Disclaimer: I in no way, shape or form claim to own Harry Potter Series and The Vampire Diaries.

Chapter 2 – Reminiscing Part 2 (Preparing for Hogwarts)

Primrose POV

A few days after my 4th birthday, Director Ragnok introduced me to my first 3 teachers. Let's just say that they only last for 4 months, with the exception of Mr. Ansel who is my Music, Arts and Self-Defense Teacher. Not because I'm stupid nor are they incompetent, it's mainly because they found out that I'm gifted of having EIDETIC MEMORY they said. Director Ragnok explained to me that people with this gift can store visual information with a high level of precision, and that allows them to repeat information in exhaustive detail. Since then, he ask Papa Sev to teach me meditation and introductory to occlumency to achieve total recall.

I was seven when I first met the Flamels. I thought they are just some old couples who just adored teaching children but can't due to old age. They got me my first wand, a custom-made one by an Italian Wandmaker. Then, we went to Japan to get me a magical foci. It was a few months after being with the Flamels, that I, being one nosy child, entered their library (without permission, I might add) and was looking for a way to get Dada Siri out of prison. I am excited; Uncle Nick had just taught me the wonders of the FLAMEL INDEX. Basically, you only need to touch the book and tell it what topic you're looking for and then a catalogue would suddenly appear on the page. If you found the right book/s you just point at it then it would appear at the empty bookshelf by the door. If your finish with the book you only have to bring it back to the shelf and it would automatically return to its place. (Cool huh?!) I found a very useful topic during my search… GOLEMS…

It took me almost a month to convince all the adults (well, except Papa Sev… he just wants to know how these advance golems differ from the regular ones and how safe it would be…). It was agreed that the Goblins Manager for the Black Account would be going to Azkaban to execute the plan. After all, without a Head for the House of Black, the account will remain dormant and that there would be no opportunity to build their fortune. (And we all know how the goblins like to earn more money... LOL…)

It was decided that Dada Siri would stay with me (once he's healthy and no lingering effects due to those scary dementors). They added a new room with its own walk-in closet and bathroom in my room (Aunt Marge's former room). He will be there with me all the time. Although, whenever I go out, for Mr. Ansel's lesson, he would have to be Snuffles (Dada Siri's animagus… I can't call him Padfoot because there are people who know that name and its relation to my Dada Siri).


It was April 2004, a few more months before I turned 11, my Uncle Nick, Aunt Penny, Director Ragnok, Papa Sev and Dada Siri called me for a meeting at the bank. It was a shock meeting them all together; the 5 of them never usually free at the same time, especially my Papa Sev. He usually sticks with the communication mirrors and rarely visits me (probably 6 to 10 times a year). Main topic of the meeting, they wanted to make sure I'm prepared not only for Hogwarts but also the expectations of the Magical Community for me. I was touched by their concern. They really did everything to make sure I'm ready for it.

Papa Sev: Potions (via communication mirrors… I was four back then and Papa Sev didn't know what to talk about so he showed me how to chop, dice, mince, and prepare the ingredients… actual potion making is with Aunt Penny), Meditation and construction of my mind shield, he is there for advice and listening me plays my instruments (critiquing my performance); eat anything I cook or bake(once he knew he wouldn't die from food poisoning… his words, not mine… so mean…)

Director Ragnok: took care of the hiring/firing my teachers. He also appointed himself to be my mentor for Business and Finance lesson, Goblin language and culture (he started when I was 8 years old, and met with me every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 2 hours); made sure that my accounts are up to date and that no one else was allowed to remove my money from any of my vaults as well as no legal or illegal marriage contract was filed. He also manages my mails (especially fan mails… one can never be too careful)

The Flamels: I met them when I was 7, and spends my weekends with them. They usually pick me up after my Saturday morning class and bring me (and Snuffles) to their home. (cough… Mansion… cough) They are the one in-charge of basically everything regarding Magic… its history, charms, transfiguration, ancient runes, arithmancy, potions, healing, parselmagic, creatures (dragons, unicorns, threstrals, etc.), herbology, astronomy, occlumency, legilimency, spells (light), warding, and lessons on supernatural beings(vampires, werewolves, sirens, veelas, demons, doppelgangers, travelers, Silas, wiccan witches – famous wiccans and their hierarchy to name a few). Aunt Penny also took charge in Etiquette and First Aid Lessons while Uncle Nick loves teaching me dead or extinct languages. I know it's a lot to learn especially since I only get to spend my weekends with them for 3 years… but hey their property have runes that can manipulate hours spent within… So, I spent a total of 5 days with them instead of a day and not affect my physical growth.

Dada Siri: Well, he made sure I had fun while doing these things. That mom's list won't be seen as a chore and that learning new things is fun. He also made sure I don't overdo things and made sure I perfect my cookie making skills (especially my Banana oatmeal cookies, Butterscotch pudding cookies, and Banana Chocolate chip cookies), and my cupcakes (my Mocha Cupcakes with Espresso Frosting, and Coconut Cupcakes with Toasted Coconut Frosting)

Mr. Ansel : Anything about Music, Arts and Self-Defense he is in-charge of it. I see him daily, an hour and a half during weekday and 3 hours on weekends.

Mom's List: I always refer to this list whenever I feel a little lost, or lonely (probably due to lack of friends that are my age). But then again, a lot is at stake if I don't do better at my lessons. Sometimes, one has to make some sacrifice in order to achieve ones dream. My dream is to be free from that manipulative old coot (Dumbledore).

Language - Latin, Italian, French, Mandarin, Nihonggo (Japanese), Gaelic, Parseltongue, Goblin Language, Old English (Anglo-Saxon, futhorc), Old Norse (futhark), Korean, Hindi-Urdu, Celtiberian, Cuneiform (script), Sanskrit, Sumerian, Ancient Egyptian and Modern Arabic

Side note: If a witch or wizard wishes to be a professional at a certain language – oral and written – for the rest of your life, all they need to do is go to Gringotts and pay the required fee (very expensive... 1,000G per existing language and 2,500G for per extinct language), drink the potion, you'll be drowsy for an hour or two… then BOOM… language learned. (How do you think they manage to have humans working for them? But since it's not that cheap the contract the bank offer is for 8 years and has a Non-Disclosure Agreement alongside it.)

Music -Piano, Violin, and Flute

Self-defense –Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Karate, and some weapon fighting.

Finally (last items on my mom's list), I learned my way through the kitchen and took up different forms of dancing and gymnastics.

I had also managed to keep up with my non-magical subjects through "Elective Home Education" program and undergo National Curriculum Tests (NCTs). I also manage to get my General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) just to prove I can do both and pass with high points. During my stay at Hogwarts, my goal is to keep up with my non-magic subjects and attempt to take and pass as many A-level (Advanced Level) subjects as I can. So that if I find being in the Magical Community too troublesome, at least I have a back-up plan… that is to have a normal life outside of it.


I patiently waited for my Hogwarts letter. Dada Siri said (one of the former headmasters was a Black and would gladly spy for us)Dumbledore had intended someone called Hagrid to introduce me to the magical community. Papa Sev told me that this Hagrid is a half giant and a Dumbledore's man. With this in mind, everyone prepared for the worst during my stay in Hogwarts.

Papa Sev: prepared all types of potions (making sure to put label on each of them and put them in a trunk with statis spell. He also copied all books the Prince House has.

Director Ragnok: gathered all my things (and the trunks that Papa Sev, Dada Siri and the Flamels prepared) and only left some books for light reading, my clothes, and my instruments. He asked the Potter elves to copy all books the Potter House. The bank is now creating multi-trunk that would change into a bracelet but still be able to get the items while in bracelet form (they'll put some wards and charms on it to make it happen and make sure that it won't be taken from me).

The Flamels: The couple gathered fresh ingredients and made some rare healing potions and places them in a trunk under statis. They also copied all books the Flamel House has. Under glamour, they went to different magical shopping area to buy books on magic, muggle books (fiction, non-fiction, history, maths, cooking, baking, wines, medical, etc.). They gave me the books to READ on alchemy, advance runes, spells (grey and dark), rituals (especially cleansing ritual… after using dark magic), element manipulation, a self-updating book of spells on "Wiccans and their Magic" (wand wielders can use wiccan magic with better results… but wiccans can't use our type of magic…). There are some books on blood magic, necromancy, curse breaking and sex magic (I soooo did not blush when I saw those books) as well. They said to only read them and that during summer break we'll go through them as my magical core progresses… the later would have to wait a bit more… ummm… well… (I'm not feeling well… who in their right minds give a barely 11 years old GIRL "THE TALK"…. Honestly… and the one who gave it is an old GIGGLING couple… I've asked Papa Sev to erase that memory but he just laughed at me…).

Dada Siri: He copied all books from the Black House. He also gathered some Black house elves (and had ask Director Ragnok to buy more…) and instructed to go to US and prepare the house/s they owned there (Just in-case we need a quick getaway…). Then proceed to distract me from all the things happening by introducing me to the wonders of Pranking.


My family brainstormed on how we could make Dumbledore believe that everything went according to his plan. With the Dursleys' help(more like they were threaten and then bribed), Dumbledore would now think that I am abused, so I'm easy to mold as his weapon. The first letter was destroyed by Dada Siri, the following letters met the same fate. We then moved from one place to another, to make it look like the Dursleys are keeping me from attending the school. (It was so fun I get to see different places, and the best part, Dada Siri was with me… I even get to try out my new dragon bracelet too).

Hagrid came just as we expected. I must admit he is really genuine regarding his concern for me, but the unfailing loyalty to Dumbledore made me unease. He showed me Diagon Alley and Gringotts, but I can't help but feel insulted. I mean, if I'm just a regular muggleborn, would they have send Hagrid or would it be a professor from that school. I was expecting an introduction of some sort… maybe pamphlets or brochure or a guidebook for muggleborns. After shopping for the upcoming school year, Hagrid gave me my train ticket for September 1st without telling me how to get there… only that I have to keep it safe. But despite all that, I am very grateful for my snowy owl… which I've decided to name her Hedwig, Hagrid is the first person beside my family (fans… not included) to ever given me a present for my birthday.


(NOTE from Author: Chapters 3 to 5 from the Sorcerer's Stone did happen the exactly like the book, except Primrose is merely acting to be naïve regarding the Magical World)

(NOTE from Author: the idea regarding the bracelet came from stolen with the night's story Shall we try again?)

(NOTE from Author: guess who Mr. Ansel is? and does he know about magic and who Primrose is?)