Blaine stood in his bedroom, adjusting his bow-tie as the voice of Taylor Swift flowed through the radio. He couldn't help but hum along, a slight skip in his step as he moved to grab his suit jacket before returning to the mirror and grinning at his reflection. He had decided to pass on the hair gel tonight, letting his hair hang in loose curls, some hanging down over his face. It wasn't ideal, but he had gotten a lot of compliments on his hair when he left it natural instead of gelling it back.

Sam had insisted on trying out the new local gay bar. Since Scandals closed, there hadn't really been anywhere for Blaine to meet other gay boys - not that he really wanted to, anyway. His break up with Kurt had been traumatic enough, and was still fresh in his mind despite Sam's insistence that "it's been over four months"and "come on, dude, live a little!"

Still, his best friend did have a point. Not that Blaine was planning on hopping into bed with the first guy he met. No, the whole point in this night out was simply to dip his toe in the water - talk to some cute boys, maybe flirt a little, get a taste of living a life without Kurt – of maybe being happy with someone else. His heart sank at the thought, but Kurt had made his choice and broken off their engagement. Blaine wasn't sure he could trust Kurt after that, even if the other boy had ever changed his mind.

It wasn't that Blaine was over Kurt. It still hurt like a bitch sometimes. At the beginning, Blaine had shut himself off in his bedroom, refusing to speak to anyone, even Sam or his parents. It wasn't until the middle of the third week, when Blaine had pretty much sobbed himself dry, that he so much as stepped outside his home, and that was only to collect a piled up collection from his mailbox in his housecoat, concealing the fact that he was still in his underwear. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), graduating that summer had meant that he had nowhere he needed to be, allowing him to live up to his full potential as a hermit. Slowly but surely, though, Blaine (with a LOT of pushing from Sam and nagging from Tina) had managed to regain some semblance of a life. He started seeing his friends occasionally, he began to actually take care of his appearance again, and he had even snagged a part time job at a local cafe. It was a quiet little place called "Sugar & Spice" situated in a less frequented part of town. Blaine sometimes wondered how his manager Tony kept the place up and running, but as far as he knew there was no issues there. The fact of the matter was, he was content. Not quite back to being himself, but at least he was functioning properly again.

With a quick check of the clock on his bedroom wall, Blaine realized he was running slightly late. "Shit," he mumbled, almost tripping over his own feet as he gathered the last of his things before rushing out the door to his apartment, hurriedly locking it behind him.

Karma was situated a little closer to Blaine's home than it would have if he still lived with his parents - a small blessing of sorts. This meant that it only took Blaine approximately 20 minutes to drive at the fastest speed he could in his yellow 1954 mini cooper without breaking the speed limit (of which Blaine doubted that his car was capable, even if he had dared to try).

Blaine exited the car, gazing up at the building before him distractedly. From the outside he could already tell that the place was way bigger than Scandals. The nightclub had formed quite a lengthy queue, and the bouncers appeared to be checking the ID cards meticulously. Before he could begin to worry about that fact, though, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

3 new messages
5 missed calls

All the missed calls were from Sam. Blaine winced, opening the first message.

SAM: Where r u man? Im inside, sitting near the back next to the purple elephant sculpture. U can't miss it, c u soon

Purple elephant sculpture? The hell kind of place was Sam dragging him to? What would this night even lead to? He was never going to forget their impromptu trip to Vegas, in which Sam had dragged him to a bar that had been recommended to him by a distant cousin or something, and Blaine had woken up in the hallway of his hotel room, having apparently not even made it to the bed, less one shoe and one sock with no recollection of the previous night. Pushing the thought aside, he read the next text, also from Sam.

SAM: DUde plz tell me ur not standing me up, ive been propositioned twice already and they wont believe im straight, plz hurry

Rolling his eyes, Blaine moved on to the next text.

UNKNOWN SENDER: Look to your left ;)

Furrowing his brow, Blaine squinted at his phone perplexed. He figured it was a wrong number, but curiosity had him glance over to the left of the queue next to what appeared to be a back door, and he immediately froze. A pair of familiar green eyes leered back at him, accompanied by a knowing smirk.

Blaine hesitated, then approached the man standing next to the door. "What the hell are you doing here, Sebastian? And how did you even get my number?"

Sebastian just chuckled, bringing a fluttering feeling out in Blaine's stomach, and a pink tinge to his cheeks. "I forgot how hot you were when you were flustered, killer. Care to step inside?" he asked, producing some sort of keycard from his pocket, swiping it on the side of the door swiftly, and the door opened with a click. "Staff card, not mine." Sebastian winked, in reply to Blaine's questioning gaze. Which just raised more questions than it answered, really. "Come on in, B," Sebastian grinned at the shorter boy, "Unless you'd rather wait in line to get in?"

Blaine glanced back at the queue, noting that it didn't seem to be moving at all, and seemed to have accumulated more club goers in the short time that Blaine had allowed himself to be distracted by his… his what? Ex friend? Tormentor? Blaine wasn't even sure what Sebastian was to him. Nonetheless, it was freezing, Sam was waiting inside and he was sure it would take at least an hour for him to get in without Sebastian's aid, so he followed reluctantly into the smoky entrance, barely concealing the blaring music coming from inside the club.

They were in some sort of storeroom, judging from the piles and piles of boxes surrounding them. Apart from that, the room was pretty bare. Blaine raised his eyes at Sebastian, who just grinned at him triumphantly. "Good to see you again, killer. I was starting to think that your fiancée had locked you up somewhere to stop you from going out and having a good time."

Blaine paused in his tracks, shooting a glare at the older boy. "For your information, Kurt and I broke up. Four months ago. He broke it off. And no, I don't want to talk about it. Now, where are we and how do I get into the club? Sam's waiting on me." He waited for a reply, but Sebastian appeared to be taken aback by the news of his break-up with Kurt, if looks were anything to go by. His jaw was slack, and for once he seemed to be lost for words. "This is the part where you say 'I told you so' or gloat, or whatever you're going to do, Sebastian. Just get it over with, and let me go and find my best friend".

He waited on some sort of sarcastic retort or gleeful triumph from Sebastian. However, Blaine was taken aback by the softened look aimed in his direction. He didn't even know Sebastian was capable of such a look. He would almost say that he appeared to care about Blaine's happiness. Which couldn't be the case, could it? Not when he'd shamelessly pursued Blaine countless times, after Blaine telling him he had a boyfriend. Not after he'd blatantly insulted Blaine's fiancée and friends for no good reason other than to stir up trouble. And certainly not after he'd landed Blaine in hospital, nearly blinding him for good. The only other time he had seen Sebastian look so remorseful was after Karofsky's attempted suicide, when he was apologising and proposing a truce between the Warblers and New Directions.

"Blaine, I- god, I'm sorry." Spotting the sceptical look on Blaine's features, Sebastian hunched his shoulders. "Really. You're too good for him, B. Come on, let's get you good and drunk, yes?"

"But Sam-"

"The more the merrier!" Sebastian winked, his demeanour appearing to turn back to normal. "I'll be by the bar!"

Sebastian swung open the door at the other side of the storeroom, and suddenly the music blasted through. They were playing some upbeat techno dance song that Blaine was sure he'd never heard before. He followed the other boy through, surveying his surroundings. They had come out behind the bar area. The dance floor was huge, and extremely busy. Bodies moved together to the beat of the music, some grinding against one another, and some simply dancing beside one another. All sorts of colourful sculptures decorated the place, along with eccentric artwork around the walls which could barely be seen unless the lights flashed in that direction. Sebastian whispered something to one of the barmen, sliding the keycard to him and nudging him with his shoulder, grinning. Blaine frowned. He was not jealous. He was not. He just didn't appreciate Sebastian's shameless flirting with any man that moved.

He spotted Sam, who seemed to be talking animatedly to a couple of drag queens beside the purple sculpture that he had described in his text. If he was still wondering where Blaine was, it really didn't show. He seemed to be in his element, and Blaine could tell by his stance that he was wowing his growing audience with impressions. Chuckling under his breath and shaking his head, Blaine made his way over to his friend, leaving Sebastian to flirt with the guy behind the bar at his own leisure. It wasn't like Blaine cared, anyway.


"So I was like- Blaine! BLAINE!" Sam yelled, gesturing the boy approaching him to come closer. "Where have you been, dude?! I'd almost given up on you!"

"It looks like you'd forgotten me!" Blaine replied, straining his voice over the loud music.

"Nah, man," Sam replied, grabbing two drinks from the table beside him, "Here, I got this for you while I was waiting – drink up!"


It was about an hour later when Blaine saw Sebastian again. By this point, he had downed round seven screwdrivers, not to mention whatever the throat burning shots were that Sam kept returning from the bar with. Needless to say, he was feeling considerably looser. He was even willing to admit that Sebastian was looking hot as ever. He grinned over to the boy, all hostility forgotten as he approached.

"Seb! I forgot you were here!" Blaine swayed, almost knocking into a few bodies to move closer to Sebastian.

"Woah, woah! What the hell happened, B? You weren't this bad when I saw you last!" He smirked, gripping the top of Blaine's arms gently to stop him from falling over or bumping into anyone else.

"I'm always bad" Blaine practically purred, leaning into the touch and bringing his mouth to Sebastian's ear, before lowering his voice seductively. "You know, you're pretty pretty…" Blaine giggled. "Ha, pretty pretty. That's the same word!"

Sebastian rolled his eyes, gently pulling the other boy away to a less crowded area by the wall. "Yeah, yeah, I'm irresistible. Where's Sam?"

"I don't.. uh, what?" Blaine continued to sway, evidently having lost the ability to control his balance. His eyes were glazed over, and his face was a little too pale.

Sebastian glanced around the club looking for the other man, before coming to a decision. "Right, let's get you home, killer."

"Yeah! Take me home!" Blaine giggled again, leaning into Sebastian.

The other boy chuckled, draping Blaine's arm over him, and pulling him towards the exit. "Not like that, B. Not tonight."



As the fresh air hit him, Blaine felt a sudden wave of nausea convulse through his entire body. "Ugh, I don't feel so good, Bas."

Sebastian looked around them, then led the inebriated man to a secluded patch of grass beside the nightclub, sitting him down before settling beside him, letting the other boy lean against him for support. "Listen to me, B. We're going to sit here for a bit, see if your head clears a little, then we're going to get you home, okay? Where do you live now, anyway?"

However, Blaine was in no state to reply. As soon as he opened his mouth, his body spasmed before he leaned away from where Sebastian was sitting, and began to breath really quickly. Seb brought his hand to Blaine's back, rubbing gently. "It's alright, B. Let it all out, okay?" he said softly. At his words, Blaine spasmed again, and he proceeded to vomit as Sebastian continued to run his palm up and down his back.

Once he managed to choke the last of it out, Blaine promptly blacked out.