A/N: I'm experimenting on an odd style of writing where I break the "show, don't tell" rule. I hope I executed it perfectly. It's also my first time writing Nu, so I apologize for any mistakes. Other than that, I hope you all enjoy the short drabble.

It had been years since Nu last see Ragna. Ragna came back and went out as always, but this time, Ragna never came back. Nu was devastated. Nu missed Ragna. Nu wanted Ragna back. All Nu could do was endure the day and wake up tomorrow, hoping that Ragna would come back.

Nu shuffled on the living room. Nu felt extremely lonely. The living room was empty. The living room was clean. There was no dirt on the living room. There was no red jacket lying on the floor. There was no groan from Ragna. There was no Ragna sitting on the living room couch. Nu burst into tears again. It was painful to realize each day that Ragna disappeared. Ragna disappeared without a word. Ragna disappeared suddenly.

The day itself wasn't gloomy. Why did the outside world have to take Ragna away from Nu? Nu didn't do anything wrong. Nu stopped killing people. Nu started caring for people. Nu befriended Ragna's colleagues. Nu respected Rachel. Nu enjoyed Noel's company. Nu didn't made Jin angry. Nu treated Ragna's colleagues with care. Nu didn't had any intentions on killing Ragna's colleagues. Nu was now a good girl. All Nu wanted was to get Ragna back.

Nu sat on the couch. Nu stared blankly at the TV. Nu always did this everyday. Nu sat on the couch for hours. Nu always sat on the couch for hours. Nu was always waiting for Ragna. Nu always cried while Nu sits on the couch. Nu let the tears flow down Nu's cheek. Sometimes, Nu wailed. Nu sometimes had company, and Nu cherished that company, but Nu still wanted Ragna.

Nu always remembered Nu and Ragna's moments together. Nu always cherished those moments together. Nu wanted to go back to the past where Ragna did not disappeared. Nu wanted to search for Ragna, but Nu had no clue on where to start. Nu was helpless. Nu was sad.

Nu hoped that Ragna will return someday. If Ragna returned, Nu will give Ragna a very tight hug. Nu would also kiss Ragna. Nu would scold Ragna for disappearing. Nu would cry in Ragna's arms. Nu wanted that to happen quickly. Nu hoped that Ragna will be alright. Nu would always wait for Ragna. Nu wiped her eyes. Nu lied down on the couch. Nu closed her eyes. Nu was sleepy. Nu knew that when Ragna comes back, Ragna will wake up Nu. Nu clung to that hope. Nu fell asleep as the vision of Ragna stroking Nu's head spark in Nu's mind.