Tuesday, 12th May, 4:05pm

Clara: I read your note.

Doctor: Yes well you clearly weren't answering your phone again.

Clara: I was in the tube. You know I never get any signal down there. It's as bad as outer space.

Doctor: Why don't you put that as your voicemail so people don't think that you're dead or something.

Clara: I was only gone for an hour. Anyway, did you actually just called your sun glasses "sonic shades"?

Doctor: It was that or sonic specks.

Clara: Well to answer your question, no I didn't take them.

Doctor: Well they're missing and I've checked everywhere.

Clara: Pockets?

Doctor: Yes Clara! My pockets, toolkit, console unit, your bedside drawer. They're gone!

Clara: Wait wait wait. YOU ROOTED THROUGH MY STUFF?!

Doctor: Relax. I wasn't paying attention to what you've got stored in there. I was only looking for the sonic.

Clara: It's still a breach of privacy!

Doctor: Look I only spotted one thing so I don't see what the big deal is.

Clara: Next time I see you, I'm teaching you a lesson on human privacy.


Clara: Also what thing?

Doctor: A photo. You really should have it in a frame.

Clara: The comic con photo?

Doctor: Yes. Why were there others?

Clara: No. I keep planning on buying a frame for it but a certain Time Lord keeps distracting me.

Doctor: It'll get damaged if you just leave it in a drawer like that.

Clara: Well I bet your copy of the photograph is lost among a pile of junk on the TARDIS.

Doctor: No. I actually know how to use a frame.

Clara: How come I've never seen it?

Doctor: It's in my room.

Clara: Actually. I've always wanted to see your room.

Doctor: I thought you were just lecturing me on privacy?

Clara: Oh don't go there Mister Always Landing the TARDIS in my Bedroom at All Hours.

Doctor: I prefer to be called Doctor.

Clara: Don't care. You're showing me your room so I can see if you're lying about that photograph.

Doctor: After we find my sonic specks.

Clara: Have you checked the top of your head?


Doctor: Okay. I'll show you after we have our talk about privacy.

Clara: Oh no. Don't worry, the talk can wait. I want to see your room.

Clara: Does it have red lining on the inside too?

Doctor: Keep this up and you'll never see it.

Clara: Knew it did :)

Doctor: Don't you text smile at me.

Clara: Hurry up and get here so I can see it!

Doctor: Give me a minute.

Hey hey! I'm back! I think we could all use some humor and fluff after the last episode!