Author's Note: this is a Yaoi and eventual MPreg.

Chapter 1: Potion Accident

Harry and the other eighth years were seated at their table in the Great Hall and waited for the Headmistress to appear. She didn't disappoint, going over the rules and expectations of the school. Harry blocked out most of it, for it was the same thing as the other years. But then she said something that was completely worth his attention:

"Professor Slughorn has resumed his retirement. Therefore allow me to introduce you to your new Potions Master and Head of Slytherin, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy." A lot of people, Harry included, stumbled as the aristocrat looked at them and gave them a nod. He looked to Draco who actually groaned. He was a bit confused with that. The Draco in their previous years would've done a happy dance or two but this Draco wanted to just disappear. Harry noticed two pairs of molten silvers looking at him then staring off at each other! Harry blinked then shook the thought away, because it was too silly. The two blondes were staring off as if to say back off bitch he's mine! But they were father and son and Harry was not a piece of ass!

Over the break and on his birthday, Harry had a complete makeover. His glasses were gone, he had grown taller standing at am impressive 6'5", became broader and muscular and his hair was no longer as wild as it had been. It was long in the front but short in the back, almost covering his right eye. He was dressed in black and a deep wine red, which brought out his eyes and the faint auburn highlights in his hair. He even got his right ear pierced with a silver and emerald stud. In short the boy was carnal desire with legs and the two blondes were willing to kill each other for him. His magic increased making him, If possible, more powerful than he was already. Even a couple of girls and guys looked at him hungrily. But the blondes, he was the most wary of. He gathered his books and made his way to class, the two blondes watching him go and purring before glaring at each other.

Everyone filed into the Potions Class and Harry jumped a bit when Draco slinked into the seat next to him, smiling a little too sweetly.

"Mind if I sit here?" He asked, batting his eyes at the ravenette. Harry gulped and blushed but nodded. Draco smiled and made himself comfortable, and set up. Lucius entered as soon as the last student was inside and stopped short when saw his son flirting with the one he wanted for himself. He and Narcissa had divorced when he caught her with Blaize's mother. It didn't bother him too much because he preferred men anyway for one and two his marriage was arranged. His eyes narrowed at his son's unashameful flirting. That tart! Lucius thought with a growl. But there was an added bonus, Harry looked uncomfortable! He smirked and made his way to the classroom.

"We'll be working on a complex potion. So I'd suggest you all pay attention." At that, Draco and a few other students tore their gazes from Harry and Lucius caught the ravenette's grateful look. He allowed himself a small smile before continuing, smirking at his irate son. Take that, boy. This is a man's game and I will win... "This potion, if brewed correctly, will not only bring a person's true feelings to the surface, it will also act as a repellent against unwanted suitors. If brewed incorrectly, the potion could become a poison. The recipe for the potion is on Page 516, begin when ready." Lucius went to his desk and began to read as soon as he heard the students gathering their ingredients. His body tensed as he heard his son offering to assist Harry with the delicate workings of the potion. Lucius marked his place and walked around each cauldron. The correct color of the potion was a shimmery blue silver. He had seen various shades of blue, indicating they were in the right direction. Until he got to Neville's cauldron. It was a scarlet and silver! Oh by Merlin! Without thinking twice, Lucius removed the cauldron and turned to get rid of it when Draco bumped into him and the potion splashed onto his father.

"Draco, you fool, move!" The elder barked. The younger blonde blinked then smirked when saw the damage. Lucius was about to toss it when it exploded, the force of the explosion sending the older blonde flying into the teacher's desk! Harry snapped into action, checking over the older blonde, making sure he didn't touch any of the potion. After a few minutes, he picked up the older man bridal style and made his way to the Hospital Wing, with Draco and Neville following.

"Oh my, what happened here?" Madame Pomfry asked as Harry entered with the blondes and trembling brunette.

"Potions Accident." Harry said. The Mediwitch waved them to a bed and asked questions. The answers unnerved her. It turned out that Neville managed to blend two potions. A De AgingPotion and today's potion which was a magnogomy potion. Neville was ashen as he looked at his textbook.

"Oh Merlin, the pages got mixed up." He showed Harry his Potions book and Harry's eyes widened. The top half of the page was a de aging potion and the bottom half was today's potion. The book had sap on it. He turned to the Mediwitch then the older blond. Hey didn't he have more wrinkles? He peered closer and noticed the age lines leaving him, his hair becoming more luxurious and white blond. The face became more androgynous. In short, Lucius became even more drop dead gorgeous! Harry felt his throat go dry and his face heat up. Draco looked miffed. He was about to say something when they heard a soft melodious moan that sent shivers down Harry's spine and to his groin.

"Welcome back Lucius," The Mediwitch greeted cheerfully. The blond sat up and the boys noticed that the "elder's" hair was longer, reaching mid thigh!

"What happened to me?" The blond asked patiently. Neville gulped and stepped forward.

"I'm sorry Professr, it's my fault, I mixed potions and the cauldron exploded. Harry carried you here."

"Ah, yes I remember, you foolish boy you could've killed us you know!"

"Madame, shouldn't the Professor not be able to remember because he's de aged?" Harry asked. Lucius was impressed, it was a valid question.

"Normally that would be the case but since the potions were mixed, some aspects were removed and replaced with other attributes."

"You mean swapped?" Harry asked. "He retains his memory in exchange for his age?"

"That sounds about right Mr. Potter," Madame Pomfrey said. "Lucius is seventeen again with the memories of his adult self. This may be permanent."

"So I have a brother instead?" Draco asked hopefully. The other blonde rolled his eyes and whacked Draco in the back of the head.

"I may be younger now but I am still your father." Lucius said icily. Draco pouted and Harry snickered. Wait a minute...which blond was older now? Draco's birthday's in June...

"Professor, um, when's your birthday?"

"December 25th." Both Malfoys answered. Harry smirked. He's a Christmas baby...correction, Christmas Day!

"So Lucius is still the elder." Pomfrey said. Headmistress McGonagall came in and smirked.

"Stumbled onto the fountain of youth Lucius?" She smirked. The older blonde laughed and got up from the bed. Harry smirked. Lucius, although he was taller than Draco was shorter than Harry by a few inches, four to be exact. Perfect for kissing...

"It would seem so Minerva." Lucius said. "Mr. Potter, thank you for bringing me here, Draco, come with me. We need to have a little chat." With that, both blondes left, anger radiating off the older blonde like heat. Whatever it was, it wasn't looking good for the father and son.

Hmmm, what do you think, should it be permanent? What should be done? There will be a fierce rivalry coming up, stay tuned.