Jacky woke up and yawned loudly. Violet lay in bed next to him, half naked, with a serene look on her face. Jacky felt relieved at this, because she had been having nightmares frequently lately.

He got out of bed and wandered to the bathroom. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth before getting dressed. After that, he went back over to the bed and shook Violet awake. "Get up, Vi, the bathroom's all yours." The purple-haired mage smiled and pulled him down for a kiss.

"Good morning," she mumbled upon separating. She slipped out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom to get ready for the day when Jacky heard a knock on the door. He answered it and, as expected, Violet's sister, Scarlet, was there.
"Hurry it up, guys, I don't want to be in this dirty Inn any longer than needed," she said.

"Yeah, yeah, we know, Scarlet. Your sister just needs to take a shower and get dressed and we'll be on our way."

Scarlet smiled mischievously and said, "Why don't you climb in with her, Lizard Boy?" Scarlet, ever since she started travelling with him and Violet, has been teasing Jacky and Violet about their relationship, and ever time he'd respond to her teasing the same way he'd respond to Makoto's teasing back in Military School.

By pounding his fist into the top of her head.

It didn't take Violet too long and the three of them left the inn and wandered through the first city, Okoto.
"So where should we look first?" Violet asked.

"Let's try the library," Jacky said, "There must be something on Kushinada's Lynchpin there."
In the middle of their travels, they heard of Kushinada's Lynchpin. It was an object said to be capable of completely stopping the flow of seithr. An item like that could prove useful against Izanami. Since then, the trio focused their travels on searching for any info on the Lynchpin. All other free time they had was spent developing their individual skills. Scarlet with her explosives and scythe-dependent attacks, Violet with magic and her attacks with the Gemini daggers, and Jacky with the Drakos and his fire-based skills.

"Ugh, why don't we just go ask that vampire girl about it! I'm sure she knows something!" Ask Rachel? Well, they HAD been searching for a while with little to no results. It couldn't hurt.

"Alright, Violet, teleport us to Rachel."

She concentrated on a mental image of Rachel and activated the teleportation spell, but it ended in failure and only gave her a slight headache. "Something's going on. My magic's being blocked! I can't get us to her location."
"That's not good. Can you at least discern her location?"
She nodded and said, "She's in the fifth city, Ibukido."
"Then let's get going!"

"Wait just a second!"

An unfamiliar voice caught their attention. A small girl dropped from above and landed in front of the trio. She looked…familiar.

"Are you Jacky Sol Ray?" the girl asked.

He nodded his head, while trying to wrap his head around why she looked familiar. "Very well, then. I'd like you and your companions to follow me." She walked away, towards the residential district of Okoto.

"Should we trust her?" Scarlet asked.

"Well, there's three of us and we're all pretty good. I think we'll be fine," Jacky replied, following the girl. The two women shrugged their shoulders and followed along.

It took them a while, but their destination was a café on the edge of the city. Sitting in a number of seats were customers who all came in for different treats. The girl that led the trio behind her walked over to a booth where a man sat alone with a single cup of coffee in front of him.

"Yugo, I brought them with me, like you asked," The girl said.

"Oh, thanks a lot, Angel." The girl he called Angel sat down on the opposite side of the booth and the two looked at Jacky, Violet, and Scarlet. "You may sit down if you want, Jacky. I'm getting uncomfortable just watching you stand there," Yugo said.

The three of them sat down, Scarlet next to Yugo, Jacky and Violet next to Angel.
"You know me?" Jacky asked. "How? Have we met somewhere before?"

"I don't blame you for not recognizing me. We didn't exactly get to know each other back at the Academy," he replied. "I'm Yugo. Yugo Abuki."

"I think I remember you, but whatever. So Yugo, why'd you bring us here?" Violet and Jacky felt a chill while they were sitting next to Angel. She seemed eerily familiar and it was beginning to bother them.

"Kagura sent me to find you. He wanted me to tell you 'we're knocking on death's door and we want you to be there when we win.'"
"Wait, you guys found a way to combat Izanami?" Jacky demanded. "What is it? How does he plan to do it?"
"He found something called Kushinada's Lynchpin," he answered.

Later that day...

Jacky, Violet, and Scarlet followed Angel and Yugo out of the city towards a luxury airship that was headed for Yabiko. When they boarded the airship, Jacky, Violet, and Scarlet were each given a room of their own.

"We only need two rooms, thank you," Jacky said to Yugo. The man raised a brow and asked why.

"Because he and my sister are lovebirds!" Scarlet declared. "I thought that was obvious!"
Yugo's eyes widened and even Angel gave a surprised look. "R-Really? Is that true, Jacky?" Yugo asked. The Beastkin nodded his head indifferently. He was used to Scarlet's constant teasing just as he was used to Makoto's teasing.

"Yeah, that's right. Is there a problem?" He asked. Yugo quickly shook his head and Angel giggled behind him. The three of them were led to their rooms aboard the airship and the trio gladly dropped their belongings inside before following Yugo and Angel to the food court. (Yes, it was THAT big!)

After grabbing their food, the five of them seated themselves at an empty table in the center of the room. "So Kagura sent you to find us, huh?" Jacky asked, to which Yugo confirmed with a nod of his head.

"Are you sure he was looking for me and not the two women with me?" He asked with an unimpressed glance.

Yugo sweatdropped and averted his gaze for a moment before replying, "I'm certain that he was…looking for you, but the fact that you had Scarlet and Violet with you is very likely another reason, I hate to admit."

"I'm guessing that when you enlisted in the NOL, they assigned you a spot as one of Kagura's subordinates, right?" Again, Yugo nodded his head with a more depressed expression this time. "I almost can't stand being around that man! The way he treats women is unacceptable," he groaned.

"Yeah, I know. I don't care how many women he gets with that behavior, I don't like it; especially when he does it to Makoto." Yugo raised his head and stared at Jacky with surprise.

"Especially when it comes to Makoto," Yugo agreed. "I've been meaning to ask you since I first saw you with Makoto at the academy, Jacky, but how well do you know Makoto? She always talked to you the most when you were around."
"Me and Makoto grew up together in Shinatsu. We're childhood friends," he explained. Again Yugo found himself surprised.

"W-What kind of guy is her…type?" Yugo reluctantly asked, making Jacky snicker and Scarlet and Angel to giggle.

"Just tell her how you feel, buddy, I'm sure she'll give you a chance."

Later that day…

As the luxury airship neared its destination at Yabiko, passing Ibukido along the way, a hole in the ship was blown open. "What the hell was that?!" The airship dipped down and began to fall out of the sky. "Damn it!" Violet and Angel came rushing over to him.

"Jacky, where's Violet?" Scarlet demanded.

"I don't know! She told she'd explore the airship!" The three of them wanted to search the airship, but another blast racked the vessel and tore it in half. "Damn it all!"

Restrictions One through Thirteen,


Transferring Power to Dragon Revival Summoning!



Multiple magic circles appeared outside the airship as the vessel came apart and more people were falling out. Seven dragons emerged from the circles. "Sparx, Void, Wicker, Amber, Undine, Siph, Terra, save the civilians!

The seven dragons flew out in different directions, scooping up falling civilians from a horribly painful death. Scarlet and Angel were seen riding Sparx along with a number of people scared out of their minds.

Summoning all of those dragons at once nearly fully depleted all of Jacky's energy and there was no more room on the backs of any of the dragons he summoned. "I'll be alright, just get everyone to safety!"

Jacky plummeted towards the ground fast. "I'm going to need to get this just right," he thought. 3…



Deploy Ethereal Wings!

Red translucent wings materialized on his back and he quickly flapped them as hard as he could, slowing his descent just enough to land safely. The wings disappeared after five powerful flaps and he landed safely, albeit a little roughly.

"Ugh, that was traumatizing," he groaned, laying in the grass. A few moments later and Jacky felt a surge of relief go through him. "Everyone must have landed safely," he thought before getting up and observing his surroundings.

"Landed just outside of Ibukido. Well, I'd better find Violet and the others."

On the opposite side of Ibukido

Scarlet, Angel, and Yugo, along with crowds of innocent civilians were gathered around, most of them scared stiff by the fact that they were carried by dragons after they fell out of a blown up luxury airship 2,000 feet above Ibukido.

Scarlet, Angel, and Yugo shifted through the crowds, looking for Jacky and Violet, but to no avail. "What happened to my sister," Scarlet demanded to no one. Violet's absence was beginning to scare her.

"Don't worry, Scarlet, I'm sure your sister is fine. Kagura told me she was a magic user, I'm sure she's still alive," Yugo assured her. "For now, let's get to Yabiko. That's where they'll expect us to be, wherever they are."
Scarlet nodded her head and forced a smile. "Sure, let's go."

Rachel Alucard's Realm

Violet stood shaken up in a rose bed in front of an all-too-familiar castle. "How'd I get here?" She looked around and she couldn't find anyone. No sign of Valkenhayn, Rachel, or even her annoying familiars.

"I wonder if Jacky and Scarlet are alright," she muttered. She sat down in the roses and curled up, trying to calm herself from the experience she just had.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! The sequel has begun! I hope you liked the first chapter. In case you're all wondering, the story begins near the end of Chronophantasma. Knowing that, I'm sure you guys can guess what ripped the airship apart. Anyways, all pre-existing Blazblue characters belong to Arc System Works, and all OCs except Yugo belong to me. Yugo is an OC that belongs to a user called K0mbatadan. He requested that I put Yugo into the sequel.

Anyways, if anyone has any questions at all, feel free to ask me and I'll be sure to answer them if I can.


Signing off!