Chapter 4: Family Is Strength

Lucius was a constant vigil at Harry's bedside. It had already been a month since the incident and both father and son were not talking. Draco set Harry's homework and class work aside. Lucius kept talking to him, read him stories and tended to him. The Healers, at first tried to get Lucius to leave but after they got threatened with being hexed into the new millennium they let him be. He only switched shifts with McGonagall or Hagrid to teach and tend to his needs but was back immediately. He didn't want to miss Harry waking up. Harry's friends came to visit to tell Harry about Qudditch and their adventures. Lucius listened politely as he read his book.

"Professor," Hermoine said politely. "Will Harry wake up soon?"

"I'm hoping so Ms. Granger. We all miss him."

"Draco feels and looks horrible. Professor, he needs his father too."

"Ms. Granger, I understand what you're trying to do and I thank you. But I am not ready to forgive my son."

"Sir, you do realize that if Harry was awake that he would drag you and Draco into a room and lock you in it until you forgave each other. Family means a lot to him and it would crush him if a family was torn because of him."

"But it's not his fault..."

"Sir, I've known Harry since we were eleven, and believe me, he would blame himself. You have to look at the bigger picture, both of you. If you can't do this for yourselves, then do it for Harry. I'm not saying kiss and make up but you can act civil around each other. Think about it Professor. Come on Ronald we have get back to school. Goodnight Professor." Lucius bid them goodnight and sat down again. He had to think about what Ms. Granger said. He hated to admit it, but she was right. He was angry and hurt but it wasn't just about them. It was about Harry. We are, family. He thought reluctantly. Family is Strength. With a sigh, he penned a letter to the Minister/Head Auror and waited. Kingsley didn't disappoint. He appeared ten minutes later knocking softly.

"Lucius?" He called out softly. The blonde looked up, wand at the ready before he relaxed.

"Kingsley, forgive me I'm a bit on edge."

"I completely understand Lucius. I must say it's a bit strange seeing you..."

"Like this." Lucius finished. "Understandable, I still have to remind myself of the De Aging Potion before I believe there were trick mirrors. I'm practically everyone's envy now. Those who remembered how I looked before, they seethe and demand to know my secret, which I still keep mum about. I know Severus would jump for the chance I have, minus being with Harry."

"How far have you gone?"

"We've kissed and held hands. That is all. When the incident happened, we were on our first date." Lucius said with a sob. Kingsley looked to Harry and sighed.

"He'll wake up Lucius, don't fret."

"It's been a month. I need him...I love him...I'm a wreak."

"By Merlin you sound like a wife!" Kingsley chuckled. Lucius rolled his eyes but stroked Harry's now shoulder length Raven locks. Lucius took care of his beloved and his hair was no exception. He kept the front as Harry alway liked it, bangs long but the back was kept groomed and silky. He smiled and kissed Harry's lips sweetly.

"Mon Amour, Kingsley's here. And your friend Ms. Granger is quite a speaker. She says that I should forgive Draco and that he needs me too. I know this sounds selfish but I'm not ready to forgive him. It's been a month since that day and it still hurts. She also mentioned that you would drag us into a room and lock us in. I can see you doing that. She also said that you would blame yourself for us not speaking to each other. It is not your fault. I miss you. I need you, please." He placed another kiss onto Harry's lips. "Familia est Fortitudo. And we need you," He was about to walk away until Harry's hand squeezed his. Lucius gasped and motioned for Kingsley to get a Healer. He leaned and smiled when half lidded emerald eyes looked at him.

"Mon Ange..." Harry whispered. Lucius smiled and hugged him. The ravenette stroked his hair, calming the blonde down. Kingsley smiled at the sight. So did the Healer who cleared her throat, getting the attention she needed.

"Mr. Potter, welcome back. You've been out for a month. I'm certain you'll want to eat and bathe..."

"I gave him a bath recently." Lucius interrupted calmly. Harry blushed a bit. Lucius smiled and kissed him lightly.

"Don't fret mon amour, I only bathed you and made sure there were no accidents." Harry smiled and nodded. Then Harry noticed his hair.

"I've been out for quite a while hm?" He held the strands and sighed. "Guess I'll have to cut it..."

"Mon Amour, could it as it is? I like it and it suits you, please?"

"Tell you what Mon Ange, if I like it, I'll keep it. Fair?" Lucius nodded and handed Harry a mirror. The Ravenette looked at his hair and smiled. It did look nice..."All right Mon Ange, I'll keep it." He smiled when he heard the blond's happy cry. The Healer examined Harry and gave him a clean bill of health. They prepared to leave when an owl flew it caring a letter from Gringotts. Lucius tilted his head as Harry read, face in concentration.

"Mon Amour?"

"I have another inheritance. They want me to come in and see to it." Harry sighed. Lucius smiled and kissed him.

"Then we'll go. Don't worry."

"I so owe you big time. When I'm recovered and everything is settled, I'm going to sweep you off your feet Mon Ange." Lucius shuddered in pleasure at the heated whisper. He was so happy to have his beloved back. He kissed the ravenette and finished with the packing and handed Harry his cloak. Harry had his done in less than a minute and helped the blond with his.

"Thank you Mon Amour." Lucius said graciously with a shy blush. Harry hugged him and both men left St. Mungos and made their way to Gringotts. Harry winced and struggled a bit. Lucius winced in sympathy then conjured up a handsome mahogany cane with a phoenix on the top in white gold. "Try this." Harry tilted his head and thanked the blond. It really did help. He noticed that Lucius' cane was gone!

"Mon Ange, where's your cane?"

"It's retired. I don't need it now. I was injured and that's why I had it commissioned. The wand holder was an addition. Now when you've recovered, you can retire it as well or, change it into something else." Harry nodded and walked at a steady gait with Lucius making sure he didn't topple over. They made it to Gringotts and Ragnok was waiting.

"Mr. Potter, Lord Malfoy right this way." He walked them to his office and Harry was confused.

"Ragnok, how could you tell which was which?"

"Mr. Potter, the look may be different but the magic remains the same. Now, you understand why you're here?"

"I've gained another inheritance." Harry said. Ragnok nodded.

"This is the inheritance that was hidden from you, it was even withheld from Voldemort and Dumbledore. we were instructed to remain silent until you became of age, Voldemort destroyed and the appearance of the family coat of arms. Mr. Potter, if you please." Harry nodded and stood up, and turned to Lucius.

"Mon Ange, could you spell off my robe and my shirt, please?" Lucius gasped as if he got the best birthday gift ever! He waved his hand and wandlessly did the spell. Harry's sun kissed muscular chest and toned abs came into view as well as broad shoulders and powerful biceps. Even his ass was fine! Lucius licked his lips as he stared. Oh by Morgana...I've died and gone to heaven. Thank you! Ragnok asked him to turn and Lucius had to clap his hands over his mouth to stop himself from squealing like a woman. Harry's back was sight, broad, tanned and there, in dark emerald green, was the Slytherin Coat of Arms and Family Crest! Also in beautiful cursive was the family motto: Familia est Fortitudo. Ragnok nodded and Harry looked at Lucius with a raised eyebrow and the blond pouted before spelling Harry's shirt and robe back on. Harry kissed away his pout and grinned develishly which caused Lucius to blush and smile.

"Sir, you understand that you're not just Lord Potter, Lord Black, but Lord Slytherin as well?" (I forgot the name of the three brothers that had the Hallows help! Harry's Lord of that family too!) Harry was shocked. He was the Heir of a Founder! Lucius sat patiently but Harry knew he was composing himself. "Lord Slyherin, you also have Hogwarts to consider..."


"Yes Sir, the school will need..."

"Headmistress McGonagall is fine where she is. I will be content in another post. And don't say Potions Mon Ange, I'm pants in it."

"Why would I suggest my job?" Lucius asked and Harry laughed.

"Here are the papers and the Lord and Lady/Lord Consort's rings Lord Slytherin." Harry slipped the Lord's ring onto his finger and smiled when he saw the other ring. It's perfect for Lucius, when the time is right...He signed the papers and thanked Ragnok for his time, gently escorting Lucius out of the office, pocketing the second ring. After withdrawing some money from their vaults, they returned to Hogwarts. The Headmistress welcomed them warmly.

"Mr. Potter, Professor Malfoy, welcome back."

"Uh, Headmistress, it's Lord Slytherin now." Harry said showing her the Slytherin Lord's ring. Her eyes widened and she curtesied. Lucius blinked in shock. The Headmistress looked at them and lead them to the Great Hall, they were just in time for lunch. Ron, Hermoine and Draco approached them, the most nervous was Draco. This didn't escape Harry. He approached Draco first and regarded him with a patient gaze. The younger blond looked down, ashamed. Harry lifted his gaze with a gentle yet firm grip.

"Draco, I understand that you are sorry and what you did was reckless. I love your father but I also love you too. I have enough love to give. We are family Draco. I want you to remember this and apply it. Familia est Fortitudo. Family is Strength. We are stronger together than divided. If you need me for anything, a sounding board, a shoulder to cry on, someone to beat you in Qudditch, whatever, within reason, you can come to me. I'm not asking you to replace anyone. I am asking if you have room in your heart for me?" Draco looked up at the ravenette and hugged him tight. Lucius smiled and carded his fingers through his son's hair. Draco looked at him and cried harder. Lucius wiped his tears.

"Father, I'm so sorry. I..."

"Hush my Dragon." Lucius whispered. "We can't change what has happened, but we can overcome and adapt. But we will do it as a family. We love you my Dragon. No matter how bratty you are. And don't worry about my accident, I don't mind. I rather like being the envy of those who've known me from before." Draco smirked and Harry rolled his eyes as he held his blondes. Draco saw the cane in Harry's left hand and smirked.

"Becoming a pimp Harry?" He asked while Lucius laughed. Harry smirked and held his blondes possessively.

"Who's your Daddy?" He asked with a mock growl and a swish of his hips. Both blondes and ravenette laughed hysterically and held each other. McGonagall and the others clapped at the display. Although they've been through so much they all got the one thing they wanted: family.

This isn't over! There's more to come.