This is the new story for today. Despite a few major problems in my own literature careers and to my steady food poisoning, i still force myself to keep myself at higher most even when i'm began to suffer the medical symptoms of nausea, vomiting and shock. Please enjoy this by the way!

PS: Some of my stories will be put on hold, by the way. Once again, please enjoy reading the new story!

Chapter 1 - Gossips

A few months after Dusty and Dipper married, the Piston Peak Air Attack Team were being rejoiced by the blissful event. They could see Dusty and Dipper starting their days and nights together. They also flew in firefighting sorties too. Blade and Maru finally realized that they were having a blast in their very lives.

One day, Maru was doing some hangar works along with Dynamite...

"Maru, look's like that the team were quite astonished yet." - Dynamite said -

"Yeah, you're right. Dusty and Dipper were quite faithful lovers indeed. No one could separate them." - Maru replied -

"Dusty and Dipper also had their own names too. They were now named with Firehopper." - Dynamite added -

"Dusty and Dipper Firehopper, eh? That's surreal to me, Dynamite." - Maru replied -

Dusty and Dipper then entered, having overheard their private conversation...

"Hey, guys. We heard you guys talking about us." - Dusty said -

"What?! N-N-No, Dusty. You got it all wrong. We're taking...err i mean, we're talking about Dynamite's beauty on the firefighting field." - Maru replied, pale -

"You ok?" - Dipper asked -

"Uhh...yeah except that i'm a little bit jumpy today." - Maru said -

"Is that so? Meh, we're going to the skies above Piston Peak National Park. We'll be back later." - Dusty said -

"Ok, guys. Take care and by the way, we're going to watch a new movie." - Dynamite replied -

"We will, guys. We're going to watch that movie that you guys talking about later on." - Dusty said -

Dusty and Dipper then left. Maru sighed in relieve...

"Man, that's too close for comfort. That's too a close shave." - Maru said -

"You should be careful on that one, Maru. If they know about this, we're fried." - Dynamite added -

"Who's fried?" - a voice asked -

Maru and Dynamite were stunned by Dusty's question. They realized that Dusty was eavesdropping on them rather than leaving to the skies with Dipper already...

"I noticed something suspicious, guys. What is all about anyway?" - Dusty asked -

Maru sighed...

"We're talking about you and Dipper, Dusty. We noticed that you were having a very precious time with her with every second that you spent. We're all feeling proud with you and Dipper but we didn't mean to spread the information further to any person that we befriend. We don't gossip too much." - Maru said -

"What are you talking about, Maru? It's ok to spread the words about us to the world, by the way." - Dusty reassured -

"Really?" - Maru asked -

"Yeah. We're firefighters of a great nation, Maru. Just remember that." - Dusty replied -

Maru calmed down. Dynamite also calmed down too...

"Oh, ok. We almost forgot that. Thanks for reminding us that." - Maru said -

"Pleasure, Maru." - Dusty replied -

He left the hangar to join Dipper in the skies. Maru was relieved again...

"Well, case dismissed for you and me." - Maru said -

Dynamite snickered along. They then continued on their hangar works again.

This is the end of Chapter 1. Maru and Dynamite enjoyed together on gossiping but they were gossiping carefully since they don't want to tick off Dusty and Dipper's relationship by that. Stay tuned for Chapter 2, everyone!