The Kyoshi sisters sat close together in the lunch room. They talked quietly about the attack as they ate their chicken. "I know a couple of people who would be involved in something like this. I wish there was something we could do."

"I wish mother were here to help us."

Suki put down her chicken. "Maybe we can help."

Her sisters looked at her curiously. "What do you mean, Suki?"

"You know what I mean. We could fight."

"Suki, you know how dangerous that is."

"I know, but … mother died trying to protect our freedom, maybe it's time we follow her example." Her sisters hung their heads at the mention of their mother's death. "She would tell us to have courage, to use our gifts for the good of our people."

"But Suki, they will not stand for a rebellion."

"Look around girls, one's already started." Suki stood up and walked out of the lunch room. She sat on the bench in the girl's locker room and scowled at her disorganized locker. They could've at least refolded her uniform. She looked in her bag to see if they had taken it. With much relief, she found the headband in its proper place. She looked into the magnetic mirror on the locker door and tied the headband on her head. Everyone used to say she looked like her mother when she was young. She wondered what her mom would do in her situation, Suki knew she definitely wouldn't sit around and do nothing, even if it cost her life. All Suki had managed to do in this colony was make it onto a boys soccer team.

On her way to her next class, she passed a fire nation boy who tripped and dropped all his books in front of Suki. He immediately apologized and got on his knees to pick up his things. Suki was shocked, most fire nation kids would've blamed her and forced her to pick everything up for them. She got down to help him. He smiled. "It's really alright, I can handle this."

"It's no problem." They both reached for a textbook and Suki accidentally pushed up his sleeve just a little. Her eyes widened in shock. The boy quickly pulled down his sleeve again, hiding the bright blue arrow on his hand, and picked up his book. He stood up worriedly, said thank you, and ran down the hall in the opposite direction. Suki couldn't believe it, could that really have been an airbender?

Although Sokka had stopped trying to fight the fire nation and accepted his own powerlessness a long time ago, he had foolishly tried to run. It was just the excitement of the moment. For the first time since being captured by the fire nation, he had chosen to rebel through his own freewill. No freakish sisters or crazy air nomads dragging him along on their suicidal missions, for once he had been crazy on his own.

He remembered now that feeling he'd had two years ago the night before they came. Everyone told him to give up, that it was hopeless, but he remembered his promise to his dad. "Their safety is your responsibility now, Sokka. Can you promise me you'll protect this tribe?"

"I promise, Dad."

"Be good to your sister and Gran Gran. There now, don't cry. I'll come back as soon as possible, I promise. I need you to be strong until then, you're a warrior now." Because of that promise, he refused to listen to reason or fear. He would have faced them in battle even if it meant death rather than do nothing, but he couldn't. Katara had stopped him. It was her loss of faith in him that had finally crushed Sokka's spirit. Katara was the most hopeful person he knew, she had always believed in him even in the worst of times, and yet she had lost faith in him when he needed it most. He never tried to fight the fire nation again because of that, he just accepted his place in life; to live and die for the thing he hated most, and to allow his family to do the same. Because if Katara didn't believe in him, how could he ever believe in himself?

He kept trying to move his hands a bit from inside the handcuffs. They were really painful on his wrists and he wished the guards would loosen them up a bit. They were waiting in the principal's office for the police car to arrive so he could be taken to the station. Principle War Den tapped his pen on his desk and looked intently at Sokka. "Today you committed several offences against the law, Sokka Wolf of the South Pole, or Mizu Colonist S5802, would you care to tell me how? As a Junior you should have taken a class on the fire nation government in your freshman year, correct?"

"Yes, sir, in Dr. Jeong Jeong's class."

War Den nodded his head. "Well? Any guesses?"

"A colonist is forbidden under fire nation law to attack any fire nation citizen, even for the purpose of self-defense. Any colonist to disobey law is forbidden from attempting to run from the crime. Colonists are not permitted to disobey any fire nation citizen's command unless given an official exclusion from the proper authorities. Exclusions like these are primarily only for the use of teachers teaching fire nation citizens, such as the one given to Mr. Bumi at this school."

War Den nodded his head and took a peppermint candy out of a little bowl on his desk. He asked Sokka if he would like one. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." He was given a peppermint from a guard who unwrapped it and put it on his tongue.

"You seem to have a good understanding of your boundaries as a colonist, and yet," War Den's face set into a threatening manner "you chose to cross those boundaries." The peppermint candy in Sokka's mouth suddenly seemed to taste sickening. "You should be aware that this is the worst of times to get on my bad side. I have quite a few powerful friends in the penal system of the colonies and I myself was the warden of the boiling rock for many years and still help to manage it. I could make your life very difficult for you, Colonist. I understand you have a sister in her freshman year." Sokka trembled as War Den let out a short laugh. "No, Colonist, I am not someone you want to make an enemy out of, so when I ask you if you know anything about the situation of our main entrance, I expect you will answer me entirely and truthfully."

Katara walked with Jet through the school hallways, his arm around her waist. He'd asked her to go on a date with him and somehow or other Katara had said yes. Katara had never had a boyfriend, it made her a bit nervous but she really liked Jet. She had even told him about her mother and he told her about his parents. There seemed to be a kind of understanding between them that Katara had not been able to share with anyone for a long time. She should have had that with Sokka, but after what had happened between them, they fought to no end and that understanding had become impossible.

Jet squeezed her a little and bowed his head to lightly kiss her forehead. She blushed and stared down at her feet. They could hear the sounds of footsteps and panting coming from behind them. Jet glanced behind them and stopped. Katara looked and turned around. Princess Yue stopped in front of them, gasping for air, her hair coming loose and falling in her face. Jet and Katara both bowed their heads slightly to her. "Your majesty."

After a moment she asked, "Are you Sokka Wolf's sister?"

Katara stepped forward, "Yes. What's wrong?"

"The fire nation - the fire nation has arrested him."

Katara's eyes went wide. "What?! Why?!"

Princess Yue looked guiltily at Katara. "Me. He was trying to protect me. I'm sorry, I had no idea anyone would dare respond like that."

"What did he do?"

"He attacked a fire nation guard."

Katara's knees trembled. Why? Why would Sokka ….. of all people? "Where is he?"

"They're taking him to the station."

"I have to go." Katara began running.

Princess Yue ran after her. "I'll come with you."

Jet watched them run around the corner and disappear from sight. He smiled. To think that complacent and stubborn moron would do something so rebellious. He laughed out loud shamelessly. This was perfect, better than he could've ever planned. When Sokka was permanently separated from Katara and Aang his plan would be all but completed. With Sokka no longer able to protest and Katara hating the fire nation more than ever, everything would fall into place. He took out his cell phone and called Haru.


Jet replied, "Guess which lucky bastard just hit the jackpot?"