gold rococo framed mirrors that leaned against the walls around the room… In the centre was a large, oval, island couch, the back supports forming a smaller oval in the centre a velvet black, the cushioned seats surrounding them crimson, golden clawed feet resting on a black and red chequered floor the same as in the tattoo room…

In between the mirrors were tall, narrow display units, shelves and cupboards, some with stacked items of clothing, some with exotic high-heeled shoes, masks and other things that Charlie couldn't identify but that made Bass lift an eyebrow…his lips twitching… They did a quick circuit and although there were some small things that had been slightly disturbed – most likely the work of rats or mice, it seemed to be clear…

At the bottom of the stairs and to the right were two doors – a universal male symbol on one and a female symbol on the other… both rooms proved to be empty as well, and complete with rolls of disintegrating paper, rusted cans of air freshener and congealed and soured hand wash in the dispensers… There were assorted vending machines in each rest room as well, but the contents were perished and sad looking… Bass shrugged…he hadn't expected anything different but it would have been nice to have some little conveniences…

Charlie started looking in the cupboards and shelves around the room for things they could use or trade, making a pile of finds on that side of the couch…the light from her lamp dancing in the mirrors as she moved around…

Bass left her to it for a minute, put his lamp on the table in the centre of the island couch, brushed as much of the dust off the cushions as he could then sat down with a sigh... resting his head back and stretching his legs out in front of him… he looked up at the ceiling, there were mirrors up there too… He chuckled; all they needed was the pink champagne on ice… He shut his eyes and relaxed back into the unaccustomed comfort of soft cushions…

Charlie was having a great time… she had found some underwear that she was dying to try on, she had also found some leather pants, a couple of tops like the one in the picture of the red haired woman and a few jackets…and some absolutely fantastic boots… Bass heard a series of exclamations; gasps and sighs as she moved around the room… and then the sound of buttons and the thumps of things hitting the cushions… He cracked an eye open… 'What are you doing Charlie…?'

'Don't look yet Bass' her voice, bubbling with laughter came from behind him… But he could see her wavy and indistinct reflection in the mirror in front of him… he frowned… what the hell was she wearing? He was suddenly wide-awake…

Charlie smoothed the leather over her hips and adjusted her breasts inside the leather cups of the bustier she'd found… then bent over forwards, fluffing her hair up so that it fell in tumbled waves around her shoulders when she stood up… staggering a tiny bit as she did… she wasn't used to wearing heels but the boots had been a temptation she couldn't resist - and they were her size…

She looked in the mirror… except for the colour of her hair – and in this light it was difficult to tell the colour anyway, she looked a lot like the red haired woman in the picture…and she felt amazing… The black and shiny leather pieces were such good quality and had been packed so carefully that they had survived the years with almost no sign of damage… The pants, narrow with black lacing at the waist and down the sides were snug in all the right places and even though it had taken a bit of effort to get them on their little secret made it totally worth it…and they made her legs look a mile long… The bustier pushed her breasts up, making them seem full and ripe and showing off her narrow waist… the strip of uncovered flesh between it and the pants gleaming and provocative… revealing little glimpses of her belly button when she moved… She'd found a thigh length black jacket… close fitting and flaring out from the hips… and the boots…black of course… were soft and slightly pointed, with high, thin heels – really impractical but they made her feel so…tall, and…sexy… She remembered Maggie talking about the fun of shopping for clothes…she hadn't believed her really, clothes had always been practical, realistic and makeshift, and rarely new… she'd seen women in Georgia in dresses and good clothes and had wondered a little how it would be to buy things just because they looked good… But to just find stuff like this was… incredible… She couldn't wait to see Bass' face…

'Okay Bass… I'm ready…' she called out then strutted… the high heels made her walk very differently, and she was very conscious of the sway of her hips, her buttocks and thighs tensing and releasing, the slight strain on her calves as she moved around the big couch and stood in front of him, a little smile playing around her lips…one knee slightly bent, in the pose of the woman in the picture…She looked down at Bass, lying sprawled over the cushions, and he was like all of her dreams come to life… It was so strange but even though she knew his body so well and had felt him inside her so many times – loving each and every one…each time still felt new and exciting…

His broad, heavily muscled chest was outlined beautifully by the soft material of his shirt, pulled taut by his strong arms, which were flung out across the tops of the cushions… His long legs were splayed out and relaxed, the bulge at their apex accentuated by the thin fabric of his jeans, which was definitely starting to strain as she watched… She smiled in satisfaction then looked back up at his face…his eyes were wide and electric blue, focused on her, his lips parted… She tilted her head and her smile widened into a grin – her dimples peeking out… Good, he liked it….

Bass felt his mouth drop open and his dick spring to immediate attention, his pants feeling way too tight… Charlie looked sexy as hell and he could feel himself salivating… he licked his lips…'Wow…' his eyes raked her from top to toe 'My God, Charlie you are a total wet dream…'

Charlie looked down at her beautiful Bass; this was going to be fun… She remembered the show she'd given him in the old shower block in New Vegas…and her grin got a bit wider… She moved her hips a little and started to shimmy out of the jacket, slowly peeling it down over her shoulders, while she swayed a little from side to side on her boots, her hair bouncing gently as she moved…then she reached behind her, the movement making her breasts bulge out a little more over the top of her bustier and she pulled one of the jacket sleeves down and off, then the other…and dropped it on the floor…

Bass had a little smile playing around his lips and one of his hands was on his thigh, stroking up and down, the bulge of his cock noticeably bigger… his eyes were burning blue and she could feel the heat of his gaze as it sizzled over the newly exposed skin of her arms, shoulders and the top of her breasts… his tongue darted out to run around his lips and Charlie felt her eyes drawn to it… She wanted his lips on her so much, right now and she reached down to show him her surprise…

She ran her hands slowly over her breasts then down over the front of the bustier to the low-slung waistband of the pants… There were little buttons on each side of the waist – two at the front and two at the back and she undid them then took her hands away… The strip of leather held up by the buttons fell to the floor to join the jacket, leaving her legs encased in leather with a narrow strip continuing up either hip to the waistband… the pale skin of her belly and her pussy with its dark golden curls totally exposed and standing out in stark contrast to the black leather… Charlie grinned at the look of total lust on Bass' face… then she turned around on the balls of her feet to show him the back… the pale globes of her ass, framed in black leather and bare to his gaze…

She heard a gasp from behind her and suddenly he was there…his hot hard body pressed up behind her, his breath on her neck… his lips pressing hungry kisses to the sensitive skin there, his tongue running a searing line down to her shoulder…His hands were hard on her hips, the fingers gripping and pulling her ass back against the velvet hardness of his dick, liberated, ready and oh so willing… He slid one hand down the front of her, pressing his fingers through her curls, cupping her pussy in his big hand… the other went to the back and stroked down over her ass cheeks…his fingers moving between her legs…she gasped as he circled her clit from the front and thrust into her soft and wet folds from behind… The boots made her taller and he seemed to be able to reach that much farther and deeper…She clamped her leather clad thighs together over his wrist as her whole body suddenly spasmed around his fingers…

He laughed softly…his breath hot in her ear… 'Charlie…you are amazing… and I want to fuck you so much I'm aching…but you look so delicious in those eat me pants…' he swung around and dropped to his knees in front of her, running his hands up the front of the boots up her legs and up to her hips and ass, his long fingers holding her tightly in place, his thumbs stroking the delicate skin of her belly… his eyes following his hands… Then he looked up at her and licked his lips… bringing his hands down and running them between her legs and up to cup one of her ass cheeks with each hand, pulling her forward towards his waiting mouth…'and I've got to taste you first…'

He pulled her towards him a little bit more and Charlie felt her knees start to buckle as his tongue slid between her pussy lips and onto her clit… she felt the wonderful tightness in her belly begin again and as he sucked and played with her she had to lean her hands on his shoulders to keep upright… he laughed against her, the laugh vibrating through her until she saw stars… and leaned panting against him…but he wasn't finished yet… He pulled back a little and slid one arm under her thigh, lifting the leg until it rested on his shoulder, her other leg trembling and her arms almost giving out… But the position gave him much more access and he feasted on her, his lips and tongue sucking and tasting, slipping and nibbling, warm and so, so clever… He held her there with one arm while the other moved up to support the rest of her… the tips of his fingers reaching her mouth and she sucked and bit down on them as she came and came in brilliant flashes of sensation, feeling the bristles of his beard and moustache scraping lightly at the sensitized bud of her clit as he moved up and away…

Bass let her leg down, stood up and kissed her, his breath coming fast, his lips and tongue soft and gentle but demanding and she could taste her own spicy juices on them…Then he stepped back a little and turned her towards the wall…'Look in the mirrors Charlie…look at how gorgeous you are…' She looked and there they both were, bathed in the golden light of the lamps…Bass still so much taller than her – even with the boots, standing behind her, his powerful, lean body outlined in a golden glow…and she… looking thoroughly made love to, her hair mussed and tangled into a shining mass… her body in black leather… except for her shoulders and arms - and her pussy…'You look perfect Charlie…' he whispered into her ear…'now where and how do you want me to fuck you...'

She leaned her head back against his shoulder and rubbed her ass against the smooth, hard ridge of his cock… 'I want to be able to see while you're fucking me Bass…' she said… her belly clenching at the thought of being able to watch him plunging into her again and again…

His low laugh vibrated through her…'Ok… Charlie…' he stroked his hands up and down her body, from her breasts to her thighs…'if you get down on your hands and knees on the couch…you'll be able to watch us in the mirror…'

Charlie somehow got her legs under control and took the couple of steps to the couch… looking back at Bass over her shoulder… he was watching her avidly as she walked, his hand idly stroking his dick… she settled herself on her hands and knees on the cushions where he'd been sitting, the cushions still warm from his body… He came towards her, the warmth from his body radiating out… and he stroked a hand over her back and down over her ass… Then she felt the cushions sink as he knelt behind her and in the mirror she could see him guide his cock towards her entrance, feeling him entering and stretching her out at the same time as she saw it…meeting his eyes in the mirror as he watched them too… Then he grasped her hips and slid himself suddenly all the way into her hot and wet core… then drew out again… Charlie was so turned on she thrust herself back towards him, to get more and more and more of him; she could hear herself gasping and panting, could hear his rough pants and feel his pleasure growing with hers as he moved in and out and she knew she would never, ever forget this… then Bass plunged into her one more time, held himself there for a long moment, and pulled out, spilling himself over the crimson cushions…

They both collapsed onto the softness… Bass cushioned as well by the soft globes of Charlotte's ass…and he rubbed his cheek on them… tickling her with the scruff of his beard… she laughed – too spent to move…'Bass… that tickles…'

He chuckled back…'Can't help it Charlie… your ass is just calling out to be tickled…' he sat up and ran his hand over the soft cheeks again…'I absolutely love these pants…is there a boy version?' He leaned forward and play bit then kissed her ass cheeks until she wriggled underneath him, laughing uncontrollably… 'Bass….'

A little later, Bass and Charlie were back in the ground floor room by the double doors… almost ready to leave 'Red Hair and Black Leather'. They had rigged up a hauling sled out of bits and pieces of shop fittings and one of the trolley beds and it was piled high with things they could wear or trade…including several pairs of the magic black pants and a few other special little things… Charlie had also packed the heeled ankle boots, although she'd found a couple of pairs of good, sturdy flat ones too… All in all it had been a pretty good trip…

She grinned up at Bass…'Hey, you ready…?'

He smiled back at her… God he was one lucky man… he looked out of the window first to check the road… and it all looked pretty good…'If you are Charlie…' he said…

As they made their way back to the wagon through the quiet, sunlit streets, nothing else moved that wasn't blown by the wind… The crows were still around though, sitting back on their branch in the old Oak tree… Bass nodded at them as he and Charlie passed by, dragging their sled along behind them, and for one strange moment he thought that the birds nodded back, their heads with the sharp beaks dipping in unison, bright green and black eyes unblinking…. Then he forgot about them as Charlie passed him a piece of jerky along with a grin and a promise in her blue eyes that had his toes curling… and it was a fucking good day to be alive….


AN: Well, there you are Lemon… a little bit of birthday fun for you - and for Charlie and Bass…

Have a great day! Magpie