Well, Darling in the Franxx just tore my heart out and stomped on it.

I WAS going to wait until the series finished before writing THAT story, but I'm afraid the show has forced my hand. There's a particular character there who I've had it UP TO HERE WITH-not 002!-and after the DELUGE of messages I got, I no longer see the point in doing so.

But you're not here for that!

You're here to see the final chapter of Cold, aren't ya?!


It's been real, guys and gals. I had an absolute blast writing this story!

Someone asked me if I'm willing to watch Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay, and the answer is yes. Considering what I've heard of Frost's fate in that one though...it won't be included in this story. She got absolutely SHAFTED by Waller in that one and it pisses me off to no end. Alas, Waller is very much dead at Kushina's hand, so I suppose I've avenged her in that regard. If you enjoy the adventures of Naruto in this universe then give Toxic and Crazy Loves Crazy a gander! You'll love em!

Also, this is told from Louise's perspective, obviously...

...and huzzah for the names of their children.

Obvious references are obvious.

"Look! Daddy's on fire!"

"Me too! Me too!"

"None of that!"



Days passed.

Time flowed like wind.

I could be more poetic about all this, but I'm not much of a poet. To make a long story short, we got the hell out of there and found a place to hole up until the storm passed. Couple of years in, we'd been gone for long that everyone just...stopped looking, I guess. Never did figure that out. Cadmus just...fell apart once the whale died. Good fucking riddance, I say. Never liked her. After what she did to Naruto...my only regret is that I wasn't able to kill her myself. Would've liked to rip out her spine myself. Same Kushina got to her first.

Eh, guess I can settle for having the whale's head frozen.

If the Bat had any beef with us for tearing up his city, he never collected. He tracked us down once.


Never again.

Kid's mom is terrifying.

I still don't understand how you can freeze someone with a look, and I'm a stone cold killer!

Seriously, she just...glared at him and he got right back in that damn Batmobile and drove off. Fucking scary.

That...that's my mother in law. Dear god, if I'd broken the kid's heart she probably would've broken me! In-freaking-half!

Anyhow, a few years in, me and the kid went and got ourselves hitched. What? You thought it'd be a long ass courtship or something? With dates and flowers and mushy shit? Pssh. Fuck that. I put that ring on his finger and dragged his sorry ass to the altar. Not that he fought me. After the shit we went through in Arkham...tch, damn. What's another phrase for bonding under fire? Ice, in my case? Gah! See?! This is what I'm talking about! I'm not good with words. Why the hell am I writing in this damn journal anyway? Piece of shit's supposed to help with my stress now that I'm preggers again? Its fucking-

"Too much swearing! Four bucks in the jar!"


That's another reason I'm writing this.

Still sounds weird...

...but in a good way.

Helps to distract me from the twins' theatrics these days. Little buggers are ecstatic about getting a little brother or sister after all this time. Heh. Elsa's over the moon and Natsu almost burned down the kitchen the other day. Not that I blame then. Its been ten years after all. Didn't think I could have another kid after popping those two out. Hell, didn't think I wanted to! They kicked! What? Why're ya looking at me like that? Yeah, I said twins, didn't I? They've taking a liking to Central City...though I pity the place when they grow older.

I'm...not a very good mother.

Thankfully, I'm not alone.

It would be twins.

A boy and a girl.

A family.


(...Scene Break...)

"Look! Daddy's on fire again!"

"Me too! Me too!"

"None of that!"

Louise stifled a small smile as she eased her journal shut and reluctantly returned her attention to reality. Her fingers ran over its worn cover, the red leather crinkling slightly at her touch. After a moment's consideration she locked it, then froze it to be certain. Wouldn't do for someone to read innermost thoughts after all. Her husband was already smug enough that she still used the damned thing to begin with after all these years; if he somehow read the words contained within, she might just die of mortification.

Pushing herself upright off the couch, she grimaced slightly.

Damnit, she was getting big.


"Seriously," she groused, though the words lacked rancor, "What am I going to do with you?"

A clamor of pots and pans answered her.

"Not my fault!" Naruto's voice echoed from the kitchen. "Sit back down! You're not allowed to cook today!"

"Well, you can't cook for shit!" she called back.

"I can if its ramen, woman!" he shouted.

Louise bristled in horror.

"You are not feeding our children ramen!"

"Lalalalalala, can't hear you!"

For someone who hadn't known what "emotions" were, he'd made a remarkable recovery.

Restraining a small smile, Frost shook her head and gave in. Damn, she'd gotten soft. A few years ago she would've fought him tooth and nail on what they fed her babies. Now? After his last abysmal attempt at cooking, she was content to wait for the kitchen to explode in his face before she acted. Judging by the ruckus he and Natsu were making, it wouldn't be long now. They'd probably have to order take out...maybe pizza with peanut butter? Talk about weird cravings...

Sure enough, she found her daughter nearby.

Slim legs kicked quietly against a chair even as she dialed the number.


Clever girl.

"Hey, kiddo." she hummed, brushing pale fingers through her hair. "What're you up to?"

"Ordering pizza." her daughter chirruped, her bright eyes staring into the distance. "Daddy's going to blow up the kitchen again."

"Where's Grandma?"

"Looking for grandpa again." came the reply. "Harley and Dickshot went with her."

Louise nearly spat out her drink.

"Oi! No cursing allowed!"

"But daddy uses it."

Frost sighed.


Ah. Kushina, must've gone on another of her trips to "that" world. Frost still didn't understand the concept of multiverse-theory and frankly, she didn't want to. If Naruto had come from another world, he showed no desire to return. If his mother wanted to come and go as she pleased, that was another matter. Somehow, she suspected her daughter was responsible for that one. She was, after all, nothing if not curious. Still, if Kushina had brought those two with her on her little adventure...she almost pitied that world.

Spirits, Naruto truly did have a terrifying mother.

"What did I tell you about giving her ideas?"

Her daughter beamed.

"To not to."

Elsa was the spitting image of her-if she could ever be bothered to wear a dress-her long, ice blue hair bound back in a loose braid over his shoulder. Even as she looked on, the little imp flashed her a daring grin. Today she'd chosen a pink-why did it have to be pink?!-and blue number that almost made her look like cotton candy. Fitting, given her sweet temperament and the nature of her powers. Only time would tell if she turned her "gifts" toward her own ends, or for the sake of others.

Whereas Natsu resembled his father, almost frighteningly so.

Powers and all.

As if waiting for that very moment-because seriously, fuck her luck-the kitchen exploded into a fresh wave of fire.

"What did I tell you about cooking?!"

Louise lobbed a wave of cold at the searing heat, stifling it with a dark glower.

Something swung open with a mighty crash, hacking and coughing. Louise didn't have to look to know who'd just exited the kitchen. The pair of soot-blackened figures that emerged, both large and small ,told her all she needed. Elsa's patient sigh spoke volumes. Her husband's brief laughter turned to a coughing grunt as he caught their children and spun them around. Elsa giggled and Natsu clamored onto his shoulders, allowing him to stoop down and meet Louise halfway. Somehow, even with only one arm, he was able to lean down and press his mouth to hers

The kiss that followed made her toes curl.

"Pizza?" he suggested, pulling away.

"Already done."

One of the twins tilted their head suddenly, regarding him with the curiosity only a child could possess.

"Daddy," Natsu posited, "Why'd ya set the Flash on fire today? Was he a bad guy?"


Louise's face turned red in a vain attempt to contain her laughter.

Ah, so he'd gone and pranked the speedster again.

Naruto palmed his soot-soaked face viciously.

"Shit. Um, well, you see, sweethearts...

Something in his sheepish explanation warmed Louise's heart more than words ever could. Ah. Warmth. Yes, that was the word. She'd been cold until she'd met him. She hadn't know what life was, what it meant to trust others. To rely on one person was perhaps the extent of her abilities, but that didn't change how she felt int his instant. Not cold. Warm. Once, she would've been content with riches. Now? No, Frost knew she didn't need money to prosper, nor that sweet, sweet fame she'd once craved. She had everything she needed right here. It was a humble life perhaps, but it was her life. Hers. In the end, this was all that truly mattered. The thought almost made her laugh aloud.

When had she come to realize that?

When had she fallen for him?

When had she changed?

She already knew.

Here, in the arms of this complete and utter buffoon of a husband. He'd made her realize. No man was an island. You couldn't live your life alone. You could try certainly, but in the end you'd fail. No, the meaning of a life well spent was a life lived with others, one shared with family and friends. Thanks to him, she finally had both, and only know did she realize it.

"You know, kid...I think I might have fallen for you."

The whiskered warrior sputtered aloud.

"Oi?! Where'd that come from?!"

Killer Frost only smiled.

A/N: And there we go! As promised, Killer Frost got her fic! It was a blast to write her and Naruto; even if it did feel like the story ended too soon. I was presented with the option to take on a second co-writer of sorts and continue with Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay, but in the end, I decided against it on the grounds that it'd feel too force. Different timelines and whatnot. If I'm going to do that-AND THAT'S A BIG IF-then I want it to be its own thin. Perhaps "Crazy Loves Crazy" will continue in that vein.

Regardless, I had a hell of a time writing this, even if it did take slightly longer to write than I would've liked.

Let's see that means I've finished THREE stories in the last three months alone.

Not a bad record, and I aim to continue/wrap up the rest of my stuff!

Thanks for joining me on this journey! Now, one last time...

...In the Immortal Words of Atlas...

...Review...Would You Kindly?

R&R! =D