Hello guys! Thank you so much for liking this story, it makes me happy. So does anyone have a Instagram? If you do, please follow me on Instagram, which is anime_aru, I like having friends!

Enough chit chat, so into the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own the vocaloids, not at all.

Chapter 8

I close my eyes tightly when Kaito's car pull up to the mansion, aka, my home. I let out a sigh and lay back not planning to get up anytime, I don't feel like dealing with my parents today.

"Len, this is your stop~" Kaito said cheerfully and open the door for me, but I sat there and cross my arms. Kaito's face still has his happy expression, but I can see the kind of anger in his eyes.

"Fine fine, it's all your fault." I grumbled and step out of the car making Kaito go back into the car and start the engine.

"Love you too!" He called before pulling away from the mansion until I can't see his car anymore. It was pretty silent and to be honest, I kinda miss that blue hair idiot now.

"Len! Oh you're finally back!" A high voice called before bring me into an embrace that's nearly suffocating me. I don't even need to guess who it is, Miku… Damn it.

"Where have you been Len?! Me and has been worried sick! Oh don't do that again." She said rubbing her cheeks on mine not noticing how I'm about to die from her strong arms around my neck.

"I-I…." I struggled to spit out my words which made Miku worried and tighten her grip on my neck, oh god, I swear, this girl will be the death of me one day.

"Len? Why is your face so purple?" I swing my arms around hopely to give her the signal, and thankfully she understood. The teal haired girl let go of my neck and apologized to me before my mom walk out of the mansion with a strict yet worried expression.

"My son, I have heard from Kaito." She said in a low tone and looked at me with slightly teary eyes. Mom placed her soft hands on my cheek and give me a little hug. "I'm so sorry Len-kun, are you alright?" Yup, totally alright! You separated me from my true love, made me engage to a girl that I have never met before, and she almost killed me! My life is awesome mom! Of course, I can never say that to her.

"Y-Yes, it's been quite alright." I said lying through my teeth while mom and Miku give me a nervous smile, that is until a white car pulled up to the mansion and a man with a white lab coat came out of the car.

"Good evening Mrs. Kagamine, Mr. Kagamine, and Ms. Hatsune." The man said bowing slightly and my mom nod at him. THe man eyed me and eyed my mom, which my mom nodded back to him again. Somehow the man got what she meant and walked up to me.

"Pleasure to meet you , I will be your doctor today and give you a little check up." What? Check up? Nothing's wrong with me, or I hope so.

"I don't exactly remember me having a check up today mister." I said politely to the man, but instead of hearing his answer,mom decided to cut in and answer it for the doctor.

"It's nothing for you to worry about Len, please come inside." She said and walk inside the mansion with Miku, me and the doctor quickly behind them. Oh please, don't let this be a horrible day for me again.

Lights flash by me quickly as the other cars drive ahead of me. I swiftly turn on the radio and eye the envelope that I put on the passenger's seat. Smiling at it, I quickly focus on the road again before running my fingers into my deep blue hair. Sometimes being the driver of your master and friend is tough. You have to look out for them and give them advice, being the role of a good driver and a good friend.

The big yellow sun slowly sets down to make the sky a beautiful shade of orange and purple as I pull up to the school I just visited not long ago. I quickly parked my car at a nearby parking lot and grab the white envelope. Quickly checking my watch, it's 4 already, probably going to be late.

"Ugh, I have to hurry!" I said to myself and put on my jacket as well as my shades before I rush over to the gates of the high school. I panted slightly before leaning on the walls and waited for a certain blonde to come out, and it didn't really take long for me to spot a big rabbit like ribbon.

"Gosh, why is she so strict?!" The high pitched voice complained and another quiet voice appeared as well.

"T-That's because you shouldn't scream in class Rin-chan." A cute a quiet voice said and there was the familiar voice again laughing her bell like laughs. Huh, it's really like how Len describes it, her laughter is a sweet pitch of a chime of bells, sweet and mellow.

"Well that's why I have you with me!" She laughed and I saw her walk out the gate with another girl that has short green hair and big emerald eyes. She seems to noticed me and give me a cautious look. The girl whispered something to Rin and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"You! You're that driver!" Rin pointed at me and I shyly rubbed the back of my neck. Of course she'll know me, I'm the person who almost got her in trouble… well, maybe she's already in trouble.

"You know him?" The girl asked and Rin nod her head while glaring at me.

"Yup! That's the guy to got me into extra homework!" Rin said still pointing at me and the girl gasped at me before hiding behind Rin. Damn it, this is why I can't get girls. "So, what brings you here? To kidnap me?" She said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes behind the shades. Oh trust me, I really feel like kidnapping her and throwing her into the river right now.

"I have something for you." I said pulling the envelope from my pocket, but the envelope was slightly longer than my pocket so I was struggling trying to get the paper out, until the green haired girl screamed.

"P-Please don't shoot us! We're just normal school girls!" She cried and held onto Rin, who's glare increased and step away a little. A few students around give me a horrified look, I swear one boy even started running home screaming 'mommy'.

"No! It's just a letter!" I said pulling out the envelope finally and showed it to everyone before they calmed down. The girl let out a huge relief and put her hands to her chest. Rin finally stopped glaring at me and took the envelope.

"For me?" She asked and I nod my head. Rin looked at it for a new seconds before nodding her head and stuff the envelope into her bag and the girl started freaking out again. Before I got dragged into something, I quickly got into my car and drove away. Who knew that delivering an envelope can be that hard.

"Rin! Are you really going to take that?! What if it's a trap?!" Gumi cried and I just shrugged not even caring.

"Meh, it's not really often to have someone give me something. Who knows, it could be cool!" I said excitedly and Gumi just freaked out more, I'm such a terrible friend.

"B-But, he could've poison it or something! Maybe he had a tracker in there!" She said shaking me and I just shook my head, I wouldn't trust her that much if I were you. Gumi watched too many movies, especially action ones. Don't believe me? Oh well, I could care less.

"Calm down, it's not a movie. It's probably a love letter or something, what a pedofile." I said laughing and started walking home. Thankfully when I got home, Gumi isn't as scared and I can get home without throwing out the envelope.

"I'm home!" I called placing my shoes at the front and heard some sniffles in the living room.

"You don't understand! She was really scary! I can literally see black auras behind her!" Rui screamed and blew her nose really loud. I heard Rei sighed and I walk into the living room with my bag on my arm.

"You can't see an aura Rui, Megurine Sensei can't be that bad." Rei said pinching the ridge of his nose and Rui shook her head so hard that you can't even see her white bow… okay I was lying.

"I swear she literally transformed into a devil that time! She almost killed me!" Rui cried and rub her eyes. Her hazel eyes were bloodshot and these eyes were staring at me. "Oh! Hi Rin!" Her voice suddenly turned cheerful before she tackled me onto the ground, such a weird girl.

"Welcome hom-" Rei said and his face suddenly turned really red, like deep deep red. I looked at him in confusion and asked him what's wrong, but all he did was point down and didn't even try to look at me. I look down and saw my legs up…. with my underwear nicely shown….

"AHHH!" I screamed pushing Rui off my and cover myself with my navy blue skirt. I can feel the blood rushing up to my face and I heard a loud thud on the floor. Opening my eyes, I saw Rei bowing to me with his forehead literally on the ground.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean it please forgive me!" Rei said really fast and Rui just laughed at him. I didn't say anything but nod my head, eventually I let go of my skirt and it took a while for Rei to look at me again. It was pretty awkward, but I remembered the envelope that weird driver gave me.

"Guys! This weird pedo guy gave me this today!" I said looking through my bag and pull out the white envelope that driver gave me. Rei started freaking out for no reason and Rui started fangirling.

"Oh my gosh, you're already getting love letters?! Oh dear, my baby grew up!" Rui screamed and hug me again, this time not tackling me, thank god. Rei however is still freaking out and it took him a few minutes to calm down.

"Alright, so I'll read it out loud okay?" I asked and Rui nod her head with sparkles in her eyes. Rei on the other hand nod slowly and nervously, but that didn't stop me from reading that. Opening the neat envelope, I pull out a letter and started reading.

Dear Rin,

I have noticed you for quite a time and I find you to be quite a charmer. You have definitely caught my eyes and my heart if I have to say. I would like to hang out with you this Saturday so we can know more about each other. Please meet me at the Lotus Park at 10:00 a.m.

From, your secret admirer

Everyone stayed silent for a long time after I read the letter out loud and I think I sweated a little while reading it. There is no way this is for me! It's probably for another Rin! This guy probably got the wrong person!

"N-No way…" Rei muttered and Rui started to jump around.

"Oh my gosh! It's totally a love letter! Woohoo! Go Rin!" Rui yelled and squeeze me tight. I'm still stoned at the letter, but i recovered in no time.

"I don't want to go…" I groaned and Rei crossed his arms giving me the strict sibling look.

"And you're not allowed to go either." Rui whined and cling onto his arm.

"Oh come on Rei, it's not everyday to have a guy write a love letter to a girl." She whined and I sweated more, what makes this girl think that I wanted to go?

"Rui, I'm not going and I'm not planning to go." I said sitting crossing my arms and pouted at her, instead of whining to me, she gave me an evil smirk instead.

"Oh really? How about we play a game?" Rui said and I looked at her. "If you go to the date and stayed until the end, I will give you a month supply of oranges. But if you don't, you will have to give me one month of your dessert!" She said standing up and pointed at me.

"What?!" Rei and I both screamed at the same time, but his sound a lot louder. "I don't want to play this game Rui!" I said and Rui shook her head no.

"You have no choice Rin, it's either you win or you lose." I sighed but thought about it. Hmm, it's just a day with a guy, and I can always say no to him. Plus I get to have one month of oranges, maybe it won't be a bad thing after all.

"Deal!" I said holding my hand out for her and shake, and Rui shook my hand signalling the deal is on. Rei is just there with a shocked look and just being frozed. Then I heard the front door opened and closed with the familiar sound of the chain of keys.

"I'm home kids!" The heart warming sound of mom called and a smile appeared on my face hearing her voice. Yes! I can finally have delicious food.

"Mom! You won't believe what happened!" Rui yelled and snatch the letter from me and ran out the living room.

"Rui!" I just hope this kind of life doesn't end, such a heartwarming family.

I lay on my bed and groaned, sitting in front of a doctor is painful! He keeps asking me some stupid questions and it just leads to more problems than I already have! I heard a knock on the door and I groaned not wanting to get up.

"Come in!" I said loudly and the door creaked open to reveal and blue hair man smiling at me. "Oh hi Kaito, nice to see you after you abandoned me." I said staring at the ceiling at heard him chuckle.

"Good evening to you too Len. You better be thankful of me now." He said and I raise my eyebrow in confusion. Be thankful my ass.

"Really? What should I thank you for? Leaving me with a doctor?" I said and he shook his head before sitting on my bed next to me. He reach into his pocket and give me a letter for me to read. I quickly skim it over before a smile reach my face.

"It's a good plan, but what if she doesn't come?" I asked him and he gave me a smirk.

"Don't you worry Len, I'll make sure she will come." Okay he sounded like a murderer now, this creep.

"I hope so." I said before looking back up at the ceiling, I only wish for her to come back, come back to me…

I was walking down the hallway before I saw Kaito going into Len's room, but I don't know why when I started to eavesdrop at their conversation.

"It's a good plan, but what if she doesn't come?"

"Don't you worry Len, I'll make sure she will come." Shocked, I back away from the door and cover my mouth, hoping to not make any voice. Who is 'she'? For some reasons I don't feel that hurt. Why is that? Len is my fiance, but my heart always jumps when 'he' is nearby. Why? What is this feeling?

Chapter 8 is done and I finally can make some progress with this story! Well the plan will be in the next chapter and stay tuned! I hope I can update faster so I don't disappoint you guys, thank you so much to staying with me until now, I really appreciate it!


Lunamon3579 : Mangosteen! Oh they are awesome! So sweet but yet a little pinch of sour to them. They are a great fruit to love!

Lolokitty-Maya-Neko-chan: Thank you and sorry! My goal is to make my dear readers cry on chapter 4, glad to see it working! I hope you enjoyed that chapter!

Sir Lenju II: Yes! I have decided to stop being an asshole and put my imaginations to work! Thank you and I really think that it would give the readers an idea at how much Rin is struggling and how they pronounce stuff. I really appreciate it that you would review and you're a silent reader. I now feel special and reviews help me to continue to write! ;)

Question Of The Chapter:

Does Miku remind you of Elizabeth from Black Butler and if you can be any character from this story, who would you be?

My Answer: I was actually watching Black Butler when I was writing this, so I hope I didn't steal Elizabeth's personality. And if I can be any character, I would be Rui because she's crazy that she's amazing. To be honest, Rui is my favorite character to write!

Read and review please? Thanks!
