Thanks for your reviews on the last chapter of this story! Someone said I should carry it on, so here you go :) Don't worry - I would never make Vastra and Jenny break up!

All characters belong to the BBC

Jenny walked out of the guest bedroom and shut the doorbehind her. She leant against it and sighed, rubbing her eyes. She didn't know what to do now, but she had two options:

1. Tell Vastra what happened, which would either make her kill Clara, fall out with her or make her extremely jealous.

2. Carry on as they were, which would break both their hearts, and sooner or later Vastra would see something was wrong with her.

It seemed like the only option would be to tell her wife. She had to. She had done something wrong and whenever she was upset or worried or she just wanted to sit and talk, her wife was there, always listening and offering her advice (which, if Jenny was honest with herself, wasn't entirely useful).

"Madame Vastra?" She called out, walking around the house.

"In here, dear." Vastra replied from her study.

Jenny opened the door and frowned at the mess.

"Have you seen it?" Vastra asked quizzically.

"H-have I seen what?" The maid stammered.

"One of my case notes. I was going to put my books back on the shelf and read the notes, but I tripped and they went everywhere. I've got them all but one. Can you see it?"

Jenny started giggling and Vastra frowned.

"What? This isn't funny, Jenny."

"But Ma'am," Jenny started laughing properly and pointed at her wife, "it's stuck to your head!"

The Silurian raised a hand to her head and felt the paper there.


"The Great Detective, ladies and gentlemen."

Vastra looked up and grinned. "Hush, now!"

The maid watched as her wife put the notes back together and placed them on the table. When she turned around, Jenny reached up and kissed her. Vastra placed a hand on her partner's cheek and felt small beads of tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Jenny? What's wrong, my love?"

Jenny looked up at her wife. She gulped and spoke up. "I've done something so terrible, Vastra."

Vastra took Jenny's hand. "What, my dear? I am sure it is not as bad as you think."

"It is, Ma'am."

"Well, maybe we can put it right?"

Jenny breathed in shakily. "I really, really hope so."

She told Vastra the story, the whole time apologising and sobbing. At the end, she shut her eyes and prepared for arguing or storming out or maybe, and she really hoped this would happen, forgiveness.

Jenny kept her eyes shut tight and felt... And felt...


Vastra had planted a kiss on Jenny's forehead. The young woman opened her eyes and stared up at her wife.

"My dear, if I am not mistaken, you said Miss Clara kissed you."

Jenny nodded her head.

"So how on Earth is it your fault?"

"I told her about what happened, though..."

"You were trying to make her feel better, correct?"

"Yes, but..."

"So what have you done wrong?"

Tears kept darting down Jenny's cheeks. "It happened such a long time ago, but it still hurts..."

Vastra reached out and held Jenny close. "I know, my dear, I know."

"And you aren't angry about that?"

Vastra chuckled. "Jenny, my first heartbreak happened when the dinosaurs were still around, and I still remember it. It still hurts."

Jenny giggled and wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her dress.

"It is harder for you than most, as you must feel like this Clara is the one you fell in love with. You have to see the woman who broke your heart rather often, but it isn't her, though it looks and sounds like her."

Jenny pulled away and stared into Vastra's eyes,

"So no, my dear, I am not angry at you, because I don't believe you have done anything wrong."

Jenny grinned and sighed with relief.

"I love you, my silly little ape."

"I love you too, my daft old lizard."

They both laughed and held each other close. Jenny never wanted to let go. She loved her wife so much, and she still felt bad, but was so very relieved Vastra forgave her.

"I cannot, however, be responsible for any harm that is about to come to Miss Clara." The Silurian stood up and moved towards the door.

"Vastra!" Jenny yelped, running after her wife.

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you'd like to see anymore chapters :D