I can't believe this was the end. I'm sobbing. I didn't want this to end but it was time. I felt like to drag this out would hurt the story. As you all know I did promise to do one shots in this universe. I've already got one written up. It was actually a deleted scene from this chapter. It just didn't make the cut. I want to thank each and every one of you for going on this journey with me. It's been an honor and I'm blessed to have so many wonderful supporters and friends. If you have guys ever have a story or an idea you would like to see be told I'm your girl...I'm actually not your girl, I wasn't trying to make a pass...but you get the picture. ;)
Lots of love, Sara


Five years can change a lot, Oliver was living proof of that. Over time people change, they grow harder...or softer. They grown older, their likes and dislikes differ. Bodies change; where there was once smooth skin was replaced with wrinkles or stretch marks. New scars are added, physical and emotional. True over the years there were fights...and makeups, happiness and sadness, loss and gain. Bad things had happened to their family, but every obstacle that was placed in front of them they had overcome. She didn't expect that to change now. Life wasn't cakewalk but for Felicity, she wouldn't change one thing about her life or those five years.

When life got tough Oliver had a saying..."Nothing worth it is ever easy." And it was her life had been far from a fairy tale thus far Felicity thought it was about as close as you could get...in their world at least.

Nearly two years after the events of Slade Wilson the Arrow became known as the Green Arrow. It had taken some time and coercion for Oliver to patrol the streets again but when he did it was to Starling City's relief and gratitude. Oliver said he did it only for his family. As the years passed he became less active, instead handing the reigns over to Roy, Thea and occasionally Sara when she was in town. Diggle had joined them in living a more sedate lifestyle. He and Lyla were now married with two children, Maya and Andrew. Lyla ran Argus and Diggle stood by her side, occasionally lending a hand, when needed in 'Team Arrow' night work.

Thea and Roy had married two years previously. Roy didn't know it yet but he would be joining the Vigilante Dad League in just eight short months. Felicity couldn't wait to see his face when Thea told him. She guessed it would go from utter terror to excitement then round back to terror. But oh would Roy be an amazing dad. He had been the best uncle to her and Oliver's son. Just as she thought he would be. She could only imagine what he would do for his own child.

Speaking of their son Gage, or Archer as everyone called him now, had grown into a handsome, kind and enthusiastic five year old. He was the spitting imagine of Oliver at his age and like father like son he had a affinity for a bow. It helped that Oliver had one in his hand from the time that he could curl his fingers. Gage was now going to kindergarten and he was well loved by his teachers and classmates alike. He was a smart boy who made friends easily but he often went into rambles, just like his mother. Oliver found it endearing and a soft look would cross his face every time their son went on a tangent.

Two years after his birth Gage gained himself a little brother, Harper Emery. The two boys took to each other instantly and Gage proved himself a responsible older brother and a good role model, he was his little brother's protector and no one could separate them for the fierce eye he kept on him.

Oliver and Felicity had been blessed with their two children and they couldn't have been happier, until the doctor told her there wouldn't be any more babies. It had been a time of sadness, for Felicity felt she had so much love to give. She knew Oliver had always wanted a daughter and knowing she couldn't give him the one thing he wanted hurt her deeply. Even though he was sad too Oliver had comforted her, holding her while she cried or just listened as she shared her grief. He loved her for every bad moment.

He had turned it all around for her one day when he had brought her into the room quietly to find their two boys in a rocking chair, Gage holding three month Harper securely in his lap as he pointed to pictures in his favorite book, explaining the different sounds the animals made. Felicity had cried then and Oliver had held her in the doorway, his arms loose around her waist, his chin atop her head much like he had when she had been pregnant as they just stood there...and watched. She had two healthy children, and even though there wouldn't be anymore babies she could love the ones God had seen fit to gift to her. It hadn't been easy but Oliver's love had pulled her through her dark time, their love and partnership growing ever stronger for the trial.

Oliver often struggled with believing he was living the life he was. He held on to his family tightly always afraid that they would slip through his fingers. Often she would find him just staring at their family portrait or standing outside their children's room late into the night. After checking every window, door and possible point of entry into the house he would set the alarm and climb into bed beside her. He would pull her to his chest and wrap her in his arms, their fingers intertwining against her abdomen, his lips settling against her neck as he slipped off to sleep. She would stay awake for awhile waiting for his breaths to even out before she sought her own rest. He still had nightmares occasionally, they both did. Most of the time they included losing one another or their children. But they would wake up to find one another or watch as their children slept soundly in their beds and all those fears would momentarily flee.

Moira Queen was alive and well, she had woken two day's after the birth of her first grandchild. Oliver had wheeled her into the room slowly, her newborn son in her arms, Thea trailing behind them to see Moira sitting up, a dazed look on her face. The doctors warned them before they entered that she had a mild case of amnesia. That had concerned both of them, but they were just glad to have her back in any capacity.

Upon entrance into the room Moira's head swiveled to watch them, her gaze lingered on the bundle in her arms and Oliver had gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. The doctor had turned and asked if Moira if she knew who they were. Her eyes had brightened then and a soft smile broke across her face as she looked at them with tears in her eyes. "Of course," she had replied. "They're my family." After that there had been tears and a happy reunion.

It hadn't been a easy recuperation for Moira but five years had been good to her and she had made a full recovery. She now used all her energy to chase her grandchildren around, spoiling them so rotten that Felicity and Oliver wondered if they would have tyrants on their hands. No such thing had happened though. Moira proved to be a wonderful grandmother who had learned from her mistakes. She was firm with the children, often teaching them lessons of right and wrong but she was also gentle with them, showing them all the love that she had in her heart.

Moira and Felicity grew to be very close over the years, Moira treating her as if she was her own flesh and blood. Time had not erased the wrongs she'd done but it had healed the wounds allowing them to live freely and in the present. Felicity and her mother Donna had also grown closer, especially after she had married one Captain Quinton Lance. They also spoiled their grandchildren. Between Laurel who had married a few years prior and she and Oliver they had over five. Though Quinton wasn't really her father he embraced her children as though she were. She would never be able to thank him enough for that. Lance and Oliver had let go of the past and had also moved forward. He had even became a mentor to Oliver and she often found them talking sports or just miscellaneous topics. Felicity found it quite comical that Quinton hadn't been able to escape having Oliver as a son-in-law twice over. It was still a joke that passed around the table at their monthly barbecues.

Felicity also struggled with believing the life she was living. From the time she was seven years old it had been just her and her mom. Who knew a lie and a bullet riddled laptop would change all that. That day her whole universe changed, leaving her spinning. Oliver had walked into her heart and he had locked the door and thrown away the key. He often told her how thankful he was for his life, about how she had given him everything, how she had changed his life. He still kissed her like it was the first and last time and held her as though everyone wanted to take her from him. What he didn't realize was that she did the same to him. Or maybe he realized, maybe they both did but didn't say anything, firm on their decision that the other was the reason for the life they had.

The little moments were what made it real for her. The cool evenings spent around the fire pit telling stories to the children as Oliver made a mess making smores, emitting growly noises and running at any child that got near with his sticky chocolate covered fingers. The days her house was so filled with family that she had to confine the children to one room to keep track of them, listening to them as they all played, the girls squealing as the boys insisted that they had 'cooties'. The child free nights she and Oliver spent together rediscovering everything about each other, reaffirm their love for one another only to be up early seeking out their children the next morning from missing them so much. There were so many moments, so many seconds and instances that she wouldn't be able to possibly name them all. She could only hold them in her heart and pray she could remember them for all the years to come. She found herself truly happy from all of it and she couldn't imagine her life being any fuller...until three years after Harper's birth.

Evelyn Dearden Queen was a surprise to the doctors and Oliver and Felicity, much like their first child. But she was welcomed and loved just as much. Oliver had held her close and cried into her hair after the delivery. He had feared he would lose her since Harper's delivery had been difficult but when the squalling pink infant with sea green eyes and blonde hair was laid in his arms every fear fled once again. The look would be one that was forever locked away in her memory. He finally had his baby girl and to say he was joyful would have been a extreme understatement. She had swore years ago her heart was at full capacity, but the addiction of a little girl's with her two beautiful sons and her husband showed her just how wrong she was.

Her life was full, it was chaotic, it was beyond belief...but it was hers. Her's and Oliver's. Their house had gone from sophisticated couches to leather ones, from hardwood floors to carpet. Wall's had been painted per the children's favorite colors. Where work out equipment had once sat near the wall was now a box for all the toys that usually littered the floor by afternoon. Sip-pee cups took over their cabinets and baby spoons were often grabbed from the flatware drawer by accident. Tee-ball practice filled in the slot of patrolling the city, play dates took over the time that used to be spent planning ops were used to put the kids down for a nap. No their life was what it used to be. Would they change it? Even if you put a gun to one of their heads the answer would always be the same. No.

Despite their busy lives they always found time for everything that was important, knowing life was too short for any other option. Even their work at Queen Incorporated was pushed to the back burner when it had anything to do with their loved ones. Once in her life her first love had been computer science, but that slots had been quickly refilled with four sets of blue eyes. She still loved her job but it came second and she was surprisingly fine with that. (Though she enjoyed a good hack every once in a while.)

Speaking of hacking she got to spend a whole day blocking out hackers at QI before picking up her sons from their grandma's house. She was exhausted and planned on lying down if she could. When she comes home later, the house is quiet. Gage is holding Harper's hand as the toddler talked gibberish and Felicity stood in the entryway and listened. Even with her childrens babbling it wasn't often it was this quiet. She knew for a fact Oliver was home, so with that she took her heels off and put a finger to her lips which both boys knew as the sign to be quiet. They had learned it very quickly after Evie had been born. If the boys been to roudy they would wake their sister making the whole house ring with a crying that had both of them covering their ears.

She knew her husband well enough to know they were on the same thought waves that day. That knowledge had her tiptoeing her way into her and Oliver's bedroom. When she got there she was greeted with a sight that melted her heart. Her sons behind her were quiet save for a quiet call of 'Daddy' from Harper. Oliver laid in the middle of the king size bed, three month old Evie on his chest. Both were sound asleep. She smiled at the sight before pulling out her phone to snap a photo.

"Daddy's sleeping," Harper whispered from behind her.

"Shh..." Gage warned as he put his finger over his lips. Harper's lips pressed together but a smile peeked out at his brother's serious nature. Gage rolled his eyes before looking up at her.

"Mommy, go sleep, I'll take care of him," he said softly while gesturing to his little brother who was bouncing on the balls of his feet, apparently wired from the sugar he no doubt received from his Grandma Donna.

"Are you sure?" She whispered back.

The boy nodded, his shaggy blonde hair falling into his eyes.

"I'm a big boy. I've got him."

She smiled before she pressed a kiss to her sons cheek. "You're a very good big brother Gage, I trust you."

Gage ducked his head before heading towards the door tugging his brother along with him, who was waving at her with his stubby little fingers. Felicity had to cover her mouth the stifle a laugh. The door closed softly upon their exit and she went and climb into the bed beside Oliver. He stirred, one eye peeking sleepily up at her.

"You're home," he said huskily.

"Yeah...I am," she said meaningfully as she pressed a sweet kiss to the corner of his mouth. He smiled that smiled that just for her smile that said she was his world as he lifted his arm in invitation. She didn't hesitate and scooted over to lay her head on her husbands shoulder. He placed an arm around her back, tugging the material of her top up slightly to feel the warmth of her skin. Her fingers moved of their own accord to smooth against the smooth pale pink skin of her daughters cheeks and he kissed the top of her head before his eyes returned to his slumbering daughter.

They laid there for awhile, neither willing to let go of the precious moment in favor of sleep. The infant slept soundly cocooned by the warmth of her parents, her cute button nose scrunched up and her tiny fingers clutching at the fabric of her father shirt. Her perfect lips were pursed as she breathed out a contented sigh and snuggled her head further into her pillow of muscle. She and Oliver both laughed softly before she pressed a kiss to her husbands neck making Oliver let out a sigh as well.

"I finally believe it," Oliver said lowly.

"What?" She asked raising her head to peek at her husband.

"Do you remember when you told me that one day I would understand why you loved me so much?"

The words had been said once upon a time but she remembered them none of the less.

"I don't deserve any of this."

"One day Oliver...one day, maybe even years from now you'll accept it. And then...then you'll finally understand why I'm here and why I love you so much."

"I remember," she answered.

"I finally understand what you were saying," he admitted.

She smiled. It had taken him over five years to figure it out but she'd rather have it happen late than never.

"What made you understand?"

"This...this life I'm living, how much I love you and our children. When you said that to me back then...we didn't even know what was coming our way. You had faith, you believed in me when no one else did and you gave me all this," he said softly as he gestured to the baby on his chest. "You said one day I would know I deserved it, but truth is Felicity I never will, I know now that I don't have to deserve it...I just have to accept it."

She blinked the tears from her eyes as he spoke.

"I love you. No matter how many times I tell you those three words...they won't be enough because they don't even begin to explain how I feel. I accept it now Felicity because I know in my heart that you love me the same way I love you. You're my everything..." he finished in a choked whisper.

"And you're mine."

"Thank you."

"For what?" He parroted.

"For choosing me to grow old with."

"I said it once, I'll say it again...there was no choice to make."

She pressed a lingering kiss on his shoulder before tucking her head in the crook of his neck, both comfortable sharing the remaining silence. The door creaked open a few moments later and she peeked over Evie to see Harper standing there, his tow head peering at them through the crack.

"Come in buddy," Oliver told him.

"Are you asleep?" Harper stage whispered.

Oliver chuckled a little. "No but Evie is."

"That means I have to be really quiet," the little boy said as he put a finger across his lips and rose on his tiptoes to approach the bed. The three year old crawled up and sat on his knee's to look at his sister.

"I like her a lot when she's sleeping," he confessed making both her and Oliver press their lips together to hold back their smiles.

"Harper!" Came a whispered screech and the boy in question ducked down and tucked himself against his fathers side. Gage appeared in the doorway, a bag of gummy fruit snacks in his hand. "What did I tell you about letting Mommy and Daddy and Evie sleep?"

"Not to bother them," the boy answered meekly.

"Then why did you?"

"Cause," Harper replied with a shrug.

"I'm sorry Mommy," Gage said as he looked at his socked feet.

"Come here my little Archer," she called and the boy looked up at his nickname with a smile. He came slowly to the bed before climbing up gently beside her. She brushed some hair out of his face and his eyes also moved to his sister.

"Why did she sleep through all of that?" Gage questioned.

"When she was in my tummy she was around a lot of noisy things. It doesn't bother her."

"Then why does her crying wake me up?"

"It's a little different when you're older," she chuckled.

Gage nodded with a smile before curling into his mother's side much like his brother was with their father. Felicity wrapped an arm around him and turned back to find Oliver's gaze on her a smile on his face as he took her in before moving to each one of his children. When his eyes returned to her's it was to utter two words.

"I'm home."

Time was on their side and as it turned out...their love... well it was just a waiting game.