Cybertronian Nights

A/N: I decided to do a TFP version of Disney's Aladdin, with my own twists of course. I don't own either. This is humanized so if you don't like it don't read it!


Jasmine-Moonrose (my OC)






Captain of the Guard-Ultra Magnus

Chapter 1

Oh, I come from a land from a faraway place

Where the caravan predicons roam

Where it's flat and immense and the heat is intense

It's barbaric, but hey, it's home

When the wind's from the east

And the sun's from the west

And the sand in the glass is right

Come on down

Stop on by

Hop on a predicon and fly

To another Cybertronian night

Cybertronian nights are like Cybertronian days

More often than not

Are hotter than hot

In a lot of good ways

Cybertronian nights beneath the Cybertronian moons

A fool off guard

Could fall very hard

Out there in the dunes

A man riding a ground-type predicon sang riding into the marketplace of Iacon at night, with a few people watching him. He stopped hopping off just as the predicon collapsed, without noticing he set up his booth.

"Hello, everyone please come closer," he said, and apparently got too close for his liking. "Too close!" They backed up. "Better. Ah Iacon! The city of mystery, enchantment, and the finest merchandise on sale today! Come on down! Oooh look at this, a phase shifter, allows you to go through solid objects and vise-versa," he said demonstrating removing his hand. "It will not break, oh! It broke!" he tossed it away. "How about this!" He pulled out a box. "I've never seen one intact before." The people began to disperse. "Wait don't go! I can see you're only interested in the extremely valuable, and rare. If you are then I'd consider this!" he said pulling out a silver lamp. The people turned away. "This is no ordinary lamp! It once changed the course of a young man's life, a young man who like this lamp was more than he seemed. A diamond in the rough." This caught the people's attention they sat down as he poured a glowing blue sand into his hand tossing it up. "It began on a dark night, with a dark man and his dark purpose."


Starscream, Knockout, and Breakdown waited in the middle of the desert, or Sea of Rust, for someone to arrive. A few moments later, a green-eyed man, wearing a black cloak rode up on his black horse.

"It took you long enough Lockdown," Starscream snarled at the newcomer.

"My apologizes," he said not sounding sorry at all.

"Do you have it?" Starscream barked.

"I had to rip out a few sparks, but I got it," Lockdown said, pulling out a half a golden predicon.

Starscream hastily reached for it.

"Ah! My payment," Lockdown said, failing to notice Knockout sneak up behind him.

Before he could react, the piece was removed from his hand, and Knockout handed the half to Starscream.

"Thank you Knockout," Starscream said pulling out the other half from his grey and red jacket, and attaching them together. The little, flying predicon flew off at an alarming rate. "After it!" he shouted kicking his horse into a gallop.

They stopped as it reached an unusually large dune, it split in half landing in two parts of the dune. Suddenly the dune rose, forming a giant predicon head.

"After all this time…" Starscream said.

"Primus," Lockdown said dismounting, and walking towards the gaping predicon maw.

"Who disturbs my slumber?" The cave spoke in a low tone.

"I-it is I, Lockdown. A humble bounty hunter," he bowed.

The cave was silent for a moment. "Know this, only one can enter, one whose worth lies far within. The diamond in the rough."

Lockdown looked unsure for a moment.

"Go on!" Starscream barked.

After a moment's hesitation Lockdown placed his foot on the first step. He stood there for a moment then relaxed. The second he did the cave roared, and slammed down, crushing him into dust. All that was left was the large dune and the two pieces.

"That went well," Breakdown said, breaking the silence.

"Obviously that hunter was less than worthy," Knockout rolled his eyes.

"Yes," Starscream said darkly, "we must find this one….this diamond in the rough."