To my readers, sorry I did not put this up quickly like I said I would. I needed my beta to run them over first and they did a good job.

Thank you to CraftyWott

Keep yourself interested in this story. Leave a review for it helps me get an understanding of where everyone is on this story of mine. (I will personally address them :) )

Enjoy the summer as well or what is left of it. I will write as much as possible. I am heading into my senior year and time is scarce right now for me.

Previously on The Seven,

"WHY YOU!" taking a step towards the blonde, Natsu was about to punch him when Gajeel caught his fist. "He has a point."

Fuyuko place her hand on Natsu's shoulder, "Natsu, having help isn't too bad!"

"Why are you on his side!" Natsu stomped off away from the group.


"Should we follow him?" Gajeel asked.

"No, don't worry he will come back. He just needs time by himself right now. He will be back. He always comes back." Fuyuko sighed as she walked back towards the camp. "Right?"


Natsu tossed his hands in the air in frustration. His emotions very visible on his face. Natsu had his eyes clothes and his brows scrunched up. He was not in a good mood.

"He comes in there and talks like he can help. Ohhhh I am the mighty Laxus! Look at me!"

The only response that came were the crickets in the bushes.

"It's chilly tonight." Natsu thought.

"I wonder if she will be alright."

Though Natsu knew that Fuyuko used ice based magic the pair would always sleep close together. She uses Natsu for warmth or that is what she told Natsu.

"Should I go find some firewood?," wondered Natsu, "Ugh, whatever, maybe later."

Natsu was not having a great day so far. First, Fuyuko and he were walking around and trying to find a local town to stay at and was randomly attacked by some boy with a superiority complex. Though they had just left Sun Village about two nights ago they were already running into problems. At first, it was just the shortage of food, thanks to his huge appetite. He had to resort to eating berries that they found along the way, and Natsu hated every part of it.


She always told him to eat his share of "nutritious" food. Natsu smiled at the memories of Fuyuko knocking him on the head and yelling at him to eat his share or she would force it down his mouth. As Natsu continued wandering aimlessly along the path in the forest his mind continued to wander as Natsu forgot about his anger.

"Fuyuko, would she be safe? She has Gaj-What's his name again? And those two boys…"

Natsu doesn't have a clue to what their names were.

"Hmm, they will be Sparky, Emo boy, and Metal head for now." Natsu thought. He supposed Fuyuko would be safe with them for now. He would return when he is all settled down. Natsu knew that Fuyuko disliked it when he let his emotions get the best of him, but Natsu was just truly afraid of hurting the girl in his acts of rage.

"I will be back soon. I can't leave her alone."

Carelessly, lost in his own thoughts, Natsu kept wandering further and further away from Fuyuko and the group.

"I will apologize to her when I see her again. Yeah, later."


Unbeknownst to Natsu, there was a young girl running down the same path trying to outrun her pursuers.

Lucy didn't have a clue to as why she was running so fast. One minute, she was with her mom enjoying the festival. Then the next minute, she was suddenly pulled away from her mom in the middle of the square. After realizing she was nowhere near her mom and the strangers were taking her somewhere she had no clue about she had started the opposite direction of the town.


The three rough looking armored men gave chase after Lucy. They had separated Lucy from her mom and now they are chasing her. She didn't know why they were after her, but she just knew that they were bad news.

"How is she so fast!"

"She is the daughter of Layla after all."

"She doesn't know any magic you, idiot!"

In all this commotion, the shouts went unheard as the town's festival music covered up the shouts and sounds of the chase that lead into the woods.

Lucy was beyond terrified now. Her mother always told her to be nice to strangers and treat everyone with respect. Yet, these men had been chasing her for spirits know what!

"Be brave, Lucy. Breathe. Remember to breathe. Maybe they will get tired and leave me alone then."

Trying to keep herself motivated Lucy knew that she had to find help soon, but she was struggling to run in her heels along with her pink dress that drags behind her all ripped up.

"Momma! Where are you!" Lucy thought.

"Aha, gotcha!" A strong firm hand reached out to grab onto Lucy and latched itself on her arm.

"Ahh! Lucy kick!" The man went flying as Lucy kicked him in the chest sending him back into his comrades.

Looking back satisfied that she managed to subdue the men, Lucy reminded herself to thank her mom for sending her to self-defense class every day of her life.

"Hey, she's getting away." The men hastily picked themselves off the ground and gave chase.

"On second thought, I didn't subdue them." Lucy took a sharp left into the forest onto a single path. "Maybe I lost them."

"Hey, you! Stop that girl!"

The shout came from behind Lucy and she put her head down and kept running and running straight into someone!


"Hey, watch where you are going!"

The blonde girl tried to untangle herself. She managed a look at the boy in front of her.

"He looks my age and that hair. Why is here by himself? Maybe he can help me."

"Pink hair? It's Salmon."

"Huh?" Lucy was confused had she said that aloud.

"You said, pink but it is salmon." Natsu brushed himself as he slowly rose to his feet.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?" Natsu asked curiously.

Suddenly, Natsu grinned at himself "Maybe there is a town nearby." He happily thought,

"Fuyuko would be pleased to hear that. No more sleeping on the ground for us!"

Staring strangely at the weird scene in front of her, Lucy tried to offer a response. Before Lucy could respond a hand gripped tightly on her wrist.

"Got you now, you little rascal!" The three men that had been chasing after Lucy finally managed to catch up due to her little collision with the pink haired boy.

The man that was holding onto Lucy looked at Natsu and said, "Thanks, little boy. You helped us a great deal."

Lucy looked petrified.

"This boy is in it too...why is the world so cruel."

Lucy started crying. She heard stories of what would happen to young girls like her from her mom and dad. They mentioned horrible things. She didn't want that life and now... and now. She couldn't bring herself to think of it. However, before the men can attempt to silence Lucy from her outburst, Natsu came in and yanked her away from the men.

"Listen here pal. I don't know you, but you made this girl cry. I don't like it when people make girls cry."

The men looked at Natsu and then back at each other.

"This boy is a fool. He looks what 10?" The men couldn't take it anymore they grabbed their bellies and started laughing. "Who did the boy think he is. Simple young minds. Always believing that they can do anything."

"Listen here son, this is something you don't want to get yourself involved with."

A bearded man with knight armor approached Natsu and looked him in the eye.

"Playing hero won't you get the princess, boy. You are a peasant with your clothes and let me tell you this. We will let you free, but you shouldn't speak of what transpired today."

Natsu simply looked the men back in the eye staring him straight in the pupil.

"I'm a dragon. We always get the princess."

The three men in front of Natsu began drawing out their swords from their sheaths.

The one in front of Natsu stepped forward with one hand holding the sword and the other outreached for Lucy to come.

"We aren't here for you. Hand over the girl if you want to live. I hate killing young kids, but I love money much more."

Lucy didn't want the boy to get hurt for trying to help her, but before she could take a step forward Natsu pulled her behind his back. Looking at Lucy he smiled showing off his fangs and couldn't help but notice how elegant the girl looked.

"My name is Natsu. Don't worry okay. I will get you out of here." Natsu turned back towards the men.

"I don't know who you all are, but I don't think I will be losing to the likes of you three. "

With those words spoken, Natsu lit his hands of fire. "Yosh, I am all fired up!"

"Here I come!" Natsu launched himself in the direction of the men as they stood in their battle stances blades drawn out and thirsty for blood.

Lucy could only watch as the pink haired boy, Natsu, begin fighting the men.

"Let him be safe."


"Hsss…." a soft rustled of leaves in the near distance of the action.

"No, Cubellios." spoke a hard voice.


"We must wait and see. No actions and that's final."


The voice spoke again and harshly stated, "We are alone Cubellios and there's no one like us. Let me see this battle! There's no proof! We will find out, okay? Stay quiet, I don't want to fight."


Unbeknownst to the men, Natsu, and Lucy, two pairs of emerald eyes and purple eyes followed the scene before them. Hidden away amongst the shadows of the trees undetected even to the dragon slayer.

Cobra and Cubellios. The names of Erik and Kinana are unknown...for now.


Off in the distance, a certain white haired girl was worrying about where her friend is.

"Oh Atlas, let him be safe. I need him here with me."

Thank you for reading.

A/N: First off, it's great to be back on this site. I have been abiding my time and reading other fanfic. I have to say this is getting active really fast.

Warning, I am also into Sayla x Natsu pair. It's not my OTP of course. However, I am open to all pairings.

2) For Anime/Manga readers. NISEKOI: RAKUXCHITOGE I'm Blessed. Shokugeki no Soma: SoumaxErina.

3) PJO: Readers. I am blocked on my writing as I previously wanted a pairing without Annabeth, but now I just can't see Percy with anyone else.

4) So far almost all of the 7 have been mentioned. Do you know who is missing?

5) Leave a Pairing in the review section. I might take it into consideration.

6) To address people selecting Lucy: Just keep in mind there are a lot of other fanfics for them out there. P.s. NaLu is my OTP.

7) I am not updated on the anime, just the manga, so I'm ahead but I missed arcs.

8) Staying canon as possible especially timeline.

9) Fillers will always tie in with plot.

10) Natsu is 8. Gajeel is 8. Fuyuko is 8. Laxus is 12. Ryos is 4. Sting is 4.

11) For people that don't know who Ryos is. Ryos was mentioned in the Grand Magic Games Arc. Go back to find out who he is.

12) To the readers around the World. Have a great day.

13) I might make a new story LOL. I will try to do both.

14) RnR

Much Love from Charles. Peace.