Disclaimer: not one character used here is mine.

I looked outside the windows as we were traveling. That same space, if I should call it that, which has all colors and yet no color at all. It seemed solid, but I knew better than that. Even though I have passed through it several times before, I can never really get used to seeing it. I look at my traveling companions. Saya, who looks the youngest, but claims to be much older than she looks, was just sitting in her seat, arms crossed, holding the tube in which she hides her sword. Next to her sat Merlin, who is looking around the ship we were in, smiling. Why he is always excited about every world we enter, I will never understand. I looked at our pilot. When I first met him, I thought of him as a machine-man, as he seemed to be exactly that, a machine with arms like a human, and even a real human face. It turned out he was more than that. As I watched, he was just looking through the windshield, probably making sure we wouldn't hit anything on our way to wherever we were headed. Though every time we went through, I don't remember there ever having been anything, so I'm not sure what he expected to see.
"So Saya..." Merlin suddenly started, "You seem to know Murphy?"
Saya turned her head to look at him.
"I mean, when we first met him on Mondas, you recognized his voice." Merlin elaborated, "So you must have met him before."
"We have." our pilot, Murphy, replied in her stead, "She was being attacked by a Nobody. I helped her out."
"I was doing fine." Saya grumbled.
"You may think that, but only because you didn't know what you were fighting." Murphy said.
"Neither do I." Merlin interjected, "She was attacked by nobody?"
Murphy opened his mouth to talk, but something happened in front of us, to which he reacted first. He turned back to his controls, so to steer us in the right direction. A few seconds later, something opened up, and we flew through it.
"Our reminiscence will have to wait." Murphy said.
"A new world?" Merlin's smile widened, "Where are we now?"
Murphy waited a few seconds before answering, "I'm receiving radio-signals, so that means they aren't far behind us, when it comes to technology."
Murphy waited a little longer, "This is interesting."
On the small screen next to the windshield, Murphy showed us something. Whatever it was, I didn't know, but when I saw what he wanted to show us, all I could think of was to unbuckle my seatbelt as fast as possible, which for some reason didn't work. It was like the seat didn't want to let go of me.
"What's wrong, M?" Merlin asked me.
Saya grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back against the chair. I still struggled a little, but she had that look in her eyes. That look that told me she wasn't amused by what I was doing. In that moment, I didn't know what scared me more. Saya, or that woman on the screen.
"I see he met her before." Murphy spoke.
"Who? That woman?" Merlin pointed at the screen.
"Precisely." Murphy replied.
Saya let go of me, "And who is she?"
"She's a Cylon."
The fear that had come over me disappeared as soon as he said that. I knew only too well what a Cylon is, they are those gray robots with red eyes that move from left to right. Bottom line, they are robots. This woman looked very human to me. Saya and Merlin looked at each other, clearly realizing the same thing. The screen shut off. So the woman was done talking, but I was too afraid of her to listen.
"How can she be a Cylon?" Merlin questioned.
"There are Cylon models that look almost exactly like humans." Murphy explained, "Twelve models have been built, of which she is the sixth. And of those models, several copies are walking around."
That explained everything to me, but Murphy wasn't done, "But there is a sure way of knowing for sure. On their backs, there is a red light that constantly moves up and down."
Merlin scoffs, "So we have to ask people if they would lift up their shirts, just so we can see their backs?"
Saya rolled her eyes in agreement.
"But that's not what bugs me." Murphy continued, "According to this broadcast, the people of this planet are celebrating the anniversary of the day the Earth stood still."
Saya looked up when he said that, "That's not physically possible."
"That's not literally what she meant." Murphy elaborated, "Apparently, five years ago, this planet was visited by a strange creature, who wanted to wipe out all of humanity. The people fought back and won, but at the cost of all electricity shutting down."
Merlin's lips stretched into a huge smile: "Why is that such a bad thing?"
"Without electricity, most technologies wouldn't work." Saya explained, "No heat, no light, no transport."
"And no torture devices..." Merlin whispered.
Saya looked at him, "What are you talking about?"
"It may not mean much to you, because you're from a world before they discovered electricity." Murphy further explained, "But in many worlds, people have become so dependent on electricity, that shutting it down does them more harm than good."
"And of course a Cylon would see this as something to use to her advantage." Saya realized.
Murphy nodded, "This was a life broadcast. I'll see if I can land near its point of origin."
With this, Murphy steered the ship into this Earth's atmosphere.