Hey guys, sorry this took forever. I ended up writing myself into a corner with that last chapter, as well as taking on a really difficult and time consuming course load at college. I just finale got time and inspiration to write, so here it is. Again, very sorry for this taking so long.

The barrier created by the mountain ash fluxuated and rippled as the Oni started to tear it with their bare hands. Scott moved to, as best he could being mostly surrounded, put his body in between the Oni and, Lydia and Kira. Lydia raised her crossbow back up and trailed it on the Oni closest to her.

Scoot, Lydia and Kira stood there, Kira trembling in fear, and the others only managing to stay steady due to adrenaline and survival instinct. It stayed this way for a good 10 minutes as the Oni slowly clawed their way in.

The Oni closest to Lydia was the first to make it through the barrier. As soon as it did, Lydia let out the crossbow bolt, which imbedded itself in the creature, though it didn't seem to do any damage to the Oni. Scott let out a roar as he lunged towards an Oni just making its way through the doorway.

Lydia reloaded the crossbow and fired off another shot, aiming for the creature's mask like face. This time, it just bounced off the creature's features. The creature slid in the back door of the house towards Lydia and Kira. Scott wasn't having much better luck, as the creature just countered every attack that Scott threw at it, before finally throwing Scott across the room.

Lydia watched this and she felt something well up inside her. Lydia let the crossbow fall from her hands and her body fall down onto its knees as a scream erupted from her throat, like no scream she had ever done before. It resounded through the room, and shattered the lightbulbs and windows throughout the house. Kira and Scott covered their ears as the noise resounded in their heads.

Unlike everyone else, the Oni seemed to be unaffected by the scream. One of the Oni walked up to Lydia's kneeling form, and reached out its hand. As it slowly closed its fist, Lydia's scream became quieter and quieter before finally, she was making no noise at all. The Oni then put its hand on the side of Lydia's head. After a half second, Lydia faded to black, collapsing to the ground.

Scott lunged at the closest Oni, but was about as successful as the previous times, though this time the Oni does the exact same thing as it did to Lydia causing him to collapse to the ground. The group of Oni's turned to the cowering Kira before repeating the process, leaving all three teenagers lying on the ground.


Officer Parrish walked into the Sherriff's office holding a manila folder. "We got another one," Parrish said as he put the folder on the Sherriff's desk.

The Sherriff let out a heavy sigh as he collapsed into the pile of similar folders already on his desk. After a long minute, Stilinski pushed himself back up and looked at the officer in front of him. "I'm guessing the details are the same," Sherriff Stilinski asked as he took the outstretched folder.

"Yep, disappeared five days ago, in that four hour window," Parrish replied with.

"What took this one so long to get reported?" the Sherriff asked.

"She was a kid who liked to run off, get in street fights. She usually came back after a couple days to get bandaged up. This is the longest she's been gone so her mother figured she'd better report it," Parrish explained.

"Well, whoever is doing this certainly doesn't have a type. We have a spectrum between," Stilinski started to say before checking the sheet in front of him, "16, jeez, all the way up to late 40. We got people of both genders, and job types from nurses to street fighters. Are you seeing a pattern in any of this?"

"Other than when they disappeared, no similarity. I hope this is all that he does, but I don't feel hopeful," Parrish replies.

"Yeah, 13 people kidnapped in one night, that is quite the toll to be just up and satisfied with. We need to figure this out," Stilinski said as she rubbed his eyes and let out a large sigh. It was going to be a long night.


Alison paced around the small area of the vet's office. They hadn't heard anything from anyone at the McCall House all night. Alison turned quickly as she heard the clanking of metal behind her, only to find it was Stiles waking up. He had sprawled out on the operating table late last night.

"Any word?" Stiles asked groggily as he got up from the metal table.

"Nope, nothing so far, I'm starting to get worried," Alison stated.

"Alison, you've been worried all night. Did you get any sleep?" Stiles responded with.

"Couldn't," Alison states simple, resuming her pacing.

"Well, we need to put in an appearance at school, even if just to check in with Tracey. Let's head towards the house. Keep your bow ready just in case," Stiles says, getting off the table.

"Okay, Melissa said to call her when we hear anything from the people at the house. She had an early shift and left before you woke up," Alison said, grabbing her bow and heading out towards the car.

Stiles let out a heavy sigh and followed behind Alison. The two made it to the car, and headed towards the McCall house. When they arrived the house looked quiet, which worried Alison. She pulled her bow up, and checking every possible angle as she moved towards the front door.

Alison pushed the front door open slowly, checking the angles with her bow so nothing will surprise her. There was nothing. Alison carefully made her way through the house as Stiles entered behind her.

Alison found the Scott, Lydia and Kira lying on the floor, asleep or unconscious, but from the movement of their chest, thankfully not dead. Alison rushed over and shook Scott. After a couple seconds he woke up with a groan. Alison immediately moved on to waking the others up. "What time is it?" Scott asked.

"Almost time for school, which we need to put in appearances for. Stiles call Melissa, let her know we are all alive," Alison says.

"Uhg, I'm going to be in so much trouble," Kira said as she sat up.

"We covered for you, said you tired yourself out and fell asleep on the couch. They expect you home right after school today," Alison stated.

"Thanks for that," Kira said.

"It helps when the adult is validating the cover story," Alison said with a little giggle. "I'm going to get changed, you should too, then we have to head for school, okay." Alison got nods from the group. This was going to be an interesting day.

There we go, hope you all liked it. If people are interested in the details of why this took so long on the writing side of things, I'll do a post about it later today on my Tumblr (ggyppt). I think I've set this up well enough the next chapter should come out quicker.