Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. My respects for Kishimoto for creating an amazing manga full of great characters.

"Have you told Sakura?" Naruto asked Sasuke while slurping his favorite food at the restaurant he was obsessed with. Sasuke had lost count on the amount of bowls his best friend had eaten. Normally this would annoy him because he just couldn't comprehend his obsession with something as trivial as ramen. However, the question just brought to his attention had him thinking about better things. Like how in the world is he supposed to tell Sakura he is leaving Konoha on a journey of redemption.

It has been about a year since the war. During this time of peace he has bonded more than ever with team 7 such as Naruto and him being capable of mature conversations even with some arguments here and there. After all his best friend was Naruto, aka the dobe, so of course everything couldn't be pitched perfect. His relationship with Sakura has also changed. They have been able to share more; especially him. At times he would walk to the hospital after Sakura's shift is done to just escort her home. Seeing how Sasuke repeated this action, Sakura eventually offered him to stay for dinner which he gladly accepted. As time progressed he slowly started noticing his heart held a soft spot for Sakura. A foreign feeling he really didn't comprehend. The only thing he knew is the unknown emotion is what was making him upset about informing her of his upcoming departure from the village.

"Stopping by her apartment to tell her tonight" Sasuke replied with a serious yet sad tone as he was staring at the ceiling. When he made his decision to leave he had no idea it would be this hard to notify his teammate. The girl that causes him to lose his mind when he attempts to understand her importance to him.

"Well you better do it. You're leaving tomorrow and she deserves to know. Or what? Did you think about leaving without telling her?" Naruto questioned Sasuke with a overprotective voice.

"I thought about it dobe. Before you say anything; I know she deserves more than that. So I won't." Sasuke had to quickly let Naruto know of his intentions seeing his frown. It was of no surprise Naruto would be so protective of Sakura; she too held a special place in his life. He had a crush on her during their genin years; a crush that transformed into something deeper when they both fought so much to bring their prodigy teammate back home.

"You better!" Naruto demanded before continuing eating his unfinished ramen while Sasuke was still lost on his own thoughts.

"Why are you making into a bigger deal anyways Teme? It's not like it will be the first time you'll be leaving. Plus this time you're leaving for a good reason. Sakura-chan will support you as always." Naruto grinned at his last statement in hopes of giving Sasuke encouragement. He could tell how this whole situation was affecting him.

Sighing Sasuke replied, "I know she will. The problem is she gets too emotional."

Or maybe it's because once I tell her my journey will be final. No more escorting her from work, listening about her day or even calling her annoying playfully.

Naruto confused uttered "So?".

"Emotional Sakura might just make me stay. You weren't there when I left the first time. There was a moment where I considered staying. But my hatred was stronger so I end up leaving. Now I'm not sure if I can go forth with the journey if she get's as emotional." Sasuke explained with his eyes now looking at the table.

Damn it Sakura, what is it that you do to me. You're not even here and I'm already feeling all weak. You haven't gotten emotional yet I'm here doubting whether I should leave or not.

"Then stay." Naruto blurted out after finishing his ramen.

"You know why I have to leave dobe." Sasuke replied this time moving his gaze to Naruto's. He wanted to reassure himself he was doing the right thing leaving.

"I do. And she will understand too. Look Sasuke, she loves you no matter what idiotic choice you make. She has stayed truthful to that feeling through your lowest point. Trust me when I say that this isn't an idiotic choice; this is something you feel you need to come to terms with your past and heal. Honestly I'd probably do the same. She will stay by your side through it, believe it!"

With this statement and a wide grinned in Naruto's face was more than needed to cause Sasuke smirk. His best friend did understand him enough to make him smirk; the closest thing he had to a smile. A smirk that Sakura had also the power to cause such as during her confessions and when he witnessed her god-like strength during the war.

"Thanks dobe. Except you're forgetting she is-".

"Yea, yea! She is too emotional!" Naruto sarcastically finished his best friend's statement while padding his back to get the point across he was aware of his lame excuse for not telling her sooner.

"Hn" Sasuke replied.

"Look at the time! I'm late to meeting the Hoka- I mean Kakashi-sensei. Man, its weird calling him Hokage. It's been a year and I still can't believe that old pervy beat me to the title! Anyways, tell Sakura tonight! Oh regarding her being emotional, I bet you my life she won't get emotional. She won't even ask you to stay because like I said; she wants what's best for you. And teme, it seems this may just be the best for you right now." Naruto padded Sasuke on his back again this time with more force to encourage him. He then started walking towards the exit to go meet the Hokage. Before he could reach the exit Sasuke called on Naruto one last time after observing something annoying.

"Yea?" Naruto turned around to where Sasuke was seating with an annoyed glare.

"You haven't paid your lunch dobe."

"About that! Lunch is on you today since I was such a great best friend." Naruto replied with a sneaky smile prior to him leaving.

"Hn, lunch is always on me regardless" Sasuke muttered. He took out his wallet to pay for the meal and left the restaurant. With his hands in his pockets he started walking to a unknown place. He wasn't sure where his feet were leading him; all he knew is that he couldn't stop thinking on how to speak to Sakura tonight. Is he prepared for her reaction? Is Naruto right in that she won't ask him to stay? What if she cries? That's worse than her asking him to stay.

Her freaking tears! That's what gets to me to the point of complete annoyance. Her tears speak more than words. They sting more than any blade that has struck my body.

Sasuke wondered around until he caught sight of a certain bench. The same bench he had left her unconscious body the night he betrayed the village. He couldn't help but feel like karma was finally making him pay for his pending debts.

Why of all days do I need to get reminded of the pain I caused her that night today?

Accepting his penance he walked to the bench to sit. He was running out of time before Sakura's shift ended and he had to tell her. It has been a whole year since the war was over; since he came home with his family. The three of them forgave him instantly followed with the other rookies much to his surprised. He has been trying his best to fit back in only to feel like he's missing something. It wasn't until recently did he finally understood what he was missing now that he wasn't an emotionless bastard. He was missing true redemption. Sure he was forgiven by others yet he hasn't forgiven himself. How could he after being responsible for a lot of destruction? There was no way he could offer anything to anybody with no true redemption. If he had hopes of ever becoming more than just teammates with Sakura; he'd need to find his true redemption first. A redemption that could only be found outside the gates of Konoha without her. Part of him considered asking her to come along but immediately decided against since her presence would defy the purpose of the journey. Besides why should she leave her home when she had nothing to do with his sins; if anything she has always been part of his good humane side he thought he had lost after the massacre. Sasuke stayed sitting on the bench until night finally arrived. He stood to begin walking to the one place he didn't want to reach.

After two knocks the door finally opened with a joyful Sakura on the other side of the door. She gave him a loving smile alongside the gesture to enter her apartment. Without thinking twice he entered while she continued to greet him with such tenderness.

Please don't look so happy Sakura. Don't want to be the cause of your cheerlessness tonight.

"Sasuke-kun! I'm glad you stopped by to visit. Do you smell what I'm cooking?" Sakura asked with a smile.

"Rice balls with tuna and grilled tomatoes." Sasuke replied with a smirk he couldn't help. This girl just knew him so well. Her facial expression of pure happiness didn't help.

"Yes! I was actually preparing it to take it over to you later. Since you're here now; would you rather stay in for dinner? Or is this a quick visit?" Sakura asked with a curious look. She definitely wasn't expecting his presence. He wondered why she was making his favorite out of nowhere.

"Hn, I can stay" he nodded.

"Fantastic! Should get done in about 15 minutes, make yourself at home Sasuke-kun" she finished before making her way back to the kitchen. Seeing Sakura this cheerful made Sasuke nervous all of a sudden, causing him to feel uneasy. Uneasiness was a feeling he wasn't accustomed but couldn't stop himself. He knows Sakura will be devastated when he tells her making her beautiful smile fade away. Unknowingly to him, he kept walking back and forth thinking of the best way to break the news to her.

"Dinner is ready" he heard Sakura scream from the kitchen.

He entered the kitchen to sit on the small table she had next to a white wall. She had placed his favorite meal and drink so that he only had to sit down and commence eating.

Why are you treating me so well tonight?

She finally sat down in front of him with her plate. He started eating when she did to show her respect for all of the little things she does for him. After she finished her food; she got up excitedly with a grin in her face to go towards a cabinet in the kitchen. She opened the cabinet and knelt down. To Sasuke's dismay she took a medium sized wrapped box similar to a birthday present.

"It's for you" she placed it in front indicating him to take it.


Sasuke was in complete shock. He had envisioned the night going many different ways; this didn't come close to any of the forecasted scenarios. He had no idea how Sakura had the gift of making everything so darn harder for him. Does she not notice what she does to him? Second doubt his goals? He is completely aware of the time he has been cruel to her. However, his cruelty has never been the same cruelty she is with him. A cruelty where she makes him feel loved, shameful, guilty, tendered, weak or to put it in simpler words; makes him feel out of character.

"Sasuke-kun?!" she called out his name still holding the present. All she saw was a frozen Sasuke with no idea why. At a moment of weakness Sasuke stood up from his chair and walked to Sakura. Instead of grabbing the present she was holding; he grabbed her waist to move her closer to his body so that he can embrace her. Sakura's reaction was to drop the present to return the embrace in a profound matter. He held her tight for several minutes not knowing how to explain his random action. Sakura continued to hold him enjoying the moment; offering nothing but silence and an obvious blush. He could feel her body getting warmer with his; a sensation he never thought existed.

"I'm sorry Sakura" Sasuke whispered to her not wanting to let go of her. He was grateful Sakura wasn't able to see his eyes for all she'd witness is a sad, lonely man longing for an indescribable comfort only she could give.

"I know" she muttered placing her head against his chest to show she desired the same comfort from him.

"You don't understand. I-I-I…"

"You're leaving." Sakura finished his statement leaving him stunned once more. She broke the embrace to pick up the present she dropped. Sasuke's eyes followed her movements including the smile she gave him. Except this smile had a bit of sadness even if it was genuine.

"See inside." she shoved the opened present closer to him causing him to look what's inside. He grabbed the present to only put it on the table.

"How did you know?" he asked in a soft tone.

"You've been acting different. When I noticed it was a matter of time before I figured it out. Besides I've always known in my heart your stay here was temporary."


"It's okay Sasuke-kun" she gave him a bright smile of encouragement to let him know she understands.

"You've been through plenty. If leaving means you get to pursue a happier life, then Sasuke-kun, I support you entirely. This is why I decided to make your favorite meal and give you present; this way you know you'll always have a home in Konoha when you're ready to comeback. If you do that is." Sasuke noticed a small strain in her voice when she said the last part. Obviously she had already contemplated the possibility of him not returning.

I need to find a way to let her know I'll be back. If anything my journey is temporary, not my life in the village.

"Thank you Sakura." Sasuke wanted to say more. Give her some affirmation of his return except he couldn't find the right words. He was grateful she didn't get too emotional just as Naruto had foretold. Yet her actions had a greater impact on him.

"It's getting late. You have a long journey ahead of you. Go rest. Don't forget your present." Sakura walked him to the door even though she didn't want him to leave. It is true she had accepted his journey but she was hoping she'd find a genuine reason for him to postpone the inevitable trip. Of course she wouldn't voice her determination to keep him in the village a little longer. Perhaps he'd take her with him, she thought, as one of the options to remain by his side. Regardless of what happens in the final farewell; she will continue to be loyal to the love for him.

Sasuke had walked outside with the present on one hand when he grabbed her wrist before she closed her door.

"You'll be there to say goodbye right?" he looked straight at her eye with a look of desperation. He needed her to be there. Maybe then he'll have the courage to ask her to wait for him because he'll be coming back. To Sasuke's instant relief Sakura nodded. He released her hand to leave.

Like earlier in the day his feet dragged him once more to the infamous bench. He sat down on the bench to only begin taking the items from the present Sakura gave him. In the present he found a medical traveling kit, snacks, a bag of fresh cut apples, team 7 pictures and a letter. He chuckled upon examining the bag of apple, pictures and letter.

Dear Sasuke-kun,

Hopefully you don't mind giving you apples. I mean no ill by such a gift. If anything it's meant to be a reminder that we've forgiven you for all the tough moments. I recommend eating it ASAP since they will go bad soon! Anyways, I also included some pictures of us so that you know you're not alone; you have a family who will wait anxiously for your return. In case you have forgotten, the first picture was the one taken in the hospital. You look angry, as always, because Naruto had pushed your buttons. It was the first night as a family in Konoha. The second picture was the one taken at Naruto's favorite restaurant. You seem rather happier in this one considering Naruto had made you pay for all of our meals. The last picture is the one taken during our last training spars. Yes, Kakashi-sensei yet again is reading his book like in the other ones taken. But I'm more than sure he was smiling behind that book of his since Team 7 made it. Weirdly enough in this picture you're smirking and it kind of seems you're eyes are gazing at me. I'm sure that's a mistake though! Please take care of yourself! I know you'll be able to find whatever is you're looking for. I mean after life has put you through so much hell; it's only fair for you to find your happiness. Just don't forget about us! Your faithful beloved teammates!


Sakura Haruno

Sasuke folded the letter carefully to avoid damaging it. The letter and the pictures were just what he needed to move forward with his journey of true redemption.

"I know exactly how to confirm my return" Sasuke muttered with a smile while poking his own forehead with two fingers. He then grabbed the bag of cut apples to start eating the fruit before they rot as Sakura indicated in her letter.

Author's Note: Instead of finishing the new chapter of another story I decided to write a single shot. Could not help it after reading that Sasuke stayed for 1 whole year in Konoha prior to leaving. Enough time for there to actually be a genuine big development between him and Sakura. This explains chapter 699 much better in so many levels. The possibilities of how close they were are endless now because A LOT could happen in one year. This was the inspiration of my OOC Sasuke because let's face it; he is so OOC in 699!