" Stupid Kagome and her excuses. It'll only be a few days, she says. Taking a break every now and then is good for you, she says. Well killing Naraku and getting that damn jewel back together is more important than slacking off in her time." A very irritated Inuyasha grumbled to himself quietly, pacing in front of Kagome's relatives' home. He continued his rant for several more minutes, irritated further by the fact that Kagome had talked him into wearing clothes from her time if he wanted to go along with her.

Currently he sported a loose pair of dark blue jeans with a plain black shirt and, to his displeasure, a pair of black and white tennis shoes as well as a dark blue bandana to hide his ears. He hoped that if he went he could hurry her along so that they could return back to the Feudal Era quicker. It's not like Naraku was going to defeat himself after all, they weren't that lucky and frankly Inuyasha was glad. He wanted the satisfaction of killing that bastard himself. Kagome, however, was adamant that she was going to accompany her family to visit some relatives or something in some town he'd never heard and was now in, far away from the well that linked him to his home.

He knew they needed a break, especially since Miroku had gotten so badly injured in their last battle, but not being there bothered him. And Kagome not being there bothered him more. He wanted to protect his friends and it was hard to do when five hundred years separated them. Besides down time like this allowed the hanyou to think which in itself wasn't necessarily bad, but after learning about Toshiro, he didn't want to think. He wanted to fight, feel the adrenaline of battle, the focus that drowned out any thoughts not about the fight and protecting his pack.

" Inuyasha! There you are. I've been looking for you, the least you could do was tell me where you were going!" Kagome said as she made her way over to him.

" Yeah, yeah, whatever, you done visiting yet so we can go back?"

The girl huffed, " I already told you that we were going to be staying for a few days so stop bugging me about it already."

" We don't have time to be slacking off!" he growled.

" We can't go running ourselves ragged either!" she countered, meeting his glare with one of her own for several moments before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. " Look, you didn't have to tag along, but since you did, just make the most of it. How about me and you go for a walk and look around. It'll be fun, promise." She smiled, trying to calm the angry hanyou.

" Whatever. What is this place anyway?" He asked, turning his back on her and starting to walk in a random direction.

" It's called Karakura Town. Rumors say that there's a lot of ghosts that live here."

" Yeah right like ghosts are real anymore." The hanyou scoffed.

" Says the half-demon." Kagome countered, not missing a beat as they began making their way into the large city.

Inuyasha wasn't particularly fond of the towering, crowded city. It was immensely large, the taller buildings attempting to block his view of the sky, and hundreds of people bombarded his senses with a loud cacophony of sounds and smells. It was rather dizzying to the hanyou from the feudal era but he tried his best to push past the growing headache forming in his skull and allowed Kagome to drag him around, the girl happily touring the many streets. She happened to like large cities and all the sites within them and was thoroughly enjoying herself despite the grumpy male accompanying her.

After two hours of walking around and, to Inuyasha's displeasure, shopping, the couple found themselves in a less populated area by a river flowing peacefully. A large bridge rose above it, allowing for travel between the two banks, but still the tranquility of the scene remained.

" It's so pretty." The girl commented, sighing and breathing in the clear air. Although it wasn't as clean as the air in the feudal era, it was nicer than that which was in the busier parts of town. Inuyasha remained silent, a strange scent, different from any he had smelled in the city, wafted to his nose. It smelled hollow and slightly of death, but it reeked of hunger. It unnerved him for it smelt similar to that of a demon but he was pretty sure demons were gone from this time.

" Inuyasha? Are you ok?" Kagome finally asked, wondering why he had fallen so quiet as she placed a hand to his forehead to make sure he wasn't sick.

The hanyou scowled and jerked his head away with a growl. " Of course I'm ok. What kind of stupid question is that?"

" Well sorry for being worried about you!" The girl huffed, spinning around and stomping forward several steps.

" Where the Hell are you going?!" He shouted after her, following quickly. A loud shriek pierced the air, sending a jolt of fear into the Kagome's chest and immediately setting Inuyasha on edge. That didn't sound like any demon he'd ever come across before.

" What…was that?"

" I don't know, stay close to me." She didn't waste time and did as she was instructed, even grabbing a hold of his arm.

Another shriek sounded, coming distinctly from behind them and to the right, Inuyasha snapping his attention to that direction. A Hollow stood before them, towering over ten feet in height, its limbs grotesquely long and muscular. Spikes rose out of its arms by the wrist and down its back to the base of a long, lizard like tail. It's thick hide was a brownish, grey color, a black hole in the middle of its chest. On its face was a bone white mask grinning at the couple with large, blunt teeth. Red eyes glowed at them from behind the mask, watching them hungrily.

" Looks like we were wrong; there are demons here after all." Inuyasha flexed his claws, fully intent on slicing it to shreds.

" Something doesn't feel right about it, it doesn't feel like a demon." Kagome replied, staring at the monster in front of them. The feeling she got from it wasn't that of a demon although it was close. It felt only half there and hollow, like a spirit. The hunger, however, was similar to that of a demon.

" Doesn't matter what the Hell it is, it's about to be dead!" Inuyasha shouted, ripping out of Kagome's grasp and jumping forward with his claws extended. The Hollow roared at him and lifted its arm to bat him aside. Inuyasha easily dodged and made it to the monster, lashing out with his claws. The impact jarred his arm as his attack was painfully deflected, sending the hanyou staggering backwards. Not wasting the opening, the Hollow knocked him aside, spikes digging into his stomach but not breaking the skin.

" Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted, racing over to him only to be roughly knocked aside. She landed hard on the ground and laid still.

" Kagome!" He jumped to his feet but stumbled when the Hollow let out yet another shrieking roar and lunged at her, gaping teeth opened wide allowing for the second set of jaws to be seen. He tried to get his body to move faster but the giant beast was quicker than it looked and he knew there was no way for him to get to her before it did. That didn't stop him from trying.

A metallic clang met his ears, the Hollow's shrieks turning to those of pain as a loud thud sounded to his left. Inuyasha paused and tried to make sense of what had just happened as the Hollow took several staggering steps backwards. The monster was now missing an arm, blood gushing unhindered from where the limb had been cleanly cut off. It emitted a low growl-like hiss, its eyes trained on the figure in front of Kagome.

He stood proudly, long blade held steadily in front of him, clean despite the obvious fact that it had just hacked off the Hollow's arm. A crisp, clean white haori billowed out behind the figure, the number ten stitched boldly in black. What struck Inuyasha, however, was not the sudden appearance or the strange clothing of the male that had undoubtedly saved Kagome, but it was his hair. It was the white locks that adorned the male's head, the spikes moving in the slow breeze, that caused his breath to hitch in his throat.

Toshiro ignored them for the moment, focused instead on dispatching the Hollow. He sighed to himself, weary of the unusually large number that had infested the town recently even though he knew why that was. Without wasting another moment he used flash step to dart forward, effortlessly killing the Hollow. He appeared back in front of the pair before the deep gash on the mask became visible, the Hollow dissolving into spirit particles and disappearing as he sheathed his blade.

" Toshiro…?" The whispered, barely audible name spilled from his lips before he could stop it. The shock, the confusion, of seeing the boy before him making his throat constrict painfully. The boy turned towards him, the same bright teal eyes that he clearly remembered gazing back at him in curiosity. He blinked, the spiritual pressure of the man before him completely unfamiliar but was without a doubt who he thought it was.

" How…" Inuyasha began before a soft groan came from Kagome's direction. His eyes widened in worry as he rushed passed the boy and dropped to his knees before her. Gently lifting her into his arms he looked her over for injuries, afraid the monster had done some kind of damage other than knock her out.

" She's fine, only unconscious, but you should take her home." Toshiro watched the uncertainty flash in the Hanyou's eyes, something he had not often seen. He turned away, prepared to leave it at that, unwilling to delve into his hazy human memories of the man before him.

" Wait!" He felt Inuyasha grab his sleeve, successfully stopping him from shunpoing away like he had intended to. " What about you?" There was no way in Hell Inuyasha was just going to leave like that. He thought the boy was dead! He should be dead. It was more than five hundred years since he'd been alive. Was he a reincarnation like Kagome?

" Worry about the living before the dead, Inuyasha." Cold fingers pried off his claws and before he could blink, Toshiro was gone. If he was a reincarnation then why did he remember him? He shouldn't so that means he was the same Toshiro. But how could that be possible?

Toshiro sat quietly at the base of a tree beside the field he and Karin sometimes played soccer in, the moon casting surreal shadows across the grass with its gentle light. It was one of the few places in Karakura that became calm and silent at night, most people finding it too dangerous in the dark. Toshiro wasn't worried about any human attackers, gigai or no.

He had finally allowed himself to think upon the cast aside memories of his human life. Many shinigami couldn't remember their living memories while others simply choice not to. Toshiro had been part of the former, but with Inuyasha's sudden appearance that was impossible now.

To say that he had been surprised to find Inuyasha earlier that day would be an understatement. Never had he thought he'd find the Hanyou again, especially not in the World of the Living. He could remember his death so clearly even after all of these years now that he thought on it. The demon had been serpentine with scales as black as night and each individually sharpened like blades. With fangs the length of his arm and eyes red and full of blood lust.

He'd been terrified when he villagers had shoved him towards the demon but he had also always been a fighter and didn't just roll over for it. How he pulled it off he wasn't sure but he'd managed to get a hold of a rusty old sword lying beside a skeleton and drive it through the beast's skull before it could swallow him. He hadn't realized the demon's saliva was poisonous until he fell and was unable to move, pain shooting through his veins like fire.

" Toshiro." A voice said softly, slightly out of breath. The teen looked up slowly, surprised once again that the person he had been hoping to find for so many years, had managed to find him once again. Inuyasha stood a small distance away, the normally bright, fierce golden irises clouded with confusion and questions. The look wasn't what he was accustomed to, even after so long. He could see it shifting to something much more characteristic, however, the longer the silence drew on.

Inuyasha stared at the boy, waiting for him to say something. He had so many questions and he knew that Toshiro knew that. How was he there? Where had he come from? What was that thing from earlier? And most of all, why had he just left like that? Did he hate him now? That had to be it, he reasoned. Toshiro blamed him for not being there to save him like he had promised so many times to do. Time and time again he swore to protect the boy, yet he had let him be killed, sacrificed. A bitter anger began to boil up within him. " What the Hell do you think you're doing leaving like that?"

" You needed to worry about that girl." He answered simply, unfazed by the hanyou's mounting verbal assault.

" That didn't mean you had to leave! I thought you were dead!" He took a step forward, eyes ablaze with fury and posture almost looking ready to attack.

Toshiro didn't move, unconcerned with the hostility. " Don't lie to yourself, I know you can smell it, Inuyasha."

That gave him pause. " What are you talking about?"

The boy laid his head against the tree truck, casting his gaze skyward. " I died long ago Inuyasha, several days after you left that last time." There was anger and hate in his tone, a dark bitterness in his eyes that refused to look at him. Despite his efforts, he felt his anger fail him.

" Toshiro I…"

" I don't blame you; you couldn't have known what was going to happen."

" Why didn't you tell me? You knew something was wrong, didn't you? Why didn't you say anything?!"

" I was afraid. You were always strong and weren't afraid of anything. I wanted to be like that too." The words were spoken softly, like a secret that had never before been uttered to another soul.

Inuyasha shook his head with a rough sigh, walking over to sit beside him. He flopped down and looked up at the sky as well. A long silence proceeded until Inuyasha spoke again. " I went to where you died. Small pile of bones surrounded by those of a giant demon."

" Like I'd die without a fight." Toshiro said seriously, Inuyasha smirking slightly at the comment. They lapsed into short silence before Toshiro broke it, " How are you here, Inuyasha?"

He briefly explained about Kagome and the Bone Eater's Well, even skimming over what had transpired with Kikyo. Guilt still bit at him as he thought about how much of a fool he had been. He'd been so blinded by rage at the Priestess's apparent betrayal he'd acted rashly, without giving consequences a second thought. That was normal for him, but he didn't even pause to think what it would mean for Toshiro if something were to happen to him. Thoughts like that commonly invaded his mind. The urge to apologize nearly choked him, but Inuyasha pushed it down.

An apology wasn't needed anyway. " So this Naraku tricked you into hating each other in an attempt to get the Shikon Jewel and Kikyo sealed you to a tree?" Fury and hatred coursed powerfully through Toshiro, Naraku's actions sounding painfully similar to how Aizen had turned Momo against him only to cut her down before his eyes with a smile on his face.

" Basically, yeah. Bastard turned us against each other. Kagome pulled out the arrow and broke the seal, been stuck with her ever since. Especially after she shattered the Jewel." Toshiro raised a thin, silvery brow at that. " Hit it with an arrow and sent however damn many shards all over the damn place." Inuyasha grumbled in annoyance.

" What will you do when it's whole? Do you still wish to become a full blooded demon?" cool turquoise eyes regarded him calmly as they always had. No judgment, no disgust, only sincere curiosity and pointed attention.

If it was anyone else, anyone at all, asking him that question he wouldn't hesitate to answer that Hell yes he was still planning on that. But this wasn't just anyone—it was Toshiro. Time would never change that. " I don't know anymore. Sometimes I think I do but other times…" He remembered the mindless bloodlust he felt when his demon blood got out of control. What if that was what he was turned into? Apprehension fluttered in his chest uneasily at the thought. Toshiro simply nodded his understanding, knowing the hanyou had been conflicted before as well. He needed to change the subject, that was obvious. " You going to tell me how you're dead but here or not?"

With that the conversation turned, Toshiro explaining about Hollows and Shinigami and the Soul Society. He pointedly left out everything relating to the current war with Aizen. Keeping Aizen's betrayal to himself in fear that Inuyasha would attempt to insert himself within his battle. Pride flooded Inuyasha as Toshiro explained the ranks that Shinigami were sorted by and how he was a Captain. He knew the kid was tough even as a scrawny human boy, it was comforting to know that he had not lost any of that strength.

The two continued talking for hours, silence prevailing every now and again as they thought and simply enjoyed being together once more. The light of the morning sun began peeking over the horizon before the two had even realized how long they had been sitting there.

" Will Kagome worry about you?" Toshiro questioned, looking at the hanyou in question. He simply shrugged, not really caring at the moment. She was safe and he wasn't really in a rush to leave this town and time any longer.

" She has her family here, so it's not like she'll miss me." Toshiro accepted that answer and let the matter be. A beeping rang through the air, slightly startling the hanyou as Toshiro quickly withdrew his soul pager. Three red dots blinked angrily at him from the screen as he stretched his senses.

" What is it?"

" Hollows. They're close by." He sensed the three converging towards where he felt Kagome's reiatsu but also felt Rangiku and Ichigo both headed that way. One dot disappeared before he snapped the phone shut. " It would seem they are attracted to Kagome."

" What?!" That got Inuyasha's attention, causing the hanyou to sit up straighter and tense.

" They are attracted to those with high reiatsu or spiritual pressure. Her's is extremely high and very pure. That is something hollows will flock to. I suggest leaving this place as soon as possible. Once outside of Karakura you should be safer."

" Thought you said hollows were everywhere."

" Currently they are concentrated here and any that diverge to follow will be killed by a shinigami that is stationed in Tokyo."

" She won't just leave here. Their trip is supposed to last a few more days. Trust me, I've been trying to get her to hurry the Hell up the whole time." The hanyou huffed, scowling as he crossed his arms in annoyance. He couldn't help but feel uneasy at what he had just been told, however. Which also begged the question of why the Hollows were swarming to that town in particular and not anywhere else. But Inuyasha didn't dwell on the question.

" As long as an Arrancar doesn't show up they should be relatively safe with the number of high ranked officers here…But still…" With a small sigh that didn't go unnoticed by the keen hearing of the hanyou, Toshiro stood. " I shall accompany you back then and keep a close watch until you leave."

Satisfied with that, the two set out. Inuyasha could honestly say he was truly happy for once in a very long time. Granted he would never admit that, nor would the young shinigami walking beside him. As they walked through the city in the early morning light, the few out and about took them in as a curious sight but kept their opinions to themselves. Toshiro was glad to have met with Inuyasha again. It did a great deal to life his spirits after all that had happened with Momo and Aizen only a short while ago.

They knew that there were still hard times ahead of them. They were warriors, people who fought for a living, so it was expected. It was those that they fought to protect that gave their lives and battles meaning. Finding each other once again added another purpose for continuing on no matter the circumstances. They were brothers, perhaps not in blood but definitely in bond, and they would fight to protect each other and to make sure they didn't lose one another again. Being reunited after so long and after believing that they would never meet again, was something they had always hoped for. Now that it had come to pass, they hoped to never have to endure it again. And if they had a say, they would never have to.

Life would lead them down separate paths, but they would ensure that they continued to meet again.

And that's the end of that. Hope you all enjoyed the story and I would love to hear what you thought of it. There is a possibility for a sequel but haven't given it very much thought or started on it. Meaning don't get your hopes up on it being posted anytime soon.

If I make a sequel I will post a chapter here to notify anyone following this story.
