A/N: HEY GUYS! IT'S ME! A long OVERDUE update for this fic! Unlike Gajeel, who's busy getting his freak on with little Miss Levy, I've been busy on the job as I got another promotion and transferred back to Neonatal (Baby) Surgical Nurse! Only for the rest of the year, I'm going back to Pediatrics Cardiology in January. Anyways, I've been writing snippets of this story and I've realized how dark it has become. I mean, who would have thought a story starting out as Nurse Gajeel singing Taylor Swift to a sick little girl could turn into…well, this! I digress! Here is a new chapter. A little bit about Gajeel's time overseas and info about Ranger Juvia Lockser. Enjoy!

Chapter Ten: The Burning Man

Seven Years Ago: Mountainside of Afghanistan.

It was unusually quiet out at their rendezvous outpost where a newly promoted Sergeant Redfox was doing a joint mission with a group of Rangers. A simple supply drop and deliver to a remote village not too far off. A simple routine mission for Gajeel's squad, though with the Rangers might slow them down a bit as they were on edge in unfamiliar territory. One of the many reasons for this joint operation, Gajeel's squad knew the mountainside like the back of their hands. Which wasn't new to them to begin with as they escorted physicians and other needed non-military personnel all the time. If some sort of relief would come out of this, at least the Rangers knew how to shoot a gun.

"Is this your first tour, Sergeant?" A blue haired woman clad in the same desert camo strode beside him with the same pack along with additional baggage she required. Specialist Ranger Juvia Lockser had been transferred from the Navy to the Army from her recent promotion. His first impression when they rendezvous at their post was a headstrong woman who knew war as if it was crafted into her bones. Her dark eyes were evidence of her steeled heart just like the rest of her crew.

"Second one," Gajeel answered, marching along the unmarked path up the mountain. "You?"

"First as a Ranger." Juvia said, brushing off lingering sand in her camo scarf. "Third overall." They didn't talk much after that. Mission came first and with these mountains it was easy for them to get ambushed by the enemy. They treaded lightly and fortunate for them the wind was calm and the skies were clear. No evidence of a sandstorm heading in their direction. However, with no evidence of sandstorms, the likeliness of being ambushed was extremely high.

"Belno!" Gajeel turned around and the young man came running from the lineup. They were approaching the village and the private was the only one fluent in Arabic. Gajeel picked up a few phrases here and there, but his confidence and his strange American accent didn't bode well with their language. Despite the calm weather, Private Belno had his scarf over his mouth.

"Sir," Belno's voice muffled through the camo scarf.

"I need you to escort Specialist through the village and help translate for her." Gajeel ordered him.

"With all due respect, sir." Juvia interrupted him. "Juvia can speak very well."

"But, the villagers do not know you yet." Gajeel rebutted. "Belno will introduce you to the sick and their families." Juvia's mouth pressed into a hardline and her eyes stared at the young private.

"Juvia is counting on you," She smiled at him. "Hope that you have a strong stomach. Some of these injuries might need your assistance."

"Don't worry about me!" Private Belno said to them. "I come from a family of nurses. Mom is Chief Nurse at MU."

"Tch, doesn't mean shit if you can't handle bit of gore." Gajeel clicked his tongue. "It's not like you follow yer mommy around in her fancy hospital."

"Either way," Juvia laughed. "He has a nurse's enthusiasm. I'd like him to assist me if he can. Rodger and Kuhn will take care of Doctor Saito's patients."

"The rest of my squad will escort them through the village." Gajeel added, approaching the village entrance. Children of varies ages came running out of the make shift rocky gate and greeted them, where Belno took the liberty of translating for the new additions to their party.

That night, Gajeel was out on patrol with another one from his squad. A few others were getting as much rest before their shift and the Rangers were settling in with their temporary patients in their respective homes. Dim lights seeped out of the cracks of the doors and windows, silhouettes moving in front as the figures moved like shadows around a campfire.

"Sergeant." Gajeel looked away from the shack like homes and turned to the Private. His dark brown hair appeared black in the night and matted down from his helmet. Tan lines from the bridge of his nose and across his cheekbones, showcasing wind and sun burns across his temple, forehead and eyes. The grizzly beard on his face, like everyone else in his squad, had gone unshaven and rowdy from their days without basic necessities. The hair on Gajeel's jaw was getting long as well, feeling the desert wind move through it.

"Belno," He asked. "How are the Rangers?"

"Good, sir." He nodded. "They have turned for the night and done their final assessments." He pressed his chap lips into a thin line. "Kuhn's patient needs surgery tomorrow once second unit arrive with the proper equipment."

"Damn," Gajeel cursed, gripping his gun. "You are on patrol with Aria until the next shift change. I need a word with Specialist."

"Yes, sir!" Belno nodded and he took his spot as Gajeel walked into the center of the small village. The shack in which the Rangers are housed in. His eyes checked each vantage point where ambushers could make their attack. It was almost routine for him to check those specific locations. His ears were always on alert, and even though he was fortunate to have nature give them a quiet night, the silence was a bit unnerving. He wasn't use to it, though silence wasn't an unwelcome guest to the rest of his squad.

For the moment, at least.

Gunshots erupted the silence and when he believed everything was fine, everything went completely wrong.

Present: Magnolia Academy-Mavis Vermillion Memorial Field House.

"Sergeant! Get down!" Juvia shouted just before the shack exploded behind her as she towed a sick patient beside her.

Why was that memory coming back to him?

Gajeel leaned back against the metal seat of the bleacher row behind him. His elbows rested on the empty metallic slab of metal as he looked down at the swim meet going on below. Sitting on the bleachers like this with his leather jacket, it reminded him of his dreary high school years, though this school was far nicer than the one he attended. The teachers at his school never cared for the students or their well-being. Jocks and rich kids would pick on the poor and the weird. The fights he and Natsu would start because some jerk picked on someone for being different, however, he wasn't a hero or anything. He picked on some kids too. And often times were feared than admired. He remembered how much he wanted to leave that dump, but not knowing exactly what to do then until he was caught stealing the teachers and principals cars. Convicted as an adult at sixteen, the option of prison for seven years or active military service. The child in him feared for prison and like a coward joined the military.

It turned out to be prison of his own.

"Hey," Levy appeared with a paper cup of coffee and paper bag that smelled of muffins.

"Hey," Gajeel smiled back and took the cup from her. She joined him, sitting beside his elbow. He had to look up to see her still wearing her coaching uniform. "You done coaching?" He asked, accepting the banana nut muffin she offered.

"Somewhat." Levy shrugged. "I'm done debriefing my swimmers. They'll be going on soon." She sipped her hot drink. Her honey eyes looking out at the two massive pools beyond the bleacher railing. The rest of the bleachers that surround the upper part of field house were filled with students and families from different schools. The coach's section was very much empty, which gave Gajeel the room to stretch out his legs and arms. "You look like those delinquents skipping class and hanging out on the bleachers with their friends." She laughed.

"Look like?" Gajeel snorted. "I am one of those assholes." He drank his coffee and stared up at her. "Spent lots of time on bleachers. Only class I liked going to was Metals and Engines class."

"Wow, great job by meeting the typical standards of your character." Levy laughed. "Now, that's what I would have guessed about you."

"Glad you didn't." Gajeel took another sip and looked out to the cheering crowd and the swimmers plowing through the water in their lanes. The commentator's voice blared over the loud speaker.

Levy didn't watch the swimmers. Her concern was the man beside her, casually sipping his coffee and acting like everything was okay. Levy couldn't get that moment out of her head since it happened. The stubborn and handsome Gajeel jump at the sudden noise of a pellet gun. The pop that echoed through the track field brought him to his knees with his hands shaking over his ears like a scared little boy.

"Are you okay?" Levy asked him again. His shoulders stiffen and then looked up at her, exhaling frustratingly through his nose. She didn't know how many times she asked him that, and she couldn't imagine how annoyed he must be for her persistence. How could she not be concern? The way his eyes were bulging out for a brief second before closing tightly when she tried to call out to him after the gun had fired. How could she not?

"Levy—" Gajeel shook his head again.

"I am serious, Gajeel." Levy pestered with worry in her voice that Gajeel caught. "You can tell me, you know? It's nothing to be embarrassed about." He was always vague. Never was a man of details and Levy knew that.

"I'm not embarrassed." Gajeel hissed and paused. He bit his bottom lip and sighed audibly, wanting to say something, but didn't want to. "It just happens."

"Happens?" Levy scooted over. Her thighs were touching his arm and Gajeel looked at her green clad legs for a moment. She watched, waiting for him to continue.

"Random fireworks, sirens, high pitch whistling through the air," Gajeel scratched his head nervously. "Chip bags being popped open and balloons popping…we just react to it. A reflex." Levy nodded and thought about the pellet gun making that explosive pop. But, the way Gajeel looked made Levy wondered if Gajeel had post-traumatic stress disorder. Did she dare ask him? "The most harden soldiers have a reaction. It happens." Gajeel shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh," Levy's hand hugged her paper cup, feeling the comfortable warmth it gave to her chilly fingers. A solemn relief had washed over her, though a sense of concern lingered in her heart. There was so much to learn about Gajeel, and yet she felt as if she wasn't going to get any answers. Prying was always her downfall—at least with past boyfriends anyway—the way things have gone with Gajeel, she didn't dare jeopardize what they have. She didn't want to lose what last night created. She would not push.

Silence fell between them, both lost in thought, watching the races go on swimmer after swimmer. She'd look at Gajeel, his expression inscrutable in the bright gymnasium lighting.

"Have I told you how I met Juvia?" Gajeel asked her. Her gaze peered down and met his ruby eyes. "A joint mission with the Rangers. She was a field nurse and we escorted her unit from our outpost to a remote village in the mountains." He adjusted his arm, shifting it slightly closer to her. "Smart gal and tough. Have to be for a Ranger." He paused again. "A quiet night of tendin' the sick and patrols turned into an inferno. One of the villagers turned on us. She and her twin brother had one of those old fashion blowtorches that farmer's use to burn brush after harvest season. They started attackin' the Rangers who were helping a sick man."

Levy watched as he told a story. A story that didn't end in three sentences or less. His eyes would meet hers a few times, but he would stare out at the pool. He was certainly here, though his glassy orbs were elsewhere, reliving a time where she hadn't appeared in his life.

"I was heading to their location until I heard gunshots." Gajeel sighed. "We all heard it, and it was pitch dark, we weren't sure where it was comin' from. Everyone ducked…" He gulped and clenched his jaw. "The home the rangers were in was on fire. One of the rangers shot the canister full of methane and the twins burst into flame. The girl died immediately, but the boy—" Gajeel paused when the crowd on the far side of the field house erupted in a thrilling cheer. "Juvia and the others carried out as many patients as they could. The boy came running out, engulfed by flames and ran towards the sick man she was tending to. The boy jumped on top of the man, setting him on fire."

"Why?" Levy's voice cracked.

"The man killed their mother." Gajeel answered. "From what my men have translated, it was an accident. The twins always had a grudge against the man. They wanted to kill him while he was sick and before Juvia and the doctors could cure him." He shook his head, remembering the memory vividly. "The doctors weren't coming in until the morning, so Juvia had to tend to the man and boys burns." His nose wrinkled as if he could smell the burning flesh again. "He tried to kill her and her men, but that damn woman tried to save them."

"Wouldn't you?" Levy added.

"I guess," Gajeel nodded.

"What happened to them?" Levy asked, setting a warm hand on his forearm. He looked at her for a moment and returned to the match. "Oh. I'm sorry…" she said and squeezed his arm.

"Nothin' to be sorry about, Shorty." Gajeel sat up and joined her, taking a hefty bite out of his banana nut muffin. Levy's neck craned up to see his face. "It happened. An avoidable incident happened." He took another bite. Truth be told, Levy couldn't imagine Juvia a harden soldier carrying guns and clad in a heavy camouflage. And a Ranger too. To see what she and Gajeel had seen and experience frightened her, and it made her heart heavy knowing that they lived through war. But, that was the past now. Seeing Juvia happy with her boyfriend, Gray, and Gajeel performing with his friends and being the best nurse, Levy should be grateful to know they are doing alright.

"Is Juvia the reason why you became a nurse?" Levy asked, and Gajeel paused, hesitant to take another bite. "No? Don't tell me, it just happen?"

"It did just happen, but Juvia wasn't the reason." Gajeel caught her mocking tone and nudged his elbow at her side. "Ran into her again when I entered nursing school. Oi, your friends are here—" He pointed his hand to the two familiar faces searching the crowd for them. Levy looked at the clock; 3:00 PM. The rarity of Gajeel's storytelling had to come to an end. She didn't want it to end as she had many more questions for him, though it would have to wait. Which Levy needed to be patient, and for Gajeel she shall be.

"Track meet is over." Levy smiled, waving them down until Droy saw her and alerted Jet. "Gajeel," She rested her hand over his knee. "I'm always here…for anything." She flashed him a smile and before Gajeel could reply, Jet and Droy arrived.

"Magnolia Rams won by four points!" Jet held up his hand and Levy gave him a high five. "Two more meets before sectionals." Jet held up a hand towards Gajeel and he hesitantly returned it. "It's great seeing you again."

"Droy," Levy turned to Gajeel. "This is Gajeel Redfox. Gajeel, this is Droy, a very good friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you," Droy held out and hand and Gajeel returned with a firm handshake. "We heard so much about you."

"Same," Gajeel nodded.

"Tonight, we're going to the bar to celebrate." Jet grinned at them. "You guys want to come along?" He turned to Gajeel and flashed a smile.

"Actually," Levy squeezed Gajeel's knee and the two boys noticed it as well. "We're going out tonight. Maybe another night?"

"Actually…" Gajeel set a hand over hers and squeezed it in return. "We can go before or after." She looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders, fighting a blushing smile. "Whatever you want, shorty."

"Okay," She smiled, nodding at Gajeel and then Jet and Droy. "After the swim meet, let me head back to my place to get ready."

"Take your time, Lev." Jet said to them. "We'll see you guys around seven."

"Welcome home!" Lucy sat up from the plush couch and pulled off her red framed glasses. "How's the date?" Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull when Gajeel walked in right behind her. "Oh, Gajeel—I didn't know you were coming over." She quickly fixed her messy blond hair as much as she could.

"Lucy," Gajeel scratched his head, looking around the apartment. "Salamander here?"

"No," She shook her head. "He had to leave…" She set her notepad full of notes down on the coffee table and stared at both of them with a curious smile, grinning from ear to ear. Her long lashes flickered over her coffee brown eyes, mostly flashing them at her dearest friend Levy.

"We're going out with Jet and Droy later." Levy informed her and Lucy only nodded. "We're going to—" Levy pointed in the direction of her bedroom, and immediately headed in that direction with Gajeel on her heels.

"Have fun!" Lucy exclaimed, sinking back into the couch, glasses over her eyes and letting out a comforting sigh as she returned to her work. "Natsu didn't believe me it could work." She snorted.

Calm finally settled in between the two of them once Levy closed the door to her room. Their morning started out hectic, speeding through the streets in Gajeel's roaring motorcycle, surrounded by her students needing her guidance and coaching, and hanging out with her friends. They really didn't have a moment to themselves since they awoke this morning.

Gajeel shed his leather jacket and set it on her desk chair. The smell of leather and fumes from the exhaust spread through the room, adding to the apple blossom perfume that lingered in the air. The room smelled like her and it became more prominent as it mixes with the foreign intoxicating smell of Gajeel. And sadly enough for Levy, she reeked of gym clothes and sweat from her helmet. She needed to get out of these clothes.

"Gosh," Levy laughed, swinging open the closet door. "I smell like a gym bag."

"Yeah," Gajeel coughed. "You should, ya know? Um, take'em off." He smirked at her, eying her from head to toe and then moved them to her hips. Levy shook her head and rolled her eyes at the giant pervert, though she had to admit she'd like how much he appreciate what she has despite her less endowed features.

"Hm," Levy turned to her closet. She could feel the lingering gaze of his red eyes staring at her back. He was watching her and the flurry of heat bloomed in her stomach. Levy never felt like this before, a sense of confidence and sexiness even in sweatpants and an oversize t-shirt. Her hands rested at her hip, shifting and pretending to pick out something to wear. She wanted to look back, to catch him staring at her with wondering eyes. Thumbs hooked around her waistband and she slowly shimmied out of them, and once she had them off she heard her bed creak and an audible gulp from behind her. Gajeel was definitely watching.

Levy smiled devilishly and continued on with her shirt, peeling from the hem, revealing her soft smooth skin, and the curve from the hips to her waist. She shifted her hips and slowly pulled the shirt over her head, freeing her hair and tossing the school stenched shirt to the side. She was left in her bra and lacy panties she wore the night before. They needed to come off as well, but she wondered if Gajeel would do the honors.

"Hm," Levy hummed, sinister smile appeared unmovable. "I wonder what I should wear…" She took her time, shifting her weight from hip to the other as she contemplated her choices, taunting Gajeel as much as she could. She wasn't sure what else to do. Should she take off her undergarment too? Should Levy turn around and make the first move? What if he didn't want to do it? That thought brought an eerie emptiness in her gut.

"Y'said you owe me ten favors, Shrimp." Gajeel snaked his arm around her waist and she shivered at his strangely cold touch. Fingers instantly left goosebumps on her skin, though the warmth of his breath against her ear and neck set her ablaze. A moan left her lips as she leaned back against him.

"Nine," She grinned. "Coffee was one…dinner will be two…" She gulped.

"No, that'll be three…" Gajeel gave lazy, wet kisses along her neck and jaw. "That's if I let ya pay…now…" He paused and turned her around and pressed Levy against his chest, grabbing her chin between his fingers.

"Gajeel," Levy gasped as he gently kissed her hungry lips. His lips only stayed with her briefly before he trailed them down her jaw, her sensitive neck and shoulders, earning small quiet moans from Levy. She needed to be quiet as Lucy was paces away. "Ahh—" She sucked in a breath when Gajeel knelt down in front of her and teeth grazed the curve of her breast, soothing the skin with his tongue. His fingers made work on her bra, stumbling over the damn hook as if he was picking a lock. Eventually he got it and continued with his arms wrapping around her waist and picking her up briefly to set her down on her bed.

Levy's hair sprawled on the lavender comforter, honey eyes wide with awe as she watched Gajeel peeled his red t-shirt from his body, staring at the rigidly taut muscles move so tantalizingly. Levy was a damn lucky girl to have a boyfriend so fit, so…sexy. She almost laughed, recalling only seeing (more like read) men with Gajeel's body type in books or magazines. It was like he was photo shopped or something like a underwear model, though the scars that lay upon his skin being slightly lighter than the rest of his tone made him look real.

Scars that made Levy's chest clench with grief, and all she wanted to do was plant soft kisses along each scar. It wasn't the first time seeing the scars. At the beach, last night…they weren't new to her, but in the leaking sunlight peering through opaque white curtains made the healed torn flesh more prominent. She was told that the scars were created by metal, and now she could see where the serrated metals pull at the skin.

"Do they hurt?" Levy asked, huskily and quietly. Gajeel paused and his gaze lingered to her fingers tracing his old battle wounds on his arm. The muscles in his forearm stiffen and Levy pulled her fingers away as if she hurt him.

"No," Gajeel grumbled and gulped audibly. "Not anymore." Levy caught the hesitation in his voice. Was that a lie? "Hey, Shrimp." Gajeel grabbed her wrist and forced her gaze at him and away from his old pain. "I don't like that look." He grinned at her, fingers grabbing her curly blue fringe along her rosy cheeks. "They don't, okay? Don't worry about it." Her eyes lingered once again, but Gajeel's fingers glided through her hair, and she settled a hand over his, seeking comfort.

"Let me worry," Levy smiled, planting a kiss inside his palm. "Just a little." She grinned wider, batting her long dark blue lashes at him. He gave a small chuckle and shook his head, though he didn't deny her compassion. Instead, he kissed her, tender than the last, rendering her breathless as his tenderness did her in.

And they both made love again the third time that day.


Lucy got up from the couch and looked at the door suspiciously as she wasn't expecting anyone. She dragged her slipper clad feet to the intercom and greeted the stranger on the other end. Chinese? Lucy looked over to Levy's closed door. Did she order Chinese? She buzzed him in and suddenly her stomach began to grumble at the thought of food.

"Gihii—ack!" Gajeel's voiced boomed and a crash came busting through Levy's room, where a half-naked man laid across the carpet of their hallway. Lucy grinned wickedly at him as Gajeel tried to get up, trying to find an excuse for Lucy, but he was silenced when Levy jumped over him with nothing but his red t-shirt and orange lacy panties on. Money crumbled tightly in her fist and a playful laugh escaped her lips. "Hell no!"

"What's going on here?" Lucy crossed her arms and smiled at Levy.

"We decided to eat in before meeting Jet—eep!" Levy exclaimed when Gajeel picked her up and slung her over his shoulder.

"Levy?" Lucy was alarmed by the boldness of Gajeel's actions. Levy's lacy ass was exposed and she was struggling to pull the hem of the shirt over it. "Wait, let me answer—" Gajeel ignored her, and ignoring the woman pounding her fists into his bare back. He winced slightly at the stinging skin, but he trekked on to the door where a knock came upon their door.

"$36.23." The Delivery boy nearly dropped the food seeing Gajeel with no shirt on and Levy squirming to keep her butt covered. Lucy slapped her forehead and trying very hard not to laugh at Levy who was red with embarrassment.

"Keep the change." Gajeel handed him two twenty Jewel bills and grabbed the greasy splotched bag. He slammed the door and turn to the couch where he dropped Levy into the pile of cushions.

"Gajeel!" Levy shouted, throwing a plush cushion at him. He dodged it and bounced off the refrigerator. "I told you I was going to pay for it!"

"Sorry, Shrimp." Gajeel shrugged his shoulders and unpacked the array of white cartons from the bag. "Lucy…combo fried rice and orange chicken?" He held out her cartons, stacking them on top of each other.

"T-Thank you!" Lucy was baffled that they got her favorites. "You didn't have to get me some."

"Yeah, yeah," Gajeel huffed. "Finish it before Natsu comes back." He threw a pair of chopsticks at her. "Oi, Shorty! Eat so we can go!"