Several months later...

It would be needless to say that Lily's newfound relationship with Kaito quickly blossomed into quite a romantic tale. Their love was so strong to the point it attracted admirers and haters, too. People admired their love because of how cute they act as a couple together in their own unique way. Others hated them because of feelings of envy and jealousy of how they could be in a relationship like theirs...or they were just plain annoying whenever they playfully argue with one another.

Lily never felt so happy in her life that it almost made her scared. She was scared that she could have all this happiness one day, then lose it all the day after. But she knows that while she's happy, she might as well go with it.

Their friends all agreed that they were a perfect match. Some former supporters of Kaito and Miku together even started to support Kaito and Lily, finding them more "suitable".

But of course, knowing the thick-skinned blonde, she wasn't going to care for the opinions of others any time soon, especially the haters of their relationship.

But Lily's junior year in college would be vastly different to her sophomore year. Since Kaito completed his education requirements, he graduated during his third year in college. During the ceremony, she felt happy for him but sad. She was going to feel lonely without Kaito as he was transferring to a proper university to attend their music program. However, she knows that they'll be together again in due time.

She's going to have to get used to being alone again. Gumi graduated as well and IA was usually so busy with working for the student council, being the leader. It seemed bleak for the blonde in terms of familiar company. However, she's already used to being a lone wolf from experiencing that throughout much of her life.

Outside of her closest friends and her boyfriend Kaito, the feeling of love was almost foreign to her.

It wouldn't be so lonely since they talked to each other via video chat on Skype pretty often. Still, she preferred his physical company. She would die before admitting it, but she absolutely loved his hugs.

It was the first day of school and that also meant going back into her dorm room. Except that it wasn't going to have Kaito in it anymore. That made the room felt bigger than it did when she slowly walked into the room and settled her bags near the bed she usually sleeps in. She looked across the room to see the other bed on the opposite side of the room. To think that Kaito used to be there; she could almost still see him nearby.

During that night, she received a text on her phone. It was from her boyfriend. The blonde quickly went to check for it and saw that it said,

"Hey. I'm available for a Skype call tonight. I'll be there at seven. See you then."

Lily looked at the clock to see that it was fifteen minutes before seven hit. She quickly went on her laptop and logged on to Skype.

After typing in the chat that she was on, Kaito (Pronger 617) sent her a call invite. She answered and the conversation began.

"Hey, sweetheart!" Kaito said with a smile as he waved at the camera.

Lily just stared at him with a slight glare. "Hey."

"What's wrong, Lily? Did something happened to you today?"

Lily averted her gaze towards his former bed before reestablishing eye-contact with him. "No, not really. It's just that I've felt pretty lonely here, and it's your fault, you bastard. Couldn't wait for me, could you?"

Kaito's expression fell as he lowered his head. "Sorry, honey. But..."

Lily gave a light chuckle with a smirk just as a subtle. "Come on, man. I'm kidding. Seriously though, it has been pretty lonely since you moved out and into a dorm room in a proper university. I'm still stuck in this shit-hole community college. I don't know if it's just my attitude but the teachers here have been pretty on edge, lately."

Kaito's sigh resonated from the speakers of her laptop. "A lot of teachers there don't teach well, to be fair. I mean, I got a B in a class where the teacher taught the class as if they were idiots and rambled on without cease and most people I talked to told me they failed after the semester was done. But since I'm in a proper university, I can expect the teachers here to be much better."

"Yeah..." Lily sighed before continuing, "You know, I've been having second thoughts about my dream job."

Lily's laptop screen showed Kaito tilting his head to one side. "Don't worry about it. That's normal for people our age."

Lily looked closer at her screen, curiously at Kaito. "Are you sure?"

He nodded, "Yes, I'm sure. You thought Gumi wanted to be a professional singer? Well, she's also pursuing a major in psychology. A lot of people approach her for therapeutic venting. But that's funny, considering she can't comfort people well. But knowing her, she wants to be better as a person while helping others."

"Speaking of Gumi," Lily paused before continuing, "I've been meaning to ask you about her. You've known her longer than you've known me. Why did you choose me, instead of her?"

Lily's screen showed Kaito sheepishly scratching the back of his head while forcing a smile. "There's a funny story about that. You see, uh... You know, before I answer, I'm going to ask Gumi first if I can tell you. Both of us agreed to keep it our secret. I'm sorry."

Lily shook her head at him. "No, no. It's fine. It's a secret between you and her, and I trust you two. You don't have to tell me."

"No." Kaito said at the camera as his look changed direction towards a corner he was looking at. "I actually want to tell you about that but I still need to get Gumi's permission first. We did pinky swear, after all."

Lily nodded at him, "I understand." But then a yawn escaped from Lily's mouth. "I'm...tired."

"I'll let you sleep," Kaito said as he smiled towards the camera.

But Lily didn't want to part ways with him so soon. "No, no, no. We just got here. I can stay up for you."

Kaito sighed as he looked downward. "Even if you wanted to, you can't anyway since I have an orientation to attend for my new university."

"I...see..." Lily sighed as she looked downward, like Kaito. "You should get on your way, then. When can we see each other again?"

"Just wait for me to text you. I'll text you to call whenever I have time. Okay?"

"Okay." Lily said as she put aside a part of her hair that was in the way of her eyes. "That sounds good."

"I love you, sweetie. Bye."

"Don't cheat on me."


"Kidding! See you later."

With that, the call between them ended.

Lily took a deep breath as she shut down her laptop. Then she took from out of her bag, the old book that both her late mother and Kaito gave her on two separate occasions, one from each of the two persons that were important to her. It was an autobiography of Yuri Masuda, signed by the woman herself.

She remembered how it inspired the blonde to make her own music. After the book was pilfered from her, she didn't have the same passion for it. But now that she got her inspiration back, she felt as though maybe she could pursue a proper career in making music?

She'd have a better chance to be with Kaito and it was something she liked doing. But she liked to fly even more.

Lily decided to think about it for another time. She didn't want to waste time worrying over something too far in the future. The blonde wanted to take things one day at a time, one step at a time.

She was about to turn off the lights to her room to sleep early but time had other ideas.

A soft-sounding knock could be heard in the direction of the door. Lily thought of it to be odd. Who was here this late at night? Usually everyone is back in their dorm rooms or out doing late night classes. What business could someone want with her at this hour?

Lily looked out the peephole of the door to see that it was a girl, but she came to that conclusion in a rather unconventional way. Lily could only see her chest that had moderately sized breasts with pink hair trialing down to the sides of it.

Lily made an expression that represented someone seeing a ghost while pulling herself away from the peephole of the door. Who is this girl, she asked herself.

The only way the blonde would answer her own question was to open the door and interact with her.

Slowly, Lily turned the doorknob with her right hand and then opened it to greet the door. To her surprise, this girl had a rather much more mature figure than she initially thought. In fact, she looked like a mature woman with those clothes she was wearing.

This girl had pink hair with the end strands traveling down near her shoulders. She had on a black leather jacket that was unbuttoned with a long dress underneath that was the same colour.

Not only that, she appeared to be a towering figure that Lily has to look up at her head to make eye contact with her. Looking at her head, she noticed a hairband that looked to be in the design of headphones. Damn, she thought. What a unique design.

"Uh..." Lily didn't know where to begin with her. She remembered what Kaito taught her when it comes to interacting with people who visit. "May you?" She hesitated to ask. It felt uncomfortable for her to formally greet someone. Usually, Kaito handles the visitors when he was still around.

"Um," The girl blushed a bit as she glanced over to the side before reestablishing eye contact. "Are you Kaito's boyfriend, Lily Masuda?"

The blonde immediately found something odd with her, "How do you know my name?"

"I talked with your boyfriend before. He happened to brag about you during our conversations." This girl had a rather low-tone voice for one but not comparable to a boy's. Also, she sounded soft spoken. "After asking people multiple times where your room was, here I am, now talking to you."

Lily only raised a single eyebrow as she asked, "And you decided to talk to me, why?"

"Because... I think you can help me."

The tall girl took a few steps to the side to reveal large luggage bags behind her, making Lily's eyes widen.

The blonde gasped at the other girl. "Hold the phone! Wh-What are those bags for!?"

The pink-haired girl extended her hand, as if asking for a handshake as she said, "I'm Luka Megurine, your new roommate. It's an honour to meet you, Lily Masuda."

Lily took a moment to look at the bed that used to belong to Kaito as her expression defined, "What the hell have I gotten myself into this time?"

"Kaito, I swear to God, if you knew about this chick before me and told her to come to me for whatever reason without telling me first, you're not going to have a face anymore..."

Author's Note:

For those of you who might try to yell at me in the review box about botching up Luka's height in comparison to Lily's, just wait. It is only the first chapter and in the explanation on a m.o.v.e. animation video (Where Lily was originally created), she was shown to have an average height, since the dude was super tall. But then again, her 3D model that the people used depict Lily to be tall...

I say it's around 5"6, since... One MMD shows Lily taller than Luka, and the Wiki is very inconsistent with the sizes.

The answers section shows Luka's height at 5'7, according to Crypton, and the Wiki feature page shows her having a height of 5'4.

That, and there's no official height for Lily yet.

I know it sounds like nit-picking and some of you will think that the heights really don't matter since most personalities of the Vocaloids are left up to interpretation but I know how up-and-arms people tend to get with these sort of things.

If my author's note doesn't apply to you, carry on...