Epilogue: Without A Doubt

"Dad, you have to calm down," a ten year old Roland said leaning back in his chair.

His dark hair was styled much like how it was when he was younger. Regina wanted him to cut it, but Robin sided with Roland on leaving it longer for a little while longer at least. Eventually he would need it cut so it could grow, but it wasn't necessary now.

Emma nodded beside him, "Don't worry Robin. Regina will be just fine. I remember when James was born, Daddy was sooo worried."

Emma wore a cheeky smile, she was the spitting image of her mother except for the hair which was all her father.

"Poor David," chuckled Robin as he recalled the event, "I'd never seen him so anxious. Where is your mother Roland, she said she would be here by now?"

Roland shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. She probably went to get Rose and James from daycare."

Robin nodded, "Right, right. She did say that didn't she."

Three years ago, Mary Margaret and David had another child, a little boy they named James Neal Nolan in honor of David's late brother and the Gold teenager. Emma loved her little brother and could not get enough of him. Even if he did keep her awake all night.

Roland had expressed he wanted a little brother before, but had lost interest until James was born. He approached his parents about it weeks after saying he wanted a sibling. Regina couldn't have children, she had been infertile since she was in her twenties. However she and Robin had been talking about adopting another child since Mary Margaret announced her pregnancy all that time ago.

As luck would have it, Robin and Regina were able to adopt another child. It had been seven months after James was born that Rose Milah Mills-Locksley was brought home to the Mills estate.

Rose and James grew up to be friends, much like how Emma and Roland were. Roland was happy to have a younger sibling, but he still wanted a brother. He asked his dad if that would be possible, but Robin wasn't sure. Though they were both open to adopting another child, Regina wanted to let Rose grow up a little more before getting another young child.

However Robin suggested they get an older child, since he knew what it was like to be one of those teenagers to not be adopted. Regina said she would think on it, but they still had some time. However today was an important day, that required all their friends come together.

A year after Robin moved to Storybrooke, Ruby and Liam for married. Liam had initially proposed while still in the hospital, Ruby insisted he wait until his head cleared of the medication. As soon as he was out of the hospital, he proposed to her again and Ruby could only nod with excitement.

The wedding was beautiful, the two of them were so incredibly happy. Robin knew he should do the same and propose to Regina, but he feared that she wasn't ready for that. They had both been raising Roland, they even lived together. Surprisingly, though Robin should have expected it, Regina asked for his hand days after Ruby and Liam's wedding.

Of course he said yes, but the story they told everyone was that he asked. Regina was more than happy to follow that story. Just then, a thirteen year old boy ran down the hall to greet them.

Killian looked strikingly like his elder brother, the real difference between the two besides age and height had been Killian's much darker hair and the shape of his face was more oval like. His smile was infectious, his charm palpable. In some ways he put Liam to shame.

His eyes were wide, his breath heavy as he asked, "How's my sister in law? Is Liam here yet?"

"Did you run here," Roland asked taking note of Killian's sweaty clothes.

"Unimportant, but aye," Killian replied, "Now. Am I an uncle yet?"

Emma answered him, "Not yet. Ruby's doing okay and Liam's with her already. Don't freak out on me Jones, Robin is already nervous enough."

Killian chuckled, "As you wish Swan."

Emma winked at him, but said nothing. Without another word, Killian ran down the hall to the room Ruby was in. He wasn't allowed in, but luckily a nurse had come to tell him what was going on.

Roland turned his attention back to his friend Emma. She was his best friend and Killian was a good friend, but the two of them were ridiculous. Especially since Killian swore he would marry Emma one day. Emma never spoke about Killian like that, if anything she had eyes on Neal Cassidy.

Though since he left, Roland wasn't sure if she still thought that way about him. Neal was across the country now, so he wouldn't be able to come to see Ruby and Liam until the next few days. It was disappointing, but he would come soon enough and that was okay with all parties. He would see the babies when he arrived.

After everything that happened with his dad, Neal had the support of the entire town. Everyone was looking after him and always helping whenever he was in need, especially the people here today. He left for school and was doing better than he ever had. For the first time in a long time, he wasn't really happy.

Regina arrived minutes later holding hands with Rose and James. Rose has clear eyes that looked similar to Robin's the Roland's eyes looked similar to Regina's. Not quite the same, but close enough. Rose's hair was auburn and the birthmark on her wrist matched her name. James was almost opposite to Emma's appearance, he had his mother's dark hair and father's blue eyes.

Emma waved to them, "Hey Gina, hey Rose, hey James."

The trio waved at her as the took their seats. James climbed onto Emma, while Rose went to her dad who took her effortlessly into his arms. Regina took her seat by Robin as Roland came over to her.

"How are you holding up," Regina asked with a grin.

Roland shrugged, "I think I'm good. Though I am worried. Ruby's room is further that way, but once we heard her scream, Dad brought us over here."

Regina nodded sympathetically, "It's a rough experience, but I imagine incredibly worth it."

"Does it bother you that don't have that," Roland asked.

He knew his mother couldn't have kids, that was why she adopted. Or it was part of the reason why he was adopted.

Regina sighed, "I've wondered what it would be like, but I'm not bothered. If it hadn't been for my inability to have kids, I wouldn't have had you or Rose or any other possible kids."

Roland smiled at her, "That's true."

Robin smiled at his wife and son, but said nothing as he held his daughter. He never pictured that this would be his life, but he honestly wouldn't have had it any other way. He brought an arm around Regina, smiling from ear to ear.

"Mom, Dad, over here," Emma called when she spotted her parents.

The pair ran in, both wearing worried expressions. David had been in the office when he got the call, Mary Margaret had been at the store. David had spotted her running downtown he street trying to her here, since David had the sheriff car and this qualified as an emergency, he used the siren.

Emma would be so disappointed that he used the siren without her, she loved the police car and hoped to be an officer like her dad one day.

"Hey honey," Mary Margaret said to her children.

"How's Ruby," David asked curiously.

Robin answered, "We don't know, she's been in there for an hour, give or take some minutes."

"The doctors haven't said anything," Mary Margaret asked.

Before he could be questioned further, Killian ran back over the group. Those blue eyes were alight with happiness as tears filled his eyes. He stood there before the expectant group he called family.

A wide smile on his face as he said, "Ruby's okay. The doctors said she was doing great. And that she is now the proud mother of twins, a boy and girl."

Cheers erupted among the group, congratulations and hugs were passed around. Killian could hardly contain his excitement, he was now an uncle. Though the idea was still strange to him, he was thrilled.

"In a few minutes they'll let us go back to meet them," Killian said when everyone settled down, "I'm so excited."

"It's amazing," Emma said jumping around, "Do they have names?"

Killian nodded, "Aye, but I won't spoil it. Come on everyone."

Killian lead them all down the hall to where Ruby and Liam were. Well now the room just held Ruby and her grandmother as she sent Liam to follow the babies and make sure they never left his sight during the check up.

Once the check up was done, the babies would be brought to the room to stay near Ruby at all times. She refused to let them be far away from her for long.

The doctor looked at the group, "Only family is allowed in."

Killian answered simply, "They are all family." "Only blood relatives-" started the Doctor, but he was interrupted by Granny.

"If you don't let them in here in the next five seconds I will beat within an inch of your life," Granny said, her eyes angry, "They are family, my granddaughter wants to see them now and after just giving birth to two babies, she will get whatever the hell she wants!"

The doctor looked like he wanted to argue, but he decided against it. No one went against Granny Lucas, she was not someone to be trifled with.

"Fine, but be quiet," the doctor said and stepped aside allowing the group inside.

"Ruby," whisper yelled Rose and James along with a chorus of soft "hey Ruby's."

Ruby weakly waved, her dark hair sweaty and eyes heavy. Her appearance hasn't changed much over the years, the most noticeable had been her cheeks.

"Hey, you all came," she said, her voice sounded as tired as she looked.

Roland answered grinning, "Of course we came. Neal won't be here until Wednesday, but Zelena will be here in a few hours. She's driving here now."

Ruby chuckled, "It's so good to see you all."

Mary Margaret came up to Ruby next, she put a hand on her head, "We're so proud of you Ruby. You did amazing."

"Thanks," Ruby said with a sigh, "I'm so tired."

"Get some rest," Robin instructed softly, "We'll still be here when you wake up."

"Wait before you sleep, tell us their names," Emma said pleading from her mother's side.

Ruby smiled softly, "Peter Thomas and Dorothy Anita."

"Those are wonderful," Regina said with a smile, "Get some rest, we'll be right outside."

Ruby nodded, "Good idea…. thank you guys… for coming here. It means a lot."

As she stopped talking, Liam walked into the room with his children in his arms, the nurses by his side. Seeing everyone surrounding his wife brought the biggest smile to his face.

"Hello everyone," Liam greeted happily, "Let's meet the newest members of our family. Peter, Dorothy, this is your family."

Ruby grinned at her husband and kids, "We have quite the family."

Lima grinned, "They're something else. Now over here, we have the Nolan's. Mary Margaret and David, the parents with Emma and James."

Mary Margaret wrapped an arm around David, he leaned against her while Emma stood before them with James in her arms. The group smiled as Liam let them look at the small infants, their eyes open, pale green and bright blue.

"And over here are the Locksley's, well Mills Locksley's since Regina wanted to hyphenate," Liam explained softly, "Her husband is Robin and their kids are Roland and Rose."

Robin put an arm around Regina, Roland leaned against his mother while Robin still held Rose. The four had their turn to stare at the babies, each grinning at the newest members of Storybrooke.

"You guys already know Granny and mommy, but you haven't met your uncle Killian," Liam said as Killian to the baby boy expertly from Liam.

Killian placed Peter on Ruby, who despite her exhaustion moved to hold him properly. Ruby offered him a grateful smile and Liam lived closer to her side. Granny leaned over Ruby, brushing her hair out her face

"The best family ever," said Roland smiling.

"Without a doubt," Robin agreed.

Well that's a wrap folks! Can you guess where the baby names came from? Some subtle references in there, kind of like tributes if you will.

Thank you all so much for this amazing journey and putting up with my tardiness! Writing this story has been awesome and I'm so happy to have shared it with you! Goodbye Oncers and Outlawqueen shippers!