Adam, Bree, Leo, Mr. Davenport, Tasha Eddy,

I'm sorry but this had to be done. I love you all so much but I couldn't stay. None of this is your fault. I was angry, upset. There was so much wrong with me. I only ever wanted to be useful. Unfortunately I wasn't. Adam proved this time and time again. I think after some time this will be better. You'll see. It really was the best choice. Please don't think of me this way. Remember me for me not for my actions. I'll think about you often and wait for the day when I can see you again. I just hope that isn't for a while.

Tasha, I love you like a mother. I never had anyone who loved me so unconditionally. It'll be sad to go but you have Leo, Adam and Bree. Don't morn my absence, cherish what you have. I made you something. I was going to give you it for mother's day, the first mother's day I had a mother. See I can still smile when I write this. I'm not unhappy. But back to the point It's in a box hidden behind the computer council in the lab. I made it myself. :) See Bree I do know how to text a smiley. :p lol, brb, idk See I'm not that stupid lol. I hope you like it Tasha. I regret that I won't be able to see your face when you see it. Thank you for everything. You'll always be my mom.

Adam, I know you didn't mean all the things you said but many were true. It isn't your fault I've left. I knew everything you teased me about and would have done this ether way. You have been a great brother. You may have teased me and bullied me but you're my big bro and I love you. Keep on being you. The team doesn't have me as leader anymore, of course you two never listened anyway lol (see Bree). It'll be just the two of you so stay strong. Listen to each other, help each other. I hope you won't get hurt. Just in case I left some instructions on how to strengthen your suites. There's also some blueprints for helpful weapons. Mr. Davenport I think they should not rely completely on their powers. It could only get us so far. Train them like you'd train a normal human. I do hope that they will be using my weapons someday. I only ever wanted to help the team.

Leo, you're my brother. You brought us into the world. You helped me especially when the outside got too hard. I wouldn't have made it through that transition without you. And I don't regret anything about it. Thank you. I got to see what it's like to be a normal teenager. I got to have friends and crushes even if they tried to kill us.

Ok I didn't want to write this. I didn't want any of you to find out but I need to tell someone before I go. I need for you to understand. When I first left the lab into this amazing world I discovered something about myself. I was finally around others my age. At first I thought what I felt was normal but that soon changed. I'm gay. I always have been but never had a chance to realize it till we left the lab. Adam you re my brother I never felt anything toward you, you too Leo. You're just two of the most import people in my life.

But I had a crush on someone. I couldn't tell you while he was our friend and I definitely couldn't when he turned out to be evil. I loved Marcus and I still do. He understood me in a way no one else did. I loved everything about him, minis the evil. Not everything he said and did could be a lie and no matter what happened I still love him. I wonder if he went to heaven. Heaven is an interesting idea. Scientifically there shouldn't be anything after death. I'm a man of science so I tend to reject that theory. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'll wake up on a cloud. Maybe I'll see Marcus again. Would he even get an afterlife? He wasn't human. He was a robot, a collection of metal and electricity.

But I've gotten off track again. Leo goodbye. Thank you for everything you've done for me, for Adam and Bree, for us.

Bree, first off, lol, idk, rofl, omg, ttly. Just settling that argument. Anyway speedysis, I know that would annoy you. Like totes annoying. I don't have really a lot to say. I can't think of any big issues we have to resolve. All I can say is I love you. You were a great sister and a great teammate. You will be great. You'll have that family you always wanted. I know it. You'll get married and have kids and live to an old age. :) Thanks for supporting me against Adam so many times. I love you.

Finally Mr. Davenport, I have some things to say to you. You didn't play a role in this. This isn't your fault but I think we'll use this as a learning experience for you to become a better person. You weren't a good dad. You locked us away. Maybe it was for protection but Douglas knew you had us. He must of known we were close, probably in the same home as you. He could have taken us. Locking us away changed nothing. You took any chance of a normal childhood away from us. You trained us as soldiers. Isn't that what you were stopping your brother from doing. You never showed us love. Why is it we call you Mr. Davenport. It's because you may like to think of yourself as our father but you never behaved like it. We don't even call you by your first name. You're Mr. Davenport our boss, our commander, our captor.

Show Adam and Bree love. Stop being the self-centered egotistical jerk you are now. Step away from the mirror and act like a father. I want you to learn from my death. I want you to learn to be a better man, a better father. I may never get to see it but I hope Adam, Bree, and Leo do. I can only hope you listen.

I'm sorry you had to find me this way. I considered drugs but knew if Mr. Davenport found me in time he could save me. I'd probably never get a second chance. I know this was a bot gruesome but it wasn't really a bad death. At least I want maimed or killed on a mission. I died on my own terms as myself. I made a choice and that's that. Goodbye my family. I love you and if there is really something after death I hope we meet again.

Chase Davenport

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Chase Davenport's body dangled from the ceiling of the guest bedroom. The note had been removed from his chest and tears had been shed. They'd lost someone they loved deaply and no matter what the note said they knew it was their fault. Chase had always been put down and underappreciated. Yet he was expected to do so much.

Mr. Davenport didn't leave his room for a week following his son's death. The words had hurt as much as the loss. This was his fault. He shouldn't have treated them the way he did. He should have been the loving father they needed.

Bree wept for months. She closed herself off from the word, spending her days sitting cross-legged on the floor of a dark lab. She coulsnt get the picture of her brother's body, nues around his neck, face pale and lifless. She had been in the house. She'd been litsing to her ipod as her brother suffocated to death. She had been singing alone to Katy Perry while her bother took his last breath. She could have stopped this. She could have saved him.

Adam took it hard. He blamed his bullying. He treated Chase, his baby brother like shit. Even if he was joking he said such terrible things. He promised he'd never be like that again. He would never let someone feel worthless. No one should die like Chase had. And no one ever would if he had anything to say about it.

Tasha had opened the box hidden in the lab. It had been a music box that played her favored song and had a picture of the entire family inside. The box stayed shut, gathering dust hidden behind her clothes in her dresser. It was too painful to look at.

Leo spent the next year a zombie. He had been the one to find Chase. He'd chosen to go to Janelle's house when he should have gone home. He let chase walk home alone. He should have been there. He should have stopped it. The last words he said to his brother had been "Seya Nerd." Were those the words that finally set him over the edge? Did Leo cause his death? Was this all his fault. The only answer he could think of was yes. He'd added the last straw and Chase broke.

Nothing was the same again. It didn't go the way Chase had wanted. They hadn't become better people. They hadn't strived from his loss. They were broken and they stayed broken. Missions ended after only two attempts. They couldn't do it without Chase. They couldn't fight knowing their brother was gone. Bree grew up sad and later became bitter. She never did get that family she wanted. She was alone.

Adam was offered a football scholarship. He didn't take it. He didn't go to college. He was never able to open a book again without seeing Chase laying still and silent in the brown coffin. Every word from the page was a grain of dirt that fell as the coffin was lay in the ground. Years later when he finally decided he needed to get a job, be something no one would take him. There were no jobs for a high school graduate.

Mr. Davenport tried to be a good father but it was too late. His kids didn't need him anymore. They had grown strong in the absence of love. He lost all hope, stopped inventing and eventually hated himself. The only reason he was still with his wife was Chase had wanted them to be happy. They both knew their marriage was long dead and accepted it.

In the end what Chase had thought would strengthen his family tore them apart. He caused sadness and pain and took away the lives his family could have had.