So... I had planned on doing a story for Dusk and Makenzi, but then I remembered I promised to write this. Explain things about Richard. And I will. Please enjoy!

Oh, and I shall give a shout out if anyone figures out what inspired this little story before I'm done writing. If you do know, please write in the comments!

" Richard! You have some mail sweetie! "

" Really? "

Richard called back, raising his head from his floating book. Slowly he closed it mentally, just as slowly getting to his feet and going off to find where Jimmy's mother Rebecca had been calling him from. Today was Monday, early afternoon, and he, Jimmy and Leah had just gotten home from school. They had been relaxing for a bit, as Monday was always a rough day on kids, due to it being the beginning of the week. Jimmy was playing his video games, and Leah was laying on the floor, drawing something in her notebook. They had all been having a nice time really.

The psychic soon made his way to the kitchen, finding Rebecca holding the letter out to him. This letter had very blocky writing on the front, looking urgent really. Richard frowned very lightly, praying this wasn't any form of bad news. He didn't want to deal with any bad news right now... hesitating, the boy opened the envelope, beginning to read the letter.

" Richard Griffin,

We, the executors of the late Grace Ronstadt, have discovered that you have been mentioned in her will. Madam Grace has bestowed upon you her estate in Twilight Town, which you may live in and receive once you become 18. Under the condition you at least spend 3 nights within it's walls. Note that you may of course bring guests over, so long as you spend the nights there alone. Your guests must sleep elsewhere, away from the inside of the houses walls. Please come over to Twilight Town as soon as possible. "

Richard bit his lip, feeling his eyes beginning to water horribly. ' Auntie Grace... ' He mentally whispered, covering his mouth as he tried to prevent a sob from escaping his lips. His dear Aunt Grace... left him her house. He... with all that he'd been going through as of late he... he hadn't been thinking about her much. He hadn't meant to, he just...

" What's wrong sweetie? "

Richard looked up at Rebecca, silently handing her the letter so she could read it. He could tell the woman was feeling sorry for him... hearing about his Aunt... Richard soon found himself in the woman's arms, his tear stained face pressed against her waist line.

" I'm so sorry Richard... "

She soothed, running a hand through the boys hair.

" Here... we should probably go love. I'll go get Graham, Jimmy and Leah, and we'll all go. Don't worry, it'll be alright darling. "

" I-I know... "

Richard muttered, lifting his glasses and rubbing his eyes dry. Truly he did know it would be alright. He just... had to admit... he hadn't gone to Aunt Grace's house since she died. He hadn't been able to bring himself to. She had died there in her sleep... from a heart attack. And just thinking that she had died there made it hard for him to even THINK about that house. He didn't enjoying thinking it had been the place she had passed on in. He didn't want to go there... and only be able to think of her slowly dying in her sleep...

The boy shuddered, tightly hugging Rebecca again. Perhaps... with his new family by his side... he could do this. Because truly, if his Auntie had left him that house, then he would love to honor her will and live there when he was older. And truly, it wasn't a bad house. It was large, elegant and very sound. It would truly be a wonderful place to live. Maybe even raise a family with in the future. And the garden in back was beautiful... a small Khoi pond, a large olden-days well, a large Sakura tree, a small, BEAUTIFUL flower bed, and a great vegetable garden in the corner. Somewhere he often went to as a child, and often sitting himself down on one of the lower branches of the tree and just admiring the scenery. It may have changed without his Aunt there to care for it, but he'd always have his memories of it... and he would work hard to return it to it's former glory.

He could do this... he could spend three days there in that house. For his Auntie Grace...

A bit of a short beginning, but this story... I'm looking forward to it, truly. And I hope you all enjoy as well. ;)