Chapter 13

Yushi immediately became Mikey's favorite little buddy. Three weeks after he was born, Mikey asked Bernie, while playing Call of Duty Black Ops II, "Can I teach him to skateboard and play video games and to pick out good movies and songs and how to play hangman, cuz Donnie always beats me at that, and how to make pizza, and how to dance?"

Bernie promised, "You can do all that and more." Mikey beamed at his sister/sister-in-law. A pillow then collided with Mikey's head and they heard a gruff, "Shut up, Mikey." Raph was lying on the couch, trying to catch a moment's rest. He had been assigned night watch last night. No one really got any sleep, except for Splinter and Leo, some magical way. Yushi was asleep at the moment with Leo, who had volunteered to sit next to him while he meditated (Bernie didn't understand his logic there, but gave in so she could get a bit of rest). Karai was out with April at the moment, learning how to do "normal" girl things and have a good time.

April had purchased diapers and other necessities on a usual basis. It seemed to Bernie that she and Raph weren't the only two parents, even though they saw more of Yushi than anyone else. Everyone was doing their part, trying to make it easier for them.

Splinter adored his grandson, and the small turtle loved his grandpa already. Splinter felt he would make an excellent ninja one day.


Akita knelt before her father with her band of freaks behind her.

"Father, I…"

"Do not speak without being spoken to!" Shredder ordered. "You are my youngest daughter, and also my strongest. I should have expected you to have returned with the turtles by now."

"I have a reason to believe they're hiding in the sewers." Akita said. "And I swear father, I will retrieve Karai."

"Very good. Xever, Bradford, Tiger Claw, leave my daughter and me."

Akita knew this was not a good sign, but kept a nonchalant expression on. She moved her bow a bit and adjusted the katana on her side. She knew it was traditional to wear it on her back but her bow was her main weapon. The katana was just for show.

"I think you deserve the truth about your sister, Akita."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Your sister…is a traitor."

"You mean she wasn't kidnapped by Hamato Yushi?"

Shredder sighed and stood, "No. She turned against her own family, her own father."

"Why?" Akita asked in disbelief.

"I believe that Hamato Yushi brain washed her. We can still retrieve her."

Akita felt a new anger run through her. "I will not rest until Karai is retrieved, Father. I swear on my mother's grave."

Shredder gave a slight nod and she bolted off.

She would make those turtles pay.


Karai sat in her room on her bed.

Poor Akita…She thought. She should be home by now… She looked at the calendar. It was March 26 and she was supposed to be done with training at the beginning of the month. She sighed and heard someone knock on the door.


Leo opened his eyes to look at Yushi. He couldn't meditate…he couldn't do anything…except think about Meghan, his first real love. He was a lot of firsts to him. First kiss, first flirt, first make out session. Raph had lost his virginity before him.

Leo's thoughts were cut off by Yushi crying.

Bernie walked in, "I got it. Thanks Leo."

She picked up the small child and hushed him, taking him into the lair. He loved his sister-in-law in a sisterly way.


Bernie was talking to Karai before she heard Yushi crying next to them. She walked into Leo's room and picked him up, giving Leo a break. The baby stopped crying when she put his pacifier in his mouth. He held his hands up and giggled. She walked into the living room.

I am a mother. She couldn't believe it.

Splinter walked into the living room as Donnie walked into the lair, looking as crushed as a tin can. "Time for training, everyone."

Raph groaned and rolled off the couch. Bernie said to Yushi, "Your daddy's a big lazy turtle." The baby giggled. Raph stood and rolled his eyes.

Mikey saved his game and said, "I have been playing video games for three hours straight. I am in the Call of Duty vibe, baby!" He jumped up and punched nothing.

Bernie placed Yushi in the makeshift pillow bassinet on the floor so she could train.

"We are sparring today. Leonardo against Michelangelo, Donatello against Raphael, and Bernie against Karai. Hajime!"

They began to spar, but mid-swing, Yushi began to sob, not cry, sob. His heart was poured into these tears. Bernie halted for a moment and was tripped by Karai. She landed with a thud and the sword nearly cut off her ear.

"I win."

"Sorry for caring about my child." Bernie said as Karai helped her up. Leo beat Mikey and Raph beat Donnie.

"Leonardo and Raphael. Winner will fight Karai. Hajime!" Splinter announced. Bernie held her breath. She hated when these two fought.

Bernie tried not to pay attention to the two sparring. She held Yushi and fiddled with his onesie. She watched Mikey tapping away on his T-Phone. She watched Donnie sharpen the hidden blade on his Bo. The fight seemed to go on for ages, but in reality, it lasted no longer than twenty minutes. Yushi seemed to be enjoying every second of it. That made one of them.


Mikey: Hey Waverly!


Mikey: Hey, you there?

Mikey: Are you not there?

Mikey: Is that a yes or a no?

Waverly: Mikey, what do you need? I'm in trig

Mikey: I have to ask you something!

Waverly: Go crazy.

Mikey: Will you be my girlfriend?

Mikey: Hello?


Mikey: Waverly…?

Waverly: Yeah. I'd like that.

Mikey: YES! Thank you so much, corn flakes.


Mikey: ANGEL CAKES, sorry.

Waverly: You just made trig interesting. :) I'm gonna be late tonight, I got detention.

Mikey: What for?

Waverly: Teacher's a dick. I still don't understand why u want to go to school

Mikey: Guess I wont know till I try it

Waverly: :) Can you do me a favor?

Mikey: Depends on the favor…

Waverly: Can you bring up some tissues? All they have up here is some fucking sandpaper.

Mikey: Arent you in school? Um, I'm a humanoid turtle.

Waverly: Oh, sorry I thought you were a ninja. Sorry…:P

Mikey: You owe me. I'll be right there.


Bernie watched Mikey walk out of the dojo, so that was one less distraction from the shouts that were coming from the spar. Donnie was done with his blade and was watching the fight, so the only distraction was Yushi. She bounced him on her lap and Raph was flipped over, bested by his older brother.

Raph grumbled and stormed out of the dojo. Bernie followed him. "Raph…Raph, wait, please."

He turned to talk to her when he made it in the living area. She held Yushi and said, "What happened back there?"

"What always happens, Leo trying to be a dick."

"Are you sure it was Leo?" She asked, not thinking.

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"It means, who started it Raph? I don't want to start a fight."

"I don't really care who started it-."

"Before you say anything about him being a dick or a mother fucker, remember he's your brother. He's gonna give you some shit and you're gonna have to take it, but you don't have to get all pissy about it."

She turned around before he could say anything because Yushi had begun to cry.

He stayed in his room.


Mikey ran across the rooftops…IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY! The sun was so beautiful, the everything was amazing! He held the box of tissues close and texted Waverly when he approached HS-54.

Mikey: I'm here

Waverly: Where? I'll come meet you

Mikey: Um…by the front entrance's trash cans.

Waverly: On my way now.

Within two minutes, she was outside, her nose red with a cold.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good."

"Thanks. This is just my natural glow." Her voice was beginning to get stuffy.

He handed her the tissues. She smiled, "Thanks Mikey. You're the best. I'll be at the lair later." She hugged him. He paused for a minute but returned the hug. He wasn't alone anymore. The moment was ruined, though, by Waverly sneezing.

"You sure you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She faked a smile. He cocked an eyebrow, but consented. He ran off back to the sewer. She sneezed again and walked back into the building with her tissues.

:) Hope you guys enjoyed! Please read and review!