Oki... Here it is the last chapter I know how the end would 'end' when I started but, I... IDK. ENJOY! I hope you like the ending...

Chapter 5: What happened

Kim sat in front of Shego preparing to tell Shego everything. How she missed up and Ron got killed. How much she blamed herself. How much she wanted revenge. How she kept it bottled up and missed spending more time with him. How she held him 'til the hurt was gone.

Shego sat there wondering if she wanted to know or if she should stop the girl from telling her. What if she isn't ready to tell anyone. More important, Shego wondered why she even cared. She know it wasn't fair, she did use to save the world and knew all to well how hard it could be.

"There was a new villain and we underestimated him." Kim, told her.

Flashback to that night...

"Wade, are you sure?" Kim, asked.

"Kim, this guy is as harmless as Frugal Lucre. I did multiple checks on him. His high security password was '1234NobodywillNo'." Wade, told her.

"Yea, that sounds like another Drakken." Ron, said.

"Is there anything we should be alarmed about, lasers, security, or spinning tops of doom?" Kim, asked.

"Actually there is something showing on the screen." Wade, answered with a grin.

"Naco's? Cause, I really want some naco's, please be naco's." Ron, said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"There's a alligator trench." Wade, told them.

"And?" Kim, asked.

"No, alligators." Wade, answered.

"I don't know guys, somethings not right." Kim, said.

"KP, Wade has the world wired. Trust me, everything will be alright. I promise." Ron, told her.

"Alright, lets do this." Kim, told him ending the call with Wade.

Kim and Ron decided to still sneak into the lair as precaution. They were traveling throw a air vent then it gave out and they both fall into the trench.

"Miss, Possible and Mr. Stoppable. You had us waiting for ever." she, said.

"Us?" Kim, asked.

"We meet again, Stoppable. Meet my partner, AmyDN." Monkey fist, said.

"Monkey Fist." Ron, said getting into a fighting stance along with Kim.

"AmyDN?" Kim, asked.

"Yes, a cuddly buddy that DNAmy made of herself." Monkey Fist, told her.

"Oh, and we think alike. It's so cute!" AmyDN, told them.

"Time to face your doom, Stoppable." Monkey Fist, told him.

"Bring it." Ron, said as they begin fighting.

Kim was occupied fighting with the monkeys and then she seen the perfect thing to trap the monkey ninjas. She shot her hairdryer up towards the roof and she missed her target which was to hit the really big chandelier. Instead she hit a round pole that was holding the place together. It was the thing that held the building in tact.

As the building begin to fall she yelled, "Look out, Ron!" She tried to swing over towards him but, her rope broke. Her hairdryer had never failed her before and now it caused the worst pain ever. She watched as some of the roof came crashing down on Ron. "No." She, said in a whisper as she ran over to the rubbish to dig her boyfriend out.

Inside her head was a million 'what if's' and regrets. She wished she never yelled at Ron on the way over. She didn't mean to yell, she was just tired. She kept digging and digging until... "Ron, can you hear me!" Kim, yelled as she discovered him under a really big piece of metal. She tried to remove the metal piece but, it was too heavy. She held Ron in her arms even if it was just his top half until the backup made it and forced her to back away.

The entire time she was either mentally saying wake up or she was actually yelling for him to come back. She couldn't believe he was gone just like that, they had plans. They were finally on track from the whole alien invasion.

End Flashback

Shego sat there for what seemed like forever. "I'm a little confused, he went against Monkey Fist?" Shego, asked.

"Monkey Fist was Ron's foe not mine." Kim, answered her. She lowered her head and then whispered something.

"What, I didn't catch that?" Shego, said.

"I didn't get to tell him..." Kim, told her trailing off into whisper.

"Tell him, what?" Shego, asked.

"That he was going to be..." Kim, once again went into a whisper but, soon caught her voice. "A dad." Kim, said with a tear in her eye.

Shego didn't understand what was happening but, she found herself hugging the young girl in a tight embrace.

"So, this is what happens when I'm gone for too long, you switch sides?"

Kim pulled away from Shego only to look into the eyes of, Ron. She didn't know rather she was dreaming or imagining. "Ron?" Kim, said in a whisper that was clearly asking if he was real.

Shego looked in the same direction as Kim and to much of her surprise it was the dopey sidekick standing there with his goofy grin.

"I don't understand. I sat there and held your limp body in my arms. How can you be alive?" Kim, asked.

"KP. That was never me. Sensei, did his whole Mystical thingy and..." Ron, got cut off when Kim gave him a huge hug.

Kim slowly backed away. "Why, didn't I know? How could you let me think you died in 'my' arms?" Kim, almost shouted with tears shinning in her eyes.

"Sensei, didn't think anyone would believe it if you didn't. I am not happy about it either, it killed me knowing you were hurting." Ron, said.

"Ron. It killed me more. I thought it was 'my' fault. I sat there rocking your dead body screaming and hoping you would wake up. I was a mess and still am. How am I suppose to believe your real." Kim, shouted tears rolling down her eyes.

"Your right. I wouldn't believe it either, I would want to though." Ron, said with a whimper. "KP, remember the mission before the whole Diablo sitch?" Ron, asked.

"Of course, I do." Kim, told him.

"What about the swamp before, we went in to find Shego and Drakken?" Ron, paused seeing Kim's face confused. "My dad's old suit, and your beautiful dress." Ron, paused again to make sure he had her attention. "I promised you that day I would never bring it up again." Ron, paused again before continuing. "Your dress sort of ripped, which is why you wear a different dress to prom." Ron, told her.

"Ron, it is you." Kim, said pulling him into a hug. "I still don't understand. It's been almost two whole months. You couldn't of gave me a heads up or a clue. Ron, I was really bad off." Kim, told him.

"I have been leaving you clues, KP." Ron, started.

"What clues?" Kim, asked.

"In your dreams. Kim, I only learned a few words in the spiritual world." Ron, told her.

"And the only words you knew was 'Why, KP'?" Kim, asked.

"It's a lot harder then it seems. Are you mad?" Ron, asked.

"I was, sort of still am, but, your ok." Kim, said as she took Ron into her arms again.

"I love you, KP." Ron, said.

"I love you too, Ron." Kim, said.

"And I love, vacations." Shego, shouted.

Kim and Ron stared at Shego. "What?" Shego, asked.

"Did you really have to ruin a moment?" Kim, asked.

"Well, I was feeling left out. I could of shouted 'I love you guys too'." Shego, said with a smirk.

"Oy!" Ron, shouted slapping his head.

"I think you mean 'Doy'." Shego, said.

So there it is. I'm not going to lie, I did rush though this chapter. I hope you liked it. Thanks for the reviews and such... If you have any questions ask away. I hope the ending was what you were or wasn't expecting. I was expecting Ron to be alive since chapter one I just didn't know how to bring him back. I was thinking his monkey thing was going to bring him back or the way I wrote in this chapter. The funny ending was that Kim was going to take off a virtual headset game and she and the developer was going to get in a fight over how bad it was to make a game where Ron dies. I hope you enjoyed this story.