The boy walked into the room. The room was dark, the only light shining above a a white chair. The boy walked over to it. There was a name on it; Dipper. Was that his name? He looked to his left. He looked to his right. He looked behind him. He was alone.

The boy sat in the chair. He waited. And waited. And waited. It wasn't a long wait though. He's been there for - what? - about 15 minutes? Yeah, that sounds about right. During that time, he had thought about the name "Dipper." What a funny name, yet it sounded familiar.

An imaginary grandfather clock ticked in his head.







The clock went off, and that's when his mind clicked. Dipper Pines. That was him. That was his name. He blinked, everything now falling into pieces. Where was he? What was he doing here? He should be at the Mystery Shack, with Mabel and Wendy and Soos and Grunkle Stan.

He tried to stand up, but a unseen force kept him down. He struggled against the weight on his legs, but it was useless. He couldn't move. Despite this, though, the boy fought against it. He fought. And fought. And fought. All until he was tired out.

He panted. He felt weak. He felt restrained and useless and weak and miserable - ugh! He wanted to cry. But there were no tears. He needed to be strong, despite his feelings. He needed to get out of here-!

"Well, well, well,"Said a voice, one all too familiar to Dipper. His eyes widened and he jerked against his invisible restraints. "Isn't it little ol'Pine Tree?"

"Wh... What do you want, Bill?" Dipper spat, breath heavy and shallow.

The dream demon tsked. "You have no idea what's going on, do you?" No. No, he did not. Dipper narrowed his eyes into little slits:

"What did you do?"

Bill laughed, "It was nothing that I did, but rather what you did, Pine Tree."

Dipper furrowed his eyebrows. What did he mean? What did he do wrong? As he thought, small images of his life fluttered behind his eyes, but nothing came to him.

"You're so clueless, and you're supposed to be the smart one,"Bill floated over and Dipper could just feel the invisible smirk coming off the triangle. "You attempted suicide."

He... He what?! No... No way! This is just another lie! Dipper was surely taken aback by this. His eyes widened, becoming, what seemed like, ten times bigger than usual. And then it came to him. The scene flashed before him. He remembered taking the pills, overdosing. But, why would he do it? He... He would never do that. He was a smart kid. Wasn't he?

"That's why you're here. You're in Limbo. This is the place you go to when your in between life and death,"Bill's triangular body began to move, and Dipper realised he was showing him something. Dipper saw his body in the hospital. He saw how his sister cried for him and how Grunkle Stan tried soothing her. He was in a coma.

Dipper had nothing to say.

But, of course, the Dorito did.

"Listen, I'm here to make a deal with you," Bill looked at Dipper with his one eye, for once, being totally serious. "I will bring you back to life, if you let me share your body with you."

"What?" Dipper was slightly shocked by this. Share?

"You heard me, Pine Tree. I liked inhabiting your body, but I know that you won't let me take it. So, how about sharing?"

This was a trick. Dipper could feel it. He snarled and spat at Bill, who easily dodged it and laughed. "Oh, come on, don't be like that. Think of your family. Think of how you're leaving them behind, leaving them sad. You don't want that do you?"

No, he didn't. But he couldn't trust Bill... He really couldn't. However...

Dipper looked at the screen on Bill's body again. He watched the tears fall from Mabel's eyes and how his great-uncle looked...depressed. He noticed the stressed out look on Soos's face, same with Wendy.

The preteen licked his lips and finally reached out his hand.


Bill gladly took said hand, and the light from above went out.


When he awoke, Dipper instantly closed his eyes again. The lights were too bright in is opinion. It took him a moment to finally reopen them. When he did, the scared faces that surrounded him came into view. He would've laughed at their looks if it weren't for the current situation.

"Dipper!" Shouted his sister, Mabel, who pounced on him. She was crying - pardon - is crying. And Dipper felt really guilty for what he had done.

"Hey, kid," Stan said, walking up. His eyes were red, Dipper noted, and a bit puffy. Had he been crying too? "Gave us quite the scare there."

Dipper gave a smile - whether it was fake or not, it was unknown. The boy knew his voice was hoarse, so he didn't bother talking. Instead, he just gave small pats on Mabel's back, trying to soothe her sobs.

Totally ignoring the voice inside his head.

"What a cute family reunion."


So, was it okay? Um... This is my first fanfic for Gravity Falls, and I hope this went well. Please review, I'll be happy to receive any critique from anyone. Thank you for reading and hoping to see you in the next chapter!