Please enjoy this short story and leave comments as to what you think of it! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Kagerou Days

Cold, exhausted and empty

As quietly as he could, the blond boy shuffled to the door of the living room. He didn't want to disturb the others, and anyway, it was not like they cared for him to be there in the first place. He really did try to be quiet, but apparently not quite enough for a soon as his hand reach the doorknob, a voice interrupted his movements.

"And where are you going?"

The blond turned around, a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Ah, Danchou, don't be like that!~ I was just going to get some fresh air." Though his voice sounded light, the reflection in Kido's eye told him she did not believe a single world he said.

"It's already dark," the leader of their gang stated the obvious. "If you want fresh air, then stick your head out of the window for all I care."

"But if I do that, everyone else in the room will get cold," Kano replied while making a large gesture to the other members who were currently in the room. This included Momo, who was debating some modelling pictures with Ene on her phone, Seto and Mary (both occupied with folding paper flowers) and Shintarou, who looked absolutely bored by the flickering tv. "We wouldn't want Danchou's pretty face to be ruined by a running nose, now would we?~"

At the last statement Kido's face blushed slightly, but she covered it up by giving Kano hard look and scowl. "Fine, do whatever you want, I don't care." She turned her back to him and even though her words were probably stated out of frustration, they made Kano heart ache.

Quickly he recovered his failing mask and took that opportunity to poke Kido in the head from behind. "Ah, you don't really mean that, right, Tsubomi-chan?~" he covered up his wavering feelings by pretending to joke around.

"Don't call me by that name," Kido averted the question, while she turned around abruptly and swapped his head. "Just go already and come back here before it gets too late."

"Yes, sir!" Kano replied with an exaggerated salute. Kido however just gave him a stern look and not knowing what else to do, Kano obedient slipped through the door.


Kano walked past the streets fast, searching for a place that was secluded from people. Finding a deserted alley wasn't that hard, especially at this hour. Still, Kano longed for a place to breath. He needed air desperately. Only after he made sure no one was there, he let his mask fall of. He no longer looked like the easygoing, nonchalant, smirking boy. Instead tears rolled down his face. He let himself sit on the ground, his back against the brick wall of the building that enclosed the alley. He brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them.

He just couldn't take it anymore. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of this aching feeling. His eyes burned on the inside. He tried his best, he really did. He wouldn't make the others worry, he tried to make them happy even if it was with his own fake smile. But the memories, the ever returning nightmares, kept stealing the air from him. He was locked up in his own mind.

The tears, now running freely, made wet circles on his black hoodie. Ayano's hoodie. He wanted her to be there, to take over his position. He was not fit to be a support for Kido, Seto and the others. He was not the strong, caring person Ayano was. All he did was deceive and even then he made Kido mad by leaving the apartment and coming back at ungodly hours. He wished for Ayano to be there. Why did she decided to leave? Why did she leave him? Why?

He was tired. Just so, so tired.





The sudden tug on his arm brought Kano out of his sleep. It felt like he hadn't slept for more than a second, but by the look on Kido's face it was definitely more than that. Still, he was exhausted.

"Snap out of it, you idiot! What are you doing here?"

What he was doing? Kano wasn't even sure if he knew the right answer anymore. Better question, why was Kido here? Shouldn't she be at the apartment?

"Kano! Answer me…"

Only then Kano noticed the desperate sound in Kido's voice. Immediately his senses came back and his eyes turned red. Oh, god, no! She could not see him like this!

"Ahaha~ What are you doing here, Danchou? Did you miss me?~" It was a good thing his power was able to alter his voice for it did sound nothing like how he truly felt.

Kido let out a long sigh. "Cut the crap, Kano. I know you're deceiving me right now. I already saw your face while you were still sleeping." She lowered herself to her knees, bringing her face at the same height. "Please, just be honest with me."

For a moment the red in his eyes flickered, but Kano quickly pulled himself together. "I rather not show you my real self…" Kano replied, his voice much more truthfully this time. "... it sucks."

A sad smile spread across Kido's face. "What were you doing, idiot. Why didn't you say something was wrong?"

Kano shrugged. His mind simply gave out on him and he could not form a single answer, lie or truth.

And then, two arms wrapped themselves around him. The warmth of Kido's body made him realize just how cold he was from sleeping on the cold stones in the middle of the night. He felt the exhaustion of his body. The emptiness in his chest. But he also experienced some kind of comfort. His tears were on the inside, his emotions bottled up within him. His outside revealed nothing. But he did do one thing to accepted Kido's comfort. Slowly his arms made their way to Kido's back. His hands grabbed the purple hoodie of the girl tightly. And he returned the hug.
