I was deep into the Ereri / Riren tags on tumblr and I saw a prompt about Levi and Eren being neighbors, Eren's normal dog sitter cancels so he asked Levi to do it and leaves him with the dog while he goes to work and the dog reminds Levi of Eren because he's just so damn cute!

So I basically wrote that, with a couple things left out from the original prompt, like the dog completely destroying Levi's apartment, and added a bunch of details that I just felt like adding. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it!

Levi hated how thin the walls of his apartment were. He could hear his neighbor, Eren scurrying around in his own apartment next door, probably getting ready for work. They had only spoke a few times in the hallway. Eren was attractive, but that's a given, he was a model.

Other than that, he didn't know a lot more about Eren. They were aware of each others professions and mild flirtations were exchanged but not enough to suggest he was interesting in Levi.

Levi himself was a writer, which meant he worked from home on most days. He did have meeting and such with his editor and publisher, but that was rare, especially when he was in the beginning stages of writing a novel, they only bothered him when it was getting closer to the deadline. Luckily for Levi, the first one wasn't for another two months, so he could enjoy his solitude for now. Or so he thought.

Levi heard Eren talking to someone, probably on the phone, Eren lived alone, well except for his puppy he had gotten a few months ago. Levi hated to admit it, but the dog was cute, much like his owner. Levi wasn't a fan of pets and he always thought that if he were to get a pet, it would be a cat. They suited his personality better and they were more low maintenance.

Sometimes Levi and Eren crossed paths, when Levi was off on his morning run and Eren was walking his dog. Didn't seem as though he would get to see Eren today since it was a lot earlier than the usual time he would take the dog on a walk.

He heard Eren's door shut after about five more minutes of scurrying around, then he heard a knock at his own door. Levi got up from his desk where he was sitting in front of the computer, just staring at the screen. Writer's block was a bitch.

It should have been obvious that it would be Eren at the door, but Levi was still surprised to see him there.

"Levi!" he said, "are you allergic to dogs?"


"Great!" Eren ran back into his apartment and Levi walked back to his desk, well that was strange. He stared at his screen some more and took a sip of his tea. He let out an exasperated sigh when he heard a knock once again.

He stalked over to the door and threw it open, "I'm not allergic to cats either, or hor-," he stopped, he was about to name out a list of every animal that came to mind but stopped when he saw Eren holding his little dog in one arm and a bag of who knows what in the other, a faint blush on his cheeks.

"I know I'm a horrible neighbor to ask this," he was talking fast now, "but my dog sitter just cancelled on me and I have a shoot I have to get to in 20 minutes and all my friends are busy or too far and I don't want to be late and your not allergic to dogs and he's too young to leave alone in my apartment and so can you please just watch him for a couple hours?" Eren was out of breath by the time he finished. He also looked stress, whether it was because of this or something else, Levi didn't know.

He let out a loud sigh, "Fine, hand him over," its not like I was actually working on my novel anyway.

"Oh thank you so much Levi!" Eren handed him the cute little dog and the bag of things. Levi walked over to his couch and set the bag down, but kept the dog in his arms, it was soft, so why not. He turned around and saw Eren still at his door.

"Oi, I thought you said you were going to be late,"

"Right! If he needs anything," he fished a key out of the back packet of his extremely tight jeans and handed it to him, "feel free to go in my apartment and get it. There's a little of everything in that bag I gave you. Do you have any questions?"

"Is he potty trained? He's not going to piss on my floor is he?"

Eren blushed, "for the most part, he hasn't had an accident in weeks. He shouldn't have to go for another couple hours, he usually starts to tremble in place and you have about 10 minutes to get him outside,"

Levi nodded, "Well go on, you've wasted like 5 minutes just standing there,"

Eren thanked him again before running down the hallway, just to run back before Levi could close the door, "his name is Titan," then he ran off again. Titan, huh? Levi chuckled at the name. With a name like Titan, you'd expected the dog to be bigger, a lot bigger than the one he held in his hands.

Levi shook his head and petted the dog in his arms, who whimpered a little when Eren left, "well Titan, looks like it's just you and me,"

Over the next hour, Levi got well acquainted with Titan. He wasn't sure what kind of dog he was, but he had brown fur, kind of the same shade of Eren's hair, and he seemed to always be happy and run around Levi's feet, eagerly following him around everywhere. He couldn't be more than a foot tall, and his eyes, they were black, but they were big and round and Levi couldn't help but think of Eren everytime he looked into them.

When Levi was sitting on the couch, Titan tried to jump up on it, he was too small to jump all the way, so he just stared at Levi with the biggest puppy eyes he had ever seen. For a moment, he imagine Eren looking up at him like that but quickly shook the thought. He was skeptical at first to let him up on the couch, I don't even know if he's had a bath. Levi wanted to sit on the couch with the dog on his lap, but he still hadn't gone for his run.

He got up off the couch and Titan started wagging his tail. He went to his room and changed into his running clothes. Then walked back to the living room, Titan following him. He had already looked through the bag, it had his food and water bowls, a gallon sized zip lock bag of food, a sandwich sized one of treats, some toys and a leash. He picked out the leash from the bag and put it on Titan, who seemed to know what that meant because he barked in happiness.

Levi walked him outside and started to run down his usual route, Titan happily picking up speed. Levi didn't usually go through the park, on most days he just ran around it, but decided to go through it for Titan's sake. Luckily for him, Titan didn't stop at every tree to mark his territory, instead he kept his pace with Levi and stayed on the side walk, only stopping to sniff another dog before Levi beckoned him to continue running. Levi quickly decided he actually quite liked Titan.

Levi ended up having to cut their run short because it looked like it would rain, there was no way in hell they were going to get caught in the rain. When they made it back to his apartment building, he went into Eren's apartment to get Titan's doggy bed, figuring the dog must be tired. He was relieved to see it wasn't too big of a mess inside. Sure there were magazines and some clothes scattered in random places, but it was a lot cleaner than other apartments he had been it. He noticed the doggy bed on the other side of the living room and made his way over, but glanced at the magazine on the coffee table as he made his way over and stopped. He let Titan onto the ground who immediately made his way over to his bed and fell asleep.

Levi sat on the couch and picked up the magazine. Eren was on the cover, looking as sexy as ever. The picture was of mostly just his upper body. You could barely see the top of his jeans peaking out from the bottom of the cover, he didn't have on a shirt, only a tie and Levi found himself questioning if his muscles were real or just photoshopped. He looked through the magazine, memorized by his body. He didn't really have on any shirts and if he did, it was more like a vest that wasn't even buttoned up, not that Levi complained. He was wearing a tie in every picture, which made sense, since it was a spread for a new line of ties a famous designer was releasing.

If there was something else more distracting than Eren's body, it was his eyes. If he didn't know Eren in real life, he would think that his eyes had been photoshopped to look more green than they were. They had so much life in them, Levi felt like he knew all he needed to know about Eren just by looking at his eyes.

After about 20 minutes of staring at the pictures, he finally put the magazine down, but not before committing the name of the magazine to heart, and went to pick up Titan in one hand and his bed in the other and then walked them back over to his apartment, making sure to properly close Eren's door.

Titan fell asleep as soon as Levi placed him on his doggy bed after giving him some food and more water. Levi figured it would be ok if he took a quick shower, he still felt disgusting after his run, and Titan was sleeping, he couldn't get into much trouble. Levi decided it was probably best to leave the door open. He was in the midst of his shower when he heard a loud shudder of lightening followed by a yelp. He quickly finished washing himself and wrapped a towel around his lower body before walking into the living room and not seeing Titan where he had left him.

"Fuck," Levi mumbled to himself. He looked around his apartment, "Titan," he called. He heard a whimper come from under the coffee table, and sure enough, there was Titan, trembling. Levi was sure it was because he was afraid and not because he had to go to the bathroom, he had gone when they were at the park. He picked up Titan and held him close to his chest, Titan relaxed a little but still shivered and yelped whenever there was lightening or thunder.

Levi wasn't too sure what to do, so he walked Titan to his room and placed him on the bed. His sheets needed to be changed and washed anyway. He took an old blanket from his closet and wrapped Titan in it while he pulled on some boxers and sweatpants. Titan was whimpering again, so he didn't bother looking for a shirt. It was just him and the dog anyway, so he picked up Titan again and walked over to his living room, closing the curtains, it's raining a shit ton, before sitting on the couch with Titan in his lap, he turned on the tv and put the volume as high as it could go hoping it would cancel out the sounds from outside. It seemed to work because before long, Titan was asleep on his lap.

Levi had to admit he was sleepy. He had been staying up late, trying to work the storyline for his novel in his head, and taking care of a puppy is no easy task. He was just dozing off when he heard a loud knock on the door. He careful sat Titan next to him while he got up, reaching for the remote to turn down the volume. He yawned as he made his way to the door. He opened it and saw Eren, who seemed to be speechless, his mouth slightly agape.

Levi raised his eyebrow waiting for him to say something. Eren continued to just stare at him, Levi returned the stare, that fucking magazine didn't do his eyes justice. They were so much more vibrant standing in front of him than they did in any of those photos.

Eren seemed to find his voice after he had been staring for a solid minute,"I-I," he stuttered, "came f-for Titan," Titan jumped out the blanket and off the pillow at the sound of Eren's voice.

"Why are you nervous? He's your dog," Levi said as Eren picked up Titan.

"I just, didn't except to see you not wearing a shirt," Eren was blushing as he petted his dog.

Levi looked down at his body, "aren't you a model? Shouldn't you be used to seeing naked people?" he asked, looking back up to Eren.

Levi could tell Eren was avoiding eye contact as he spoke, "I guess, but I usually know to expect it," is he blushing?

The side of Levi's mouth turned up in a smirk, "would it make you more comfortable if I put on a shirt?"

"No, it's your apartment, it's fine," Titan was licking Eren's face and it wasn't until then that Levi noticed that Eren was wet, well, more like drenched, not to mention he seemed out of breath.

"You should go back to your apartment and take a shower or you'll get sick," Levi suggested.

Eren looked down at himself and then at Titan, "I would but he's afraid of lightening, and I don't want to leave him by himself. I didn't know you would handle him being scared so well. So I ran over here because there was a lot of traffic to take a taxi," well that explains the breathlessness.

"How far was it?"

"A couple miles, I think?"

Levi reached to take Titan from Eren's hands, "leave him here, I'll pack up his things and take him back over there. Gives you time to shower,"

"I owe you big time," Eren finally looked up at him, giving him a smile that reached his eyes, "I'll be out in 15 minutes," he walked back to his apartment.

Levi closed the door, not bothering to lock it if he was just going to leave in a little bit. He took Titan back to the couch and sat down, petting him. I'll get Titan's things together in 10 minutes, he told himself, but the comfortable position left him resting his head on the back of the couch and closing his eyes, effectively falling asleep this time.

He didn't know what time it was when he woke up, the light next to the couch had been turned off, and his curtains were still closed so he couldn't see much, it must have grown dark outside. His first thought when he was gaining consciousness was: I dont remember Titan being this heavy. He let his eyes adjust before he looked down to see a heap of light brown on his lap, like he expected, but it wasn't Titan, instead it was Eren's head on his lap. Titan was curled up on Eren's chest, also asleep. One of Eren's arms was draped over Titan, the other over his eyes.

Levi smiled and ran his fingers through Eren's soft locks, a small smile appearing on Eren's sleeping face. Levi managed to get the blanket he had used earlier for Titan from the floor and used it to cover Eren and Titan before he laid his head back and fell asleep again, a smile on his own face.

I was planning on this only being a one-shot but MAYBE I'll make it into a two-shot (I'm thinking in Eren's POV), if not a multi-chap story. Let me know what you guys thought of the story and whether or not you guys want to read more.

And send me prompts! I'm finishing up my other Ereri/ Riren story Personal Assistant and I'm going to need some prompts for inspiration.

Please and thank you ?

P.S. Thank you to whoever wrote the AU. I had so much fun with it and for the life of me I can't remember who it was. But nonetheless, I thank you.