This story idea is not mine the credit gose to Salvatore rose so read that story first. Hope you enjoy my version.


year 1864

"Why won't you believe what I'm telling you Damon" Bella as said frustrated "she's just using you."

Damon growled at her his best friend

" how would you know that Bella, how do you know she is using me, how do I know you are telling the truth about her."

Damon said while pacing. Bella went to put her hand on his arm but he just slapped it away, her eyes filled with shock and sadness as she put her hand down again. Bella looked at him before saying 'I just d not want to see you Hurd damon' she said in a soft voice but underneath Damon could hear a pleading tone. Damon turned to her his eyes were full anger " she won't hurt me I love her and she loves me got it" he said while glaring at Isabella.

"She's no good Damon, she is playing with you and Stefan and you two don't even realise it and In the end you'll both end up hurt and I don't want to see that. Bella said pleading " I won't get hurt ok why can't you just drop it I will be fine." Damon said getting impatient "

no you won't your heart will break and I will lose you, Damon I can't lose you as well I just can't." Bella said nearly screaming.

That's when it finally clicked in Damon's mind and his expression changed from confusion to understanding

"your jealous aren't you Bella. Your jealous that someone loves me and not you. Your just being selfish Bella."

"I'm not jealous" but Damon didn't listen to her and continued acting like he didn't hear her he just continued to speak his mental abuse

"your jealous that I have people who love me while you don't." He wad saying things that he knew he would later regret but right now he didn't care " your family didn't want you so they just dumped you at the nearest orphanage and only your brother stayed with you." He could see tears In her eyes " but then he died and you had no one no friends, no family..."

He was about to continue but he felt a stinging sensation on his cheek. He looked shocked at Bella

"how dare you Damon, how dare you. You know of my past and now you are throwing it in my face you know my trama of growing up alone and what it's done to me how dare you."

"No how dare you make up stories trying to ruin mine and Katherine's love, just how low can you get Isabella"

Damon said harshly. Bella gasped because he never called her by her proper name it was always ' Isa' izzy or Bella


"No don't Damon me I want you out of my house out of my life, I never want to see you again"

He said angrily and now Bella had tears rolling down her face

"Alright Damon I'll go but you will see I'm right and when you do I won't be hear to say I told you so just remember that"

and with that she left but Damon didn't notice because he was half way up the stairs. As soon as Bella left she ran to her house. When she reached her house she collapsed on her door step crying into her hands but she noticed a box with a note on top. She picked it up and saw a beautiful silver bracelet with a heart charm and a lapus luniz stone in the middle, she looked at the note and it said

dear isa happy birthday hope you like the gift. Love Emily.

Bella then whispered to herself "happy birthday to me but not so happy at all."