Tell Mama

Authoress Note

Tell Mama" will be a 'series' of one-shots that use the same song "Tell Mama" by the Civil Wars as inspiration for different one-shots across several fandoms; the only relation between the one-shots is they are inspired by the same song; other than that there isn't much of a connection because of the diversity of the fandoms they follow.

Maxine Gibson remembered back when she was looking for the identity of who the new batman was that was fighting crime on the streets of Neo-Gotham. It really started out a something to fill the void between how far ahead she was in her classes, and how empty her house felt most days of the week ending in 'y'.

She had truly never expected to be able to figure out exactly who the new batman was, but when she had found out it was none other than Terry Gibson, one of her friends from Hamilton Hill High School she was beyond surprised. From that day forward Max had done her best in attempting to get both Terry and Mr. Wayne to allow her to help Terry in his fight against the Jokerz, but every time her plea fell on deaf ears.

It was two weeks after that eventful day that she had her first taste of what it was that Terry faced, night in and night out as Neo-Gotham's dark protector. Terry had barely made it through her window before he collapsed to the floor as he passed out.

It was an unfortunate turn of events that Max barely had a decent first aid-kit, but she did the best she could on patching him up that night, using her mother's small sewing kit to stitch him back together, even if her stitches where uneven and had left him a nasty scar, it was better than allowing her best friend to bleed to death in her bedroom.

The next day, much to her surprise, Max received a sealed delivery that she hadn't been expecting. Inside the package was a list of uncommon, and common, medical supplies as well as a card with enough creds to cover more than her first shopping trip to get them.

Ever since then she made sure she never ran out of anything, glad for once that her mother and sister where hardly ever home so she didn't exactly have to hide her hospital sized collection of medical supplies.

Her next semester at Hamilton Hill High School, she dropped her general physical education class to enroll in a self-defense course and had dropped one of her computer electives to pick up a CPR & First Aid Course, knowing she would need the skills the longer Terry kept on with his nightly activities.

Over the course of the next couple of weeks a large number of creds started showing up on personal bank card, coming from none other than Wayne-Powers Industries, which told her who was behind the large funding which allowed her to update her personal computer to handle the programs she needed it to in order to help Terry and Bruce out when they needed it, which was more often than not.

It was just past two in the morning one Saturday when her phone rang, distracting her from the re-vamping of her personal program to identity possible Jokerz.

"This better be good McGinnis." Max said, not liking to be disturbed when was in the middle of working on one program or another, is usually broke her concentration enough that it took her a while to get back in the swing of what she wanted the program to do.

"Max, it's Mary. Terry's mom?" Mary McGinnis said, although Max only knew one Mary which made her wonder just why she was calling her after two in the morning.

"Yes ma'am?" Max asked, knowing there was a reason behind this sudden phone call as she took a sip of the coffee that sat next to her computer workstation, saving her current coding so she wouldn't lose it.

"Have you seen him? I woke up a little while ago and he wasn't here. Is he there with you?" she asked, the worry evident in her sleep ridden voice.

"Oh, yes ma'am. He fell asleep working on a group project we have for our Computer Studies course." Max said, the lie coming to her easily, as internally she began to wonder just what was taking so long. Terry was usually well done with his patrols by now, but there had been the occasion where they had run as late as four or five in the morning, but it never made her worry any less. It just made her even more anxious than usual during his nightly patrol's.

"That's good then. Tell him I want him home by Sunday night at the latest. Sorry to call so late dear." Mary McGinnis said before the line disconnected, allowing Max to let out a sigh before she hit the number one on her key pad. The line ran several times before it rolled over to voice mail. Giving it five minutes she tried again but to the same effect.

It wasn't until an hour later that she happened to glance up, only to startle seeing Terry outside her window in his usual Batman costume. Slipping quietly into the room he barely made it to her bed before he allowed himself to fall over onto the bed with a cry of pain she hadn't heard him utter in a very long time.

Carefully pulling of the top portion of his suit, Max winced when she heard some of his flesh peel from his body as she removed the suit as carefully as she could to minimize the damage done to his torn flesh. From there she went to gather a bowl of water and a wash cloth before carefully wiping off as much of the blood as she could so she could see the full extent of the damage done to his young, tender body.

Nights like this where why she was glad Bruce Wayne had convinced her to accept the creds he kept pouring into her account on a monthly basis, it made sure she had well beyond what she would need to care for the young man who had become her best friend, and so much to her.

Fixing her best friend back to prime health had become a routine for her, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt her any worse than did it on the very first time, but Maxine Gibson had learned to hide that from Terry, most of the time.

"Hey Max." Terry said suddenly, reaching out to grab her wrist as she put the final touches on a bandage that she was using to cover a long gash across his left side.

"What's up Ter?" Max asked, attempting to turn to put away her supplies, but she found that Terry wouldn't let her arm lose.

"Thank you. I know I don't say it enough; but it means the world for me that you do this almost every damn night." Terry said, stopping only due to a coughing fit that ripped through his body.

"It's nothing Terry. You know I'm glad to help in any way I can." She said, giving him a smile as she extracted herself from his grasp to return her medical supplies to the plastic container that sat at the bottom of her closet just for occasions like this.

Max was tempted to turn back to the program she had been neck deep in before his arrival, but something in the back of her mind told her that wasn't what she should be doing. Terry was unusually quiet this evening, even for him being so banged up, which had her slightly worried as she shut down her computer before finding a pair of Terry's boxer shorts and a t-shirt of his that he had left over at her place before stepping into her bathroom to change.

Terry listened to the sounds of clothes rustling in the bathroom, where Max had left the door slightly ajar, before the water came on as she began going through the rest of her nightly routine. He knew he had never told her but he was beyond grateful for everything his best friend had done for him. His train of thought was interrupted as the door to the bathroom fully swung open and Max walked out, cutting out the light before gently crawling into the bed next to Terry, something they had done time and time again since he had become the new Batman.

"Max, I just wanted to say than.."

Max cut him off by placing a slim finger on his lips, silencing him effectively.

"I know Terry. I know." She said, allowing her voice to drop as the effect of running on very little sleep began to finally hit her body.

"No you don't Max. It means the world to me that you're willing to help me like you do. You don't get angry when I have to leave halfway through us doing something, you don't get mad no matter how many times I come to you beaten and broken, or unconscious for that matter, nor, when you have to help me catch up on my homework which I'm generally always behind on. So yes, I do have to say it Max. Thank you." He said, his words coming out broken due to his struggling to get a deep breathe in due to his bruised and battered ribs. In all honesty he was surprised he hadn't broken one tonight.

"It's what I'm here for Terry. You never have to hide anything to me; you know I'll always be here for you." Max said, surprised when Terry reached an arm around her despite the bruising covering his body and pulling her to him. It wasn't uncommon that they cuddled, but Terry usually wasn't up for much human contact when he had this rough a night.

"Tonight was harder on you than usual wasn't it?" Max asked, although Terry could tell she didn't mean for it to sound like a question.

"More so emotionally than physically; I had to break a date with Dana again. I tried calling her once I was in the Batmobile and when she finally answered she told me she was done; in fact she had already moved on to somebody else." Terry said this in such a way it made it sound as if he was talking about the weather instead of the fact his long term, on again, off again, girlfriend since 8th grade had finally had enough of the stress of Terry's double life. Not that she knew that of course.

"Terry, i…. I'm sor…" Max started, at a loss of words for once until Terry cut her off, not unkindly.

"Honestly, tonight made me realize something. It made me realize a lot of things." Terry said, rolling onto his side, no matter how much pain it caused him, but still keeping his pink haired best friend in his arms. "As much as we tried, Dan wasn't meant for me, we never had the connection I once desired in a relationship, and since I took up the mantel as Batman, it made me change my views on what I wanted in a relationship. I want someone that can be there for me every step of the way; just not there for me during the daylight hours; but involved in my night life as well. Someone that trusts and believes that what I'm doing is the right thing to do; and who will stand by my side the entire time, an all or nothing type of girl." He said, his voice dropping into a deeper baritone that told Max exactly who he was talking about as she watched his eyes dilate even more the longer he talked.

Not waiting for a reply he leaned forward, giving Max enough time to pull away, but when he saw no opposite from her he sealed his lips over hers, devouring her lips in a kiss that felt like a lifetime in the making as he poured all his hopes, dreams, and desires for their future into that one kiss. Hoping and praying he had read the signs right until slowly, Max started returning the kiss with as much gusto as he had instigated it with.

When they finally pulled back for air, Terry had a smug look on his face, meant to hide the relief he felt that Max hadn't slapped the shit out of him for such a bold move.

"What took you so long McGinnis?" Max finally asked, grinning at her best friend with a grin wider than he had seen on her face in a long time.

"I could ask you the same thing Gibson. I could ask you the same."