Wednesday, August 25, 6:47am

The Alonso Household

Emma Alonso woke one morning to the yell of her father to get to breakfast.

"Emma, Wake up. Your going to be late," Francisco said.

Emma rolled out of bed and wasn't in the mood to do get ready manually ever since Daniel broke up with her at the never-ending summer party. So with a wave of her hand, she was all ready for school, looking flawless.

Emma rushed to the dining table, hoping her father didn't leave for work. But to her surprise, it wasnt her father- it was Jax with his usual smirk.

As Jax went over to greet Emma good morning, all he got in return from Emma was a light smack on the head for tricking her.

"Jax! How many times have I told you not to trick me with that voice manipulation spell?!"

"Sorry Em, but after hearing about what happened between you and Daniel I just had to be sure you were okay. Plus, I made you breakfast," Jax said gesturing to the pancakes with a side of fruits.

Thankful for the sweet gesture, Emma smiled and sat down with Jax for breakfast and talked about their daily life and issues, and both were more than happy to listen to each other. Afterwards, Emma had no way to get to school besides walking, so Jax offerred for her to ride on his dirtbike to school (How could he ignore an oportunity for Emma to be required to hold on to him?) Emma accepted the offer and took off.

When they got there, Daniel had just got there, and stood in envy of Jax as he parked his bike.

"Em, you can let go now, we're here," Jax said as he assisted Emma off.

"Thanks for the ride Jax. How could I repay you?"

Jax hesitated to ask, but once he caught his breath he asked in his charming Australian accent, "Well you know the welcome-back dance Is this Friday, and I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me?"

All eyes were on them, but it got even worse when Gigi found out and shoved the camera and microphone in their faces awaiting for a reply.

Emma basically yelled, almost too eager to answer, "Of course I'd go to the dance with you!"

"You heard it first from me Iridiumites! Demma is done, and Jemma is back! Will this relationship work out? This is Miss Information, signing off," Gigi said as she ran over to Daniel to get his reaction to Jemma.

Emma leaped into Jax's Arms as he smirked, and as they stared into each other's eyes they both leaned in and kissed. Just then, technically the whole school was watching them, epecially Daniel as he stormed angrily into the school ignoring Gigi's interview.

~Time Skip: After school, Miami Mall~

Emma and Jax walked hand in hand through the mall looking for what to wear to the dance. Although Jax didn't like shopping and preferred using magic, he used this opportunity to spend more time with his Em. Emma and Jax had already chosen their outfits and decided to grab a snack at the food court. Just as Emma and Jax were walking to the food court, Jax spotted Daniel with the new girl Mia, as they walked holding each other's hand sharing a Soda. So Jax tried his best to drive Emma away without any suspicions.

"Em, I'm not really in the mood for snacks right now," he lied, actually starving.

"Jax, what's going on, you're always hungry. Didn't you just ask for a soft pretzel earlier?"

"Uh... yeah... But I changed my mind, I want a drink instead... Look a vending machine is aaall the way over there, come on," Jax said trying to drag Emma over there.

"Jaxy, I just saw a vending machine over there! It's like ten times closer than the other one."

Unable to be stopped by Jax, Emma turned around to see Daniel and Mia Kissing at a bench. Emma was about to fall apart, but she realized that this is not worth crying for. Before, she would have broken down and cried, but ever since she's been hanging with Jax she had become more confident. As a result she just ended up angry. Spotting the soda that was in between the two, she cast a spell to make their soda explode all over them. Jax and Emma shared a kiss as they walked out, still laughing about the exploding soda. Just then Dia stopped them in their tracks, still soaking wet.

"You! YOU DID THIS!" Mia yelled to Emma and Jax, Gesturing to her soaking body.

"Mia, what's the big deal? I bet when you cast your little Kanay rain cloud, it will wash right out," Jax said with his usual smirk and Emma laughing still.

"I will get you back for this! Just wait and see," Mia threatened as she took Daniel's hand.

"You know, I'd love to stay and chat, but we have to go. Bye!" Emma said flashing out and appearing in her room with Jax. (If your wondering Jax cast the teleportation spell)

Emma and Jax were both laying on her bed together, for her father left on Monday and will be gone for 6 days to represent Iridium High in a Math Convention. They were both cuddling on Emma's bed until thunder and rain poured onto the house, and Emma was terrified.

As Emma started to wimper a little bit, Jax pulled her into a hug and said, "Don't worry Em, it's just thunder, it Can't hurt you."

"Thanks Jaxy- I love you."

"I love you too," Jax Said Kissing Emma, "Now, let's get to bed, we have school tomorrow."

They both slept side by side together, as the thunder Storm went on thankful for having each other.

Thursday, August 25, 7:30am

Iridium High

That morning it was the same as yesterday, she got ready magically, but she wore Jax's leather jacket, ate breakfast, and went to school with Jax. With just one more day until the dance and Emma was ecstatic!

"Em, are you ready for the dance tomorrow?"

"It's dumb to believe that I'm not! I'm super excited, and I already got the perfect dress, and the perfect date,"

Emma said as she gave Jax a peck on the lips.

"That's great!" Jax replied as he returned the kiss. "But for some reason, I have a weird vibe that we are forgetting an important detail, but I don't know what..." Jax said nervously.

All the sudden Mia and Daniel went infront of them and once again, ruined their moment.

"Hey, I heard you guys were nominated by Gigi for king and queen at the dance," Daniel said arrogantly crossing his arms, " well, we were too..."

Emma replied, "Well good for you! May the best one win," she said with a smirk, and strode away holding her Jaxy's hand.

Down the hallway to Homeroom together, Jax said, "Em, can you believe them? King and queen? Like they have a chance!"

"Jax you don't know, maybe they'll win, buuuut, there is possibly no chance that will happen on my watch," Emma said giving Jax a peck on the cheek.

"You can be so devious at times, and I love you for it!" Jax said.

All the sudden Andi walked up to them slightly disturbed and said, "Ugh you two... Isn't this like the third time your getting back together? " Andi quickly changed the subject and said," So, you guys ready for the dance tomorrow? The night of the eclipse, remember?"

Emma and Jax stood speechless, surprised they have forgotten all about the eclipse and Jax said, "Oh yeah! The eclipse... now I remember! I can't believe we forgot! We better be really careful at the dance


Andi stood in complete surprise and said, " WOAH! You actually aren't thinking of going to the dance are you? Even after you forgot! How could you forget?"

Emma said, "Well ever since me and Jaxy got back together, everything changed and we just spaced."

Andi fake gagged and went back to topic, "So.. you aren't going to the dance, right?"

"Weeeeeell... Maybe we are," Emma said.

"What?! You can't be serious! Tomorrow there is a possibility you can lose your powers... Or worse!"

"But, we were nominated for king and queen! And if we win, I want to be there to see Daniel and Mia's reaction," Emma said chuckling, as Jax was pratically losing it.

Jax said, proudly pecking Em on the cheek "I love how I have influenced you! It's so cute."

Emma replied returning the kiss, "Thanks Jaxy, I think it suits me too."

Andi looked partially sick and said, "UGGGH, you guys... can't you guys wait until lunch to make me sick?"

The bell rang and free period was over, as Jax and Emma went to chemistry with Daniel and Mia, and Andi went to math.

Emma and Jax sat at a table side by side, while Daniel and Mia sat in the back. They were assigned a project on chemical reaction and had to deal with seething and dangerous liquids.

Emma said, "Jax be careful when pouring the green liquid, its highly acidic and I wouldn't want you to get hurt!"

Jax did as Emma said, and put EXACTLY 3 drops producing the perfectly accurrate chemical reaction. Emma knew that he had done everything perfectly, yet it started bubbling. Emma and Jax exchanged looks and noticed that Mia was using her powers to boil the liquid to the point where it could explode, as Daniel was just smirking. A few minutes later, the boiling became extremely noticeable, and Emma and Jax backed up and put up an invisible shield surrounding them incase it would explode on them. As expected, it exploded everywhere, except on Emma and Jax. Emma was 100% frightened and angry at the same time, with her head buried in Jax's shoulder.

"What was that?! Emma, Jax are you okay?! You two, stop at Principal Alonso's office first, then go see Nurse Lily while clean this up!" Mrs. Jones said, as Daniel and Mia were silently Laughing and chuckling.

Emma stormed out clutching Jax's hand and said, "I can't believe they did that! AND THEY WERE ENJOYING IT! Jaxy, tell Andi that eclipse or not, there is possibly no way we are missing the dance!"

"We are so winning king and queen," Jax said

"Actually Jax, I think they should win.. I have a plan."

Emma whispered Jax the plan, and all Jax could do was chuckle for how proud he was at Em.

"You know I love you Em, right?"

"Of course..." Emma said kissing Jax, and heading to her father's office to recieve their passes.

~Time skip~

Friday, August 26, 3:00pm

The Novoa Household

Emma and Jax were done with homework, and were making out passionatly on the couch.

As they pulled apart, Jax said, "As much as I would love to win King and Queen, what we are going to do is WAY more fun! Let's just hope the eclipse won't mess up our powers for plan."

Emma replied, "C'mon let's get ready early so we can set up!"

Emma and Jax prepped and were looking flawless. Emma was wearing a pastel-pink sweetheart prom dress with REAL DIAMONDS bordering the waste line and sparkly silver dressed-up gladiator sandal-heels. Her makeup, she had matching pink eye shadow, cat eye eyeliner, and a bold pink lip color. For her hair, she had her usual curls, and a rose hairclip made with diamonds from Jax.

For Jax, he was wearing the Classic black and white Suit and Tie with dress shoes. For his hair, his usual Elivis-spiked hair.

They eventually drove off in a Limo Jax magically made appear, and arrived at the school in style, for the theme of the Welcome-Back dance was "Welcome to Hollywood." It was like an actual movie premier! They got out of the Limo and walked on the red carpet as the whole school was staring at the dramatic and extravagant entrace behind the velvet rope, and Gigi went to go interview them.

They walked into the school and compared to eveyone else, Jemma HAD to be best-dressed. Many people were chattering about who was going to win king and queen, and many thought that there was no doubt Jemma would win.

As Jax, Emma, and Andi waited for the results, for the plan wouldn't work without Andi, she was the one anouncing the results. Jax, Emma, and Andi were hanging out and eating the snacks from the table, dancing to a fast song together, and ocassionally Emma and Jax would slow dance together and share a kiss or two. Finally it was time to anounce the results.

Andi said, "Hey Iridiumites you guys having a good time?"

The crowd cheered as a reply.

"That's great! But right now it's time to anounce the results for king and queen!"

The crowd was ecstatic, and were hanging at the edge of their seat to know who would win, most almost positive it was Jemma.

"And the winner is..." Andi looked at the paper and saw Jax and Emma's names, but she lied for the plan to work and said, "Daniel and Mia!"

The crowd's cheer died down, and did a unwilling applause.

Daniel and Mia walked up there in triumph staring at Jemma the whole time, and Mia said, "Thank you everybody and those who voted fo-"

Mia was cut off, as Jax and Emma did a prank spell together and goo covered Mia and Daniel everywhere! It was even worse because Gigi was filming everything, and will probably upload it to Miss Information (which she did). Everyone was laughing, especially Jax and Emma, for they were basically laugh-crying, and Daniel was mortified and in shame, but Mia was just plain-out angry.

Emma pulled Jax close and said, "I told you this would be better than winning! But weren't we going to dump pudding on them instead?"

Jax replied chuckling, " I guess the Eclipse did mess with our powers, but goo is WAY harder to wash out of their hair!" pulling Emma closer for a passionate kiss.

The End