"So Yug, ya comin' ta ma party tonight?" That was Joey.. The gang were currently walking down the school corridor as they gradually make their way towards their next lesson, which happened to be English. Students bustle past them, speeding towards their next lesson, some knocking into them, others sliding out the way in an expeditious attempt to eschew collision. The group never paid attention to their surroundings, they were too busy conversing in conversation to care about what everyone else was up to. They had a topic to discuss, which lies with Joeys party that will be held later tonight, a celebration of Seto and Joey admitting their love for one another, it's endearing, to say the least.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world Joey." He gave the taller a cordial smile as they turned a corner, switching directions.

"Great! Wat about you guys?" He turned towards Amy and Zak, eyebrow raised in question. Amy has long ebony hair that cascades down her back, stopping at her waist. To top that off, she has a couple of golden bangs that frame her marginally angular face that holds a slight tan. The tips of her hair are a beautiful magenta, a mixture of crimson and amethyst. Her eyes are a similar colour, a mixture of those colours combined. Zak, who is currently holding her hand is her boyfriend of three years, he has short brown tamed hair with a few bangs framing his face. His eyes a dark purple, however, in the odd light there is a shimmer of crimson in those depths.

"Of course! We've already discussed it, haven't we babe?" She raised her eyes to lock gaze with her boyfriend, he nodded in response, bringing his girlfriend closer.

"We did, we're also bringing Kamilah if you don't mind?" Kamilah is Amy's cousin who didn't show up today for some unknown reason.

"Dat's fine, the more the merrier!" He grinned before realizing they'd already arrived outside their classroom. "Well we're here, we'll discuss it further at lunch."

Once the others nodded their agreement, the four entered the classroom, immediately sitting in their assigned seats. The teens were somewhat early so they gave exchanges from around the room, as they're later followed by their fellow classmates and teacher.

Yugi glanced upwards when he felt a slight tap on his shoulder. He gave a bright smile once his eyes fell on the all too familiar crimson jewels that he came to admire over the years. "Hey Yami."

Said teen graced him with a warm smile that Yugi came to adore. "Hello, Aibou.. Sorry I didn't meet up with you."

He shook his head, smile still evident "It's fine! I didn't mind, Amy and Zak accompanied me."

He gave a nod in a silent reply before taking his seat opposite to Yugi. His attention now focused on the teacher who coughed to gain everyone's attention so she could start her lesson.

Yugi's eyes, however, failed to leave Yami's form as the class went on without his attention. He couldn't seem to look away from the perfect, flawless face of his best friend. His eyes.. A blood red crimson that he fell in love with since they met when they were toddlers. Yugi remembers that day all too well.


A little Yugi wobbled up the beach with his mother and father on either side of him, hands gripping each as they relish the beauty that is summer. Yugi stared at the scene ahead, big innocent amethyst eyes shimmering as the sun reflects off his watery orbs. No one knew why he was crying, Yugi didn't know why he was crying. Maybe it was the exhilaration coursing through his body, dying to roll with the waves, letting them caress and carry his body away as he glides over the H2O. Water has always been a fascination to little Yugi, he often found himself wishing to one day turn into a fish so he could swim into the sunset, giggling as the dolphins swim by his side, cheering him on. It was an odd dream for such a small child, however, he will soon grow out of such a dream. Dreams are only for believing, after all.

"Mummy, Daddy.. Can I have an ice cream?" He puffed out his bottom lip in an attempt to look innocent though such a boy like himself didn't need to do such a thing. His parents looked down at their son with huge smiles on their faces.

"Sure sweetheart." Their grip on his hand tightened slightly before they made their way towards the ice cream van that was in walking distance. Not but a minute later, the three arrived as they stood at the end of the queue.

Yugi jumped happily on the spot as they neared closer and closer towards the front of the line. Ice cream was Yugi's favourite desert, so to be having such a thing made him excited. A couple of minutes later, Yugi grinned as he was next in line to be served. He watched eager, as the couple in front of him left satisfied before his gaze quickly flickered upwards towards the ice cream man.

"What can I get you kiddo?" He asked cheerily as he peered down at the small boy who was staring in thought at all the options, finger tapping his chin in thought.

"I want a big ice cream cone with loads of chocolate and sprinkles!" He grinned madly when the man in turn nodded before he started making Yugi's order. Yugi watched in amazement as the ice cream twirled before falling on the once empty cone, he licked his lips at the chocolate the man dribbled on the top before adding a good amount of sprinkles. Once satisfied, he turned back towards the boy, hand held out in an invitation to take the ice cream.

Yugi wasted no time in snatching the ice cream out of the males hand before attacking it with a grin. He walked off slightly as his mother and father paid for his ice cream. Just as Yugi was about to give his desire a lick, it slipped out of his hand. Yugi watched with wide eyes as the ice cream ripped itself from his embrace before finding comfort in the floor beneath him. Moisture gathered in Yugi's eyes as he witnessed his ice cream come in contact with the ground. A sob escaped his lips, body shaking with grief from the death of his ice cream.

he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. Looking up, he peered through his bangs with teary eyes. In front of him was a boy that could be Yugi's brother, hand held out for Yugi to take what he held. He had a sad smile on his face as he stared down at the slightly shorter teen. "Have mine."

Yugi sniffled a few times before kindly accepting the ice cream. He gave it a tentative lick before grinning wildly "Thankyou very much."

He nodded at the smaller "What's your name?"

"Yugi! Yours?"


End of flashback-

He smiled at the memory. Since that day, the both of them formed a strong bond, almost inseparable. After finding where the other lived, they were constantly around each others house when they were allowed and went to the same school. As the years went on, the two lookalikes became more than friends, in turn best friends. However, as each day passes by Yugi's feelings are growing stronger than just a mere friendship. He's in love with his best friend.

He's in love with Yami and the other doesn't know. What could he do exactly? Tell the other? Wouldn't that ruin a perfectly good friendship if Yami didn't feel anything more than a friend to Yugi?

Yugi doesn't want to take the risk.

Yami is his life, and if he up and left because Yugi confessed his love for him then he'd be at a stand-still, heart torn over not just being rejected but also losing his best friend in the process.

That's exactly why his secret has stayed hidden with him for all these years. He harbors his feelings in his heart. However, if on the off chance he found out that Yami felt the same, he'd make his move.

Yugi was so deep in his thoughts about Yami and their past that he failed to notice the bell ringing, thus signalling the end of the lesson. Yugi, not paying attention, jumped a few feet in the air when a voice shouted "wake up" in his sensitive eardrum, causing a vibration that was not pleasant.

"GAH..Do you mind?" He rubbed his ear from the harsh treatment Joey gave it just a few seconds ago.

He grinned sheepishly "Well it's lunchtime buddy, so I thought I should let ya know."

He gave a nod in understanding. He was in thought, after all. Giving a shrug, he stood up from his seat and followed the blonde towards the cafeteria, in which all his friends will be present.

"So Yug"

Said person gave a nod in reply, gaze not moving from in front of him as he made sure he didn't barge into anyone.

"Wat do'ya think about me an' Kaiba bein' together?"

"I don't know" He gave a shrug "I guess it was unexpected with your constant bickering though you make a great couple if that's what you're asking. Your relationship is very.. Unique?"

Joey grinned "I agree" Once arriving at the door to the cafeteria, he leaned on it with his shoulder, adding force before entering, Yugi on toe. "Ah, there dey are!" He picked up his pace as he spotted his boyfriend and his others friends at a table near the far corner.

Yugi once arriving, took a seat next to Yami as Joey took a seat beside his boyfriend. Everyone greeted the two new arrivals with a nod or a "hello" before talking about random things such as Joey's party or 'how much school sucks.' Yugi tuned his friends out as he went into deep thoughts. He half expected everyone to let him daydream, however, he was interrupted when a voice whispered soothingly in his ear. The voice.. The only voice that seems to send shivers down his spine and up. He could listen to it all day as it caresses his ear like a sweet lullaby.

"Hey little one."

Yugi could feel his cheeks rise in temperature at the endearing nickname. "Hello Yami" He chanced a shy smile as he gazed up at the other. He secretly hoped he failed to notice his blush. If he did notice, however, he showed no signs as he smiled before averting his attention to Joey who was stuffing marshmallows in his mouth from the bet he placed with Marik.

Oh gods..


-After school-


Yugi turned and smiled at seeing his friends run up to him. "Hey guys, what's up?"

"We were wondering if you wanted to go to the arcade," Zak asked as he held his arm around his girlfriend.

Yugi blushed before bowing his head "Sorry guys, I'm heading to the school gym, I do this every Friday." Which is indeed true. Yugi since a couple of months ago makes time to go to the school gym. He enjoys it, so it basically became a hobby now.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, well we'll catch ya later Yug, at da party!" On Yugi's nod, the three made their exit out of the school building, whereas, Yugi continued his journey towards the gym he's been accustomed to. Stopping at his locker, he retrieved his bag with his gym clothes before entering the changing room. Once dressed in joggers and a tank top he entered the gym, knowing exactly what he'd start off with first. Once entering, his eyes widened. In the corner, topless was none other that Yami. His muscles rippling with every push up the other did. Yugi nearly drooled at the sight. Yami's bangs were hanging limply beside his face, some clinging to his skin from the blanket of sweat that had gathered from his intense workout.

Yugi could do nothing but stare at his crush, his mouth open in an o shape as he witnessed his best friend in such a compromising position that hardly helped with his fantasies. A sudden urge jolted his body to touch and caress the skin on that God-like creature, as he sweats beneath him, lips parted in an invitation to explore his sweet mouth. He shivered at the thought. He wouldn't mind being pinned under that body as Yami stares down at him, bliss on his face as he takes Yugi, grinding on him, pounding inside him.. As he attempts to make him one with the floor.


He was getting turned on by his own thoughts.


Yugi shrieked not so manly as a new voice interrupted his thoughts. He didn't dare look in his best friend's eyes.. Not after his thoughts were about him.. He shivered when Yami strolled over until he was closer to the teen, too close. He could feel Yami's body heat and that alone appeared to turn him on more. He mentally cursed as his erection grew and strained inside his pants.

He had hoped Yami didn't notice him in such a situation, however, that hope was cut short as he felt soft fingers caressing his body, moving lower and lower until they reached Yugi's need. Yugi stared up wide-eyed at the crimson eyed teen who held no emotion, as if he didn't just grip the smaller teens crotch between his palm.

"Y-Yami?" Gods.. Yami.. His best friend was working his hands down his boxers.. Yami was working his hands down his boxers.. "YAMI.. WHAT" He moaned when Yami gripped his erection, it felt so good! His mind and body were in bliss, that he failed to know they were moving until his back was slammed into a wall, pinned up by none other than Yami. Yugi stared up with half-lidded eyes while Yami's talented hands rubbed, squeezed and caressed his need in ways one could only imagine. It was breathtaking.

"Yugi.." He breathed as he moved closer to the teen, if possible. He nipped at the smaller's earlobe, Yugi's moans were music to his ears. He cupped Yugi's cheek with his unoccupied hand as the other fondles with his need. Turning the others head with his fingers, he locked gaze with amethyst, letting his barrier fall so his best friend could read his emotions. How he's loved the teen for all these years without being able to express it, in case it just happened to ruin their friendship. However, seeing Yugi enter, staring at him with lust filled eyes and that tent in his pants made him snap. He had to have the little one for himself and no way in hell will he let a moment as good as this to pass.

Yugi moaned when Yami licked and nipped at his throat, trailing soft kisses down until he reached his collarbone. He nipped harshly, which in turn made Yugi jump with a yelp. Yami in apology soothed the red flesh with his tongue, licking and kissing the newly made wound. He moved his head backwards so he could admire his work, he gave a satisfied nod.

"Yami- y-you-"

"Ra.. I love you Yugi.. How I've loved you for all these years.." He raised his fingers to brush the bangs attaching to Yugi's face out of the way so he has a better view of Yugi's perfect facial structure, his big round eyes, his cherubic face. Gods, Yugi was like an angel sent from above. A god even, he could worship the teen for eternity.

"You love me?" He looked up, hope shining in his eyes. Once gaining a nod from Yami in return Yugi felt moisture gather in his eyes, with a quick flick of the hand he wiped them away. He gave a shaky smile towards the one he loves. His knees fall weak when his eyes lock with the elder, the depth showing his love for Yugi.. It was too much. He nearly collapsed from Yami's love filled gaze, however, the elder noticed and grabbed him by the waist, holding him against his firm exposed chest.

"I love you with all my heart and more Yugi" He raised Yugi's chin so their lips could meet in a fiery passionate kiss, both moaning at the contact and the fireworks that were popping off inside their heads.

"I love you too" He reached a hand towards the others face, palm cupping his cheek lovingly. His smile widening once Yami returned it. His gaze made a trail down his chest, watching it glisten from the moisture blanketing his tan skin. He leaned forward, mouth trailing kisses down Yami's chest as the other pulled him closely, urging the smaller teen on. He gave a little suck on his chest, in turn feeling the body shiver beneath his lips. He pulled away, eyes quickly going out to seek Yami's. His eyes though half-lidded with a tint of love, held lust and that look alone seemed to turn Yami on to a new level.

"Do you want to.." He trailed off hoping Yugi picked up the message.

He nodded "Make love to me.." He stroked his hands through the elders hair, the hair damp from the heat. His body shook from the look in his Mou Hitori no Boku's eyes, they held hunger, hunger for him.. His body. Gods..

Yami growled lowly in his throat as he pinned Yugi further into the wall with his lower body, hands tangling in his hair to pull him into a passionate lust filled kiss though the love was unmistakable. While kissing, he let his hands wander downwards, gripping the hem of his shirt, he broke the kiss reluctantly to pull the piece of fabric off. Once successful, his lips instantly met Yugi's to finish where they left off. His hands trailed down towards the smaller ones nipples, flicking them and rubbing them with his fingers, teasing the sensitive flesh below his fingertips, swallowing the moans coming from his little ones mouth greedily as his tongue worked its way down Yugi's throat. He could feel the strained fabric where Yugi's bulge lies rubbing against his own confined crotch.

Pulling away slightly, he stared into his lover's eyes "Are you sure little one? Agree now I will not be able to stop."

He shook is head "I want this, I've wanted this for a long time, take me.. Make me yours."

Yami felt a wave of possessiveness take over his body as his little one spoke those words. Begging for him to take him.. Not wanting to disappoint he nodded, he leaned down as he gripped Yugi's pants and boxers, tugging both down before discarding them with a flick of his wrist. He let his eyes wander down the beauty of the body before him.. The boy is ravishing.. Flawless.. God, can't he wait to officially make the boy his, both joining as one. He ached for such contact. "You're beautiful, in body, mind and soul love" He reached up to kiss the boys slightly bruised lips in a chaste kiss.

Yugi blushed, he had the urge to cover himself up, however, let such an urge slide "You're quite overdressed, don't you think?"

He gave a hearty chuckle "That I am little one, maybe you could help me with that." His voice was seductive as he peered at his lover through his sweaty bangs. Lowering his hand towards his waistband he teasingly went lower until it fell under and out of sight. He locked eyes with his little one who was so entranced in such an action, licking his lips with want. Yami nearly let out a chuckle at the sight. Withdrawing his hand, he gestured for the other one to do what he wished.

Yugi, not wanting to waste such an opportunity wasted no time in changing positions, pinning Yami up against the wall with his own body, He gave a small growl at his lovers smirking face "Gods Yami.." He rubbed their crotches together hoping to cause more friction between them. He was growing seemingly impatient, he felt like he was going to explode if it dragged out any longer.. He needed Yami. Mindset, he reached down, grabbing the clothing, trousers and boxers in a firm grip before tugging them down Yami's legs. Yami gave a lift of each leg to make it easier for Yugi. Both stood naked now.

"Gods Yami.. You call me beautiful, you're divine." Yami's body was God-like.. Like the Gods crafted him themselves.

He gave a chuckle "Why thank you little one." He gave a wink before switching their positions. Staring fixedly into Yugi's eyes a thought occurred "We don't have any form of lubrication." He rubbed the back of his neck. How were they to move on? Yami knows Yugi is a virgin as is he. To do this unprepared would inflict pain on his little one.

Instead of replying, Yugi shrugged. He held Yami's fingers in his hand before inserting them into his mouth, licking at the slim digits until they were completely covered with his saliva. Yami at first looked at Yugi like he had gone insane, however, realization struck him, his Aibou was so smart. "Thanks, Aibou" He gave his new lover an appreciated kiss before lowering his fingers towards Yugi's entrance. "Listen little one, relax, don't tense as the pain will worsen, ok?" Once he gave a nod in reply Yami slowly entered his first finger inside Yugi, he felt Yugi tense at the intrusion though instantly relaxed after. He moved the finger around inside of Yugi, letting the little one get used to the feeling before he added in a second finger. Yugi tensed up and winced at the burning feeling in his lower half from him being stretched. Yami whispered soothing words in his ears to help him relax. Once his walls loosened, obviously relaxed, Yami added the third and final finger inside, stretching them in a scissor-like motion and thrusting them in and out, giving Yugi a feel of what was to come when his prostate was hit.

"YAMI!" Yugi's head fell backward as his body tingled and shivered, his eyes were closed in bliss as Yami constantly attacked his prostate. "Gods.."

Yami smirked knowingly, he hit that spot a couple more times before pulling his fingers out. He chuckled when Yugi groaned at the loss of contact. "Hey." He held Yugi's chin in his hand before bringing their lips together in an Eskimo kiss "I have nothing to lube myself up with so this may hurt a little more."

Yugi nodded in reply, he held onto Yami as they embraced each other, none moving for a little while.

Yami was the first to pull away. He grabbed Yugi's ass before lifting him up "Wrap your legs around my waist and your arms around my neck for more stability." Yugi obliged, wrapping his legs around Yami's waist as his arms encircled around his lover's neck. Yami once satisfied pecked Yugi on the lips "Remember to relax" Once Yugi nodded in reply, he brought Yugi for a breathtaking kiss in a means of distraction before entering his lover in one fluid motion. He felt Yugi cry out in the kiss and his walls stiffen around him though soon relaxed as he held still, letting his lover adjust to his size.

Yami was in bliss. Yugi is soo damn tight and hot his head is fuzzy. He could slam the boy into the wall repeatedly, however, controlled his urges for his lover's sake. Through his pleasure filled mind he could faintly hear Yugi tell him to move, which he wasted no time in obeying as he slammed out just to slam straight back in again, their pace was slow at first as they savour and cherish such a beautiful moment as they join one another. Both had a steady rhythm going, both panting from the pleasure they're enduring and sweat gathered over their flushed faces, bangs dripping from the heat both bodies produced as they became one. Yami growled lowly as Yugi's neck became exposed in which he wasted no time in attacking as he placed his lips over the flesh, kissing and sucking to leave a mark behind.. A mark that shows all he's taken.. Taken by Yami and only him.

"Y-yami.. O-oh Gods.." Yugi cried as his prostate was repeatedly pounded into once Yami succeeded in finding the spot that makes it all worth wild. His hands moved upwards to grip into Yami's hair, entangling his fingers between the strands tightly as he desperately tried to cling onto something, the pleasure was indescribable.. nearly unbearable. His toes curled and his fist clenches and unclenches in his hair as Yami pounds into him, thrusts harder with every passing second. "Y-yami.. I-"

"Me too little one, wait for me." Beads of sweat trailed down his face as he gripped Yugi's ass in an attempt to bury deeper inside the male. He could feel a coil form in his stomach, knowing he was nearing his end. He gave a few more thrusts before reaching between their sweaty bodies to grasp Yugi's abandoned need with his hand, his fingers stroking in time with his thrusts as he teased, caressed and squeezed, urging his lover to come.. To reach his climax.

"Oh God Y-Yami!" He panted out as his body shook and writhed with the pleasure. "It makes me want to s-sing o-ohhhhhhh!" His head fell forward on Yami's shoulder as his head failed to stay upright. The warmth in his stomach seemed to progress as their lovemaking went on. He was about to reach his edge..

"Yugi..Come" He groaned out, stars shooting behind his eyes at the bliss his body and mind is enduring.

"O-okay.. I-I'm.. No... YAMI!" Yugi cried out as he reached his climax, dot's forming behind his eyes as his seed attacked both their stomachs and chest. He panted hoping to get his breath back as Yami gave a few more thrusts before reaching his own climax.

"YUGI!" He groaned out, spilling his seed inside his lover before collapsing on the floor in a big heap, totally spent. He laid his head backward onto the floor as Yugi lay on his chest. Both were breathing heavily as they come down from their high. The teens lay there for a couple of minutes catching their breath before Yami gently lifted Yugi's hips so he could pull out of him, the last of his strength used, he collapsed. "Ra.."

Yugi lifted his head up from Yami's chest to stare his lover in the eyes "That was amazing." He gave a sleepy smile at his Mou Hitori no Boku who gave a faint smile in reply.

"I agree." He ran his fingers through Yugi's hair "I love you."

"I love you too" He leaned forward to peck Yami on the lips before resting his head back on his chest.

"Ra.. Now that's what you call a workout."
