Chapter 1

There is a ficticious world that lies paralell to ours. It has existed since man learned to write and started to grow as man began to write fiction. It changes with each written work. This world varies as each writer wishes. Today I will began to change it again.

Fiction, reality and fantasy will mix and mingle in ways that few might dream of.

The world is divided into five great lands. They are: the Land of Fire, the Land of Water, the Land of Wind, the Land of Earth, and the Land of Lightning. Around them are smaller lands and island nations.

My story is about a young girl who survives a violent childhood that begins to change in her 11th year. It continues to change until on her 17th birthday she fulfills the destiny she was born with and then lives the life she built for herself.

My story begins the tenth of October. To the Western World, that is the year 1540. To those of Asian descent, it is the year of the Rabbit yin water.

In the Land of Fire, there lies a village. In the village lives a young leader and his pregnant wife of a year. They are both strong ninja and though not everyone's idea of the ideal match for either one, they are quite happy together. He draws on her strength and she trusts in his.

On this sunny, cool day, she is humming as she stands over the bronze hibachi, cooking a tasty soup when suddenly she feels liquid run down her legs. She very calmly steps back and creates a clone. The original then turns to the young anbu with her and says, "Raidou, my water has broken."

The 11 year old stood. Leaving his scrolls behind, he grabbed up the bag they had set near the door and drawing a three-pronged kunai, he threw it. With a burst of yellow light, they disappeared.

The clone meanwhile was in the study writing a note which it sent via an arranged way. Then she sealed the house shut. Going to the Sarutobi clan compound, she alerted the former vilage leader's wife before dispelling.

So the contractions began. The wife labored until 45 minutes past 8 that night when a small cry broke through the chilly night's stillness.

Up on the moon, a young-looking reigning queen named Meratyia smiled as she saw the beautiful baby girl. It reminded her very much of Serenity's birth. The now 7 year old future queen reached up as if wanting to be picked up and held. The tall, slender woman lifted her young daughter. The seven year old looked at the mirror. Smiling at her mother, she said, "Sissy. That's Sissy."

The royalty around Meratyia and the mythical watchers smiled at the young girl's witty statement.

Queen Relicity looked at the baby girl with a doctor's eye. It surprised her that for being born on time, the baby girl was quite small. "3 pounds 5 ounces. About 16 inches. Sayuri is a lovely baby girl." Beside her stood Raiya, Queen of Mars.

Raiya was the mother of 7 year old Rei and 3 month old Rhea. This lovely queen was the priestess among them. Looking at the image of the baby girl, she said, "This baby girl will be put through the purifying flame and emerge as gold." All there grew sober at this. Then as one they looked at Saturn's queen.

Nalia looked at the image and said, "Born of love, she is born to love. She will change a world that is torn." Silence lay heavy after that for it only reminded them of the suffering that lay ahead of this child.

Down on Earth, the young father was then drawn into fighting an unknown enemy. He defeated his plans and in sealing the demon fox into his newborn daughter, he provided the means for the enemy to be fully defeated. With his last breath, he saw the village would be guided by a wise hand and he provided his newborn child with a dwelling.

The former village leader carried the infant girl to his house where she was temporarily placed in the care of a young kunoichi until someone could be found to permanently care for her.

Back on the moon, Meratyia led the group to the council chamber. There each royal took their place. It was Queen Ulana who asked, "What now, Mera?" She was answered with this "We have one month to prepare. I will do the melding on the next full moon. That said, I will go speak with Shinigami. He should exchange their souls for the pearl. We all know how he favors that prize. Junila, you will go with me. Venus, will you see a chamber is readied? Our guests will need one. Rel, there may be some checking needed. Outer Senshi, you are to return to your posts."

Athena said, "You know the family of the mother has been alerted."

"Yes. If the note is any indication, they will be an ally," said Meratyia. She headed back to her room to get her cloak and was stopped by the sight of an old man cradling the baby girl close. "That is the village leader before Minato. It looks like he will return to power," said she to Junila and Athena.

"May I watch whilst you prepare?" asked the grey-eyed goddess. She smiled and nodded as Meratyia nodded. The two parted then.

Shinigami knew the instant his cousin entered his realm. He was drawn to the power radiating off the pearl. As he too had watched the last goings on, he was aware of what her request would be and what price she was willing to pay. He agreed it was a good deal. "Hello, Cousin. Here to make a deal?"

"Yes, Shinigami. The pearl in exchange for the souls of Minato and Kushina. You know well and good why I ask this."

"Indeed I do, Meratyia. Granted," said the ghostly, white-robed god. He watched the Moon Kingdom's queen lead the two freed souls to their new home. Then he devoured the pearl.

As they traveled, the soul of Minato pondered the exchange. Though he was dead, he still maintained the thoughtful, pondering being that he always had been. He finally asked, "What was so special about that pearl that the Shinigami would release us?"

"It is a pearl grown in a pool of mercury and water under the light of the Silver Crystal. The Silver Crystal is my source of power and with it, I rule the planets and stars. As a ruler himself, he craves this for it will boost his power anew. Come. Sayuri has many watching over her, but none of us have as much right as you two," said Meratyia. It was then they arrived on the moon. They were met by Venus and Athena.

"Meratyia, that old man may be good, but he is a fool. He has announced that little Sayuri is the new jinnchuriki. Already there have been two attempts on her life," said the goddess.

Meratyia shook her head. She sighed and introduced Minato and Kushina to Athena. Then she led them to Venus who led them to the chamber where she showed them the clothes. She left to let them freshen up and change. Meanwhile, Meratyia and Athena went back to her room. They arrived in time to see Sayuri being held by a woman who was heard to say that she was her great grandmother.

Down on Earth, Hiruzen watched Minako Daiyo take Sayuri in her arms. He smiled sadly as she cradled the infant close to her heart. He knew how close this matriarch had been to her granddaughter and how she might wish to take in her great granddaughter.