Disclaimer: I don't own A Song of Ice and Fire.

I wanted to do a story on Elia Martell since I feel like she gets looked over the most when it comes to the girls of Robert's rebellion. If you have any questions you are welcome to private mail me as this story is going to be strictly AU. Anyway enjoy the story guys and please if you have time review!



It was a dark starry night and there was a definite chill in the air. As Robert Baratheon walked amongst the ruins of Harrenhal he couldn't help but let himself think back to the days events. That damn dragon prince Rhaegar had the nerve to make hungry eyes at his betrothed! What sort of game did the prince think he was playing at?!

Lyanna was beautiful, wild and playful everything that Robert had ever wanted so he shouldn't have been surprised that another man wanted her too even if he hadn't expected the challenge to come from Dragon spawn like the Targaryens.

But Rhaegar had a wife, Elia of Dorne the called her. Admittedly she was frail and not nearly as beautiful as Lyanna but she should have been enough for Rhaegar not to run his snakey violet eyes over other men's women!

Robert felt the rage come over him again and willed himself to calm down. After all it was just a wreath of pathetic roses, how could that win over a woman? Though he could remember the slight flicker of awe that came over Lyanna's face before her face went into a cool mask of courtesy.

Surely she couldn't be falling for the Silver prince's ways? Rhaegar played the harp and Robert could have sworn he saw tears on Lyanna's cheeks. Tears! Actual tears! Over some stupid girly song. Clearly Robert didn't know Lyanna as well as he thought he did.

"Are you well my lord?" Robert was snapped from his thoughts by a quiet voice from his left that had a curious accent to it. Coming from the ruins to his left was a small, frail woman of dark hair and dark eyes. She was wearing an orange dress that gave her skin a glow that made her whole face light up.

It was the dragon princes wife. Why was she out here all alone? Robert would expect her to have a white shadow by her side since the White knights of the kingsguard were never far from the princess. Or at least her handmaiden the beautiful Ashara Dayne who was Elia's constant companion.

But she was alone and looking up at him with a curious look in her very dark eyes. Robert realized with a start that he dwarfed her. He was a big man anyone with eyes could see that, he stood tall at 6 ft 6 inches and he was well muscled. Elia already petite looked much smaller next to his big frame.

He wondered if she was hurting her neck looking up at him like that and decided to put her out of her misery with a curt "I am well, thank you Princess". He didn't even bother to kneel hoping she would just go away and leave him alone to his thoughts of smashing Rhaegar Targaryen's smug face in.

What Robert didn't count on is that Elia Martell despite looking frail, inside she was anything but and she wasn't giving up so easily. "I am sorry about my husband's actions today, he can be very ….. impulsive sometimes."

"Spare me your false apologies! I don't need them and I don't need to have you here vexing me with your presence."

Robert knew it wasn't her fault, she had more right to be angry than him but everytime he looked at her calm face all it put him in mind of was Rhaegar and his calm facade. Elia and Rhaegar were alike in ways. They never got angry, even today after the prince gave his blue flowers over to Robert's Lyanna Elia just got up calmly and left.

Elia didn't look at all surprised by his harsh words in fact there was a small smile playing about her lips …. was she amused? This angered Robert even more. Did she find his misery amusing?! How dare she laugh in his face! She might be a princess but she was still a Dornish bitch which was made even more clear by her Orange attire when she should have been wearing Red and Black the colors of House Targaryen.

He snarled in her face "I don't know what your laughing at. Your husband passed you over for a girl of 15! You're clearly not woman enough for him so he had to look elsewhere to get his fill!"

Robert's harsh words had finally broken Elia's calm composure and he felt the slap before he saw it. As his head snapped to the side and his cheek burned he slowly turned towards her, Elia was breathing heavily and there was snarl pulling her lips back from her teeth. She looked very like her brother Oberyn, the one they called the Red Viper and for a moment Robert felt a hint of unease run through him.

So the princess wasn't as weak as she looked. That slap had surprised Robert and for a moment he stood gaping at her like a fool. Then she spoke and this time her voice had none of the sweetness it had when she had addressed him before. Now her voice cracked like a whip and she looked angrier than he had ever seen Lyanna in her wildest rages.

"How dare you presume to talk to me in such a manner! I am your princess and I may look frail but I am anything but. Remember your place Baratheon and be grateful that I am kind enough to forgive such insolence."

Gone where her polite words and meek ways. For the first time Robert had seen the Elia of Dorne that everyone spoke of. He realized with a start that before she was just playing the Targaryen wife and now this was the REAL Elia. The one before she married Rhaegar and had to be his good wife.

A plan started to form in Robert's head. Rhaegar had embarrassed him in front of most of the Seven Kingdoms at Harrenhal. How would the Dragon spawn feel if Robert took away something that was dear to him? Despite his actions today Robert knew Rhaegar loved Elia and if any man took her away from him it would cause a war.

Other men would have dismissed this plan as pure folly which it was but Robert was never a cautious man and he was hungry for revenge. As he looked Elia over one more time he realized with a start that she was rather beautiful and he felt his womanizing ways come back to life.

Robert felt a hungry look come over his face and smiled in satisfaction when he saw a flicker of uncertainty go over Elia's face. He puffed his chest out slightly and put on his most seductive voice.

"Would you care to go for a ride my fiery princess?"