Who said you can't celebrate Halloween late.



"Angie, dada is sorry for ruining your first birthday. Can you forgive me?"

"Dada. Dada…" Angie smiles showing her two bottom teeth as she grinned happily before kissing her daddy.

"Aww. Thanks baby girl." Fitz rubs her back but he feels bad.

"What's wrong?" Olivia enters their bedroom.

Fitz sighs sadly "I ruined Angie's birthday."

"What are you talking about?"

"I got us kicked out of Disneyland."

"Fitz, it's okay….well. it's not. But, you were provoked and honestly Angie will have the greatest memories to share with her family and friends. How many kids can say that their dad took them to Disneyland on their first birthday had them view the Cinderella suite and even managed to get kicked out of Disneyland for fighting with Mickey."

Fitz laughs as his own antic.

"Angie, is so happy." Olivia assures him

"I was really trying to behave." Fitz promises

"I know, and you do behave when it is necessary, but Angie loves you Fitz, and you make her laugh so much." She rubs his hair to soothe him.

"I love you Liv.

"I love you, too." Olivia rises from the bed "come on, let's go say happy birthday to Angie and afterwards I have a surprise."

"What is it?"

"Do you want me to show you?"

Fitz nods his head greedily.

Olivia smiles seductively before undoing her silk robe, revealing a light green high waisted underwear with a matching bra. Resembling Princess Tiana's colors.

"You were always my favorite princess" Fitz murmurs in awe before getting up from the bed.


"Yeah?" he whispers in front of Olivia, touching the smooth fabric on her breast.

"I think Angie should have a baby brother or baby sister." Olivia whispers back gently.

"Let's make a baby."


"Circles." Olivia yells

"Bigger." She says again

"Right there. Right there." She barks at Fitz

"Hey! Who's the one with the pencil?!" Fitz yells turning around to look at Olivia hovering over his shoulder.

Somehow it was their brilliant idea to make their Halloween costumes this year. A task, Fitz thought he would enjoy but with his hand trembling from the 100thcircle he sketched, he's starting to cramp up, and worse Olivia.

He knew Olivia was a perfectionist, he found her controlling, yet slightly neurotic attitude endearing but today. The day of Halloween, he sees that she is not Glinda, but the actual wicked witch.

"Don't mess this one up, Fitz." Olivia warns

Her halitosis breath, blazing in Fitz's ear. He cringes internally at the warmth escaping her mouth.

"What did you eat?" Fitz yells as he beings cutting his now perfect circle

"Did you eat garbage again?" Fitz asked turning around to look at Olivia who's wearing a sport bra and fuzzy pajamas.

She pushes him "You asshole, that's your cum." She retorts covering her mouth.

"Olivia!" Fitz yells watching his perfect circle, quickly turn into a semi-circle.

"I…." Olivia stutter

"This is terrible!" Fitz yells throwing his circle to the ground.

"Where are you going?" Olivia asked watching Fitz walk away from the kitchen table

"To get dressed for Halloween."

"Fitz, we don't have our costume ready!"

"Yes. We do." Fitz remarks walking into their large walk in closet that sits a love seat.

"No." Olivia corrects him "We are supposed to be a plug and socket with Angie as the phone." Olivia reminds Fitz.

"That's out of the question." Fitz tells her simply as he begins removing his clothes.

The group is supposed to be coming over at 6 to go trick or treating, and then afterwards celebrate at their Halloween party.

"Fitz, we are supposed to be a family. A family costume."

"I know."

"Then let me know!"

"I'm going to show you!" Fitz tells Olivia quickly, putting on a classic suit. He slides on his black pants and buttons his white shirt, followed by the tie before asking Olivia to fix it.

"Fitz….if this is one of your jokes…"

"It's not a joke. I'm going to see if you can guess."

Olivia sighs heavily, deciding to keep her blood pressure down, and not wake Angie from her quick nap.

Fitz parts his hair on the side before gelling it back. "Okay!"

"Fitz, please tell me you aren't James Bond and I'm supposed to be Halle Berry."

"No…but ooohhhhhhhhh" Fitz moans delightfully at the idea of Olivia wearing Halle Berry's signature orange swimsuit.



"You got a hard on thinking about Halle Berry?" Olivia asked coldly



"I got an erection thinking about you dressed as Halle Berry."


"Love you." Fitz walks to Olivia who swats his hand away.

"Fitz…Tell me. What. Are. We. Supposed. To. Be. For . Halloween ?" Olivia fixed Fitz's tie, but with every word she said, her grip around his tie became tighter, and Fitz felt his throat constricting slightly with her menacing glare.

"Archer and Lana." Fitz whispers quickly losing his tie.

"Archer and Lana?" Olivia asked confused, she's never heard of them

"From the tv show Archer" Fitz answered hurt that Olivia doesn't know about Archer. He watches that show practically every night.

"Oh that's right. Wait why?"

"It's perfect!" Fitz answers walking to Olivia's side of the closet, handing her a skin tight long white sweater dress with a belt around it.

"Archer is cool, Lana is black."

Olivia growls at Fitz who backs away slowly "and baby Abbie jean is their biracial daughter, just like Angie!"

"This is it?" Olivia asked uncertainly

"Yes." Fitz quickly shows Olivia a picture of the cartoons and Olivia has to admit it is cute and surprisingly them.


"Yes!" Fitz answers happily


"Yeah? " Fitz turns around

"I bought our other costumes too." Olivia answers showing Fitz their plug and socket costume followed by Angie's iPhone costume

"You did?" Fitz yelled

"Yuuuupppppp." Olivia answer mimicking Lana

"That's awesome!" Fitz yells happily

"uh ohh." Fitz quiets down quickly.

"You woke up Angie." Olivia moans

"Well, she needs to get up and party." Fitz reminds her

"Get her dressed then while I get dressed in here."

"How about I watch you get dressed and give you a little afternoon pick me up." Fitz answers walking behind Olivia and cupping her breast before kissing her ear.

"Fitz….." Olivia moans already swore for earlier today, her breast have grown tender from Fitz and Angie both fighting over them.

"You need a little mid-day pick me up, besides I can smell your pheromones ragging."

"Fitz." Olivia shushes him, as he gropes her from behind.

To their surprise and pain, they are struggling with conceiving this time around. Making Angie, was easy and not planned. But somehow with planning and wanting a baby they have come empty handed. Fitz, knows that Olivia was becoming sadder and discouraged by their failed attempts at bringing another child into the earth, and while he too has been disappointed, he's made a point to make sure Olivia knows regardless of having another baby or not, her and Angie are enough. After a few months of trying and few tears shed, they made the decision to stop and to let the chips fall where they may.

"Just let daddy do all the work." Fitz guides her to the loveseat.

They kiss, lips slobbering over one another. Olivia rubbing Fitz's enlarged member


"My baby is crying." Olivia says sadly pushing Fitz off her.

"Well I'm your baby too, and my penis is crying as well."

"I don't care about your penis."

"My penis, needs attention Olivia."


"Is this enough attention?" Olivia asked grabbing Fitz's balls roughly that little specks of sweat started to perspire.

"Yup." He whispers

"Good." She lets go of his sack "now, go get my baby."

And with a limp to his walk, he goes to Angie's room. She laughs the second he walks in the room, as though knowing she was once again cock blocking him.

"Keep laughing, you won't be the baby for long." Fitz says to Angie who giggles in his arms.


"Oh my gawd, you guys look adorbs!" Fitz shouts at the group barging into their house without knocking.

Harrison was dressed as princess Tiana, Huck as snow white, and Quinn as prince charming.

"Why did you make me a guy!" Quinn shouted.

"Because Quinn, I'm not a sexist. I'm all about supporting one's identity." Fitz yells at her as everyone gathers in the kitchen, eating the snacks and drinking more alcohol then they should.

"How did Fitz get you in a dress Huck?" Stephen asked

Huck smooths out his dress "oh, he didn't have to force me. I like it."



"Huck, why do you have to be so weird?" Harrison quips looking at Huck from across the table.

Huck shrugs his shoulders "He didn't twist your arm either, Harrison."

"ooooohhhhhhh snap!"



"Huck, burned you Harrison! Quick grab him some ice for that burn!" Fitz laughs throwing a few ice cubes at Harrison, who became annoyed at the joke.

"I don't think anything is funny." Harrison groans annoyed.

"Don't be a hater, dear." Quinn said giggling while drinking juicy with Abby's daughter who was dressed as Elsa.

"Where's Angie and Olivia?" Abby asked fixing her Minnie mouse ears.

"They are coming." Fitz said getting up to go yell at Olivia for taking so long.


"In a minute!" She yells back with equal anger.

"How do you guys stand each other?" Quinn asked

"Well, Quinn there's this thing called sex. " Fitz said sarcastically


"Look at Liv!"

Olivia and Angie walk into the kitchen dressed in their Halloween costume, and for Angie that would be a sleeper and a bow in her head. But Olivia looks like a knock out. Her white sweater dress fits her perfectly, her large gun holster on the side. She looks exactly like Lana.

"Why didn't you guys dress the baby up?"

"We are in costume, Quinn!" Fitz says annoyed before rolling his eyes

"she's dressed like she's going to bed."

"Fitz!" Olivia huffs, remembering arguing with Fitz about that same issue. Angie isn't dressed adorably as she should be, which makes Olivia feel like crap.

"Fine" Fitz grabs a baby mask and places it over Angie's head who doesn't cry surprisingly .

"You got her a chucky mask!" Olivia yells in horror and odd delight that Angie wasn't going the typical route of her costume.

"It's child play." Fitz says calmly as he pushes everyone out the door.


"I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY SAID WE ARE TOO OLD TO TRICK OR TREAT!" Quinn says annoyed at the neighbors and their smart comments

"Well you are old." Fitz responds

"You made us dress up. And look at the candy and pictures you guys got, everyone wanted to take pictures with you."

Which is true, The group became the talk of the neighborhood, with Angie running in a chucky mask, and the three stooges stomping around it was a magical time.

But now that trick or treating was over, the really party starts.

Olivia was upstairs feeding Angie before putting her to bed.

Their house is filled with people, many of whom Fitz doesn't know, but he knows everyone wanted an invite to their house, and to take part in their haunted house. He made sure to block a time so that his group could enjoy privately without all the commotion.

Everyone was doing something. Huck, at the stairs blocking anyone from going upstairs and disturbing Angie. Abby and Stephen putting their baby to sleep in Angie's room. Quinn, at the bar drinking a few pints of beer. And Harrison at the food cart.

Fitz tip toes towards, Harrison, careful not to trigger him and cause him to flee. He gets behind and without a second lifts his dress up causing him to scream high pitch.


"I was just admiring your legs. Definitely have a better ass than Olivia."

The two laugh.

"This is some Kardashian like parties."

"Yup." Fitz takes a sip of his scotch "but better, because we don't use black women for our financial gain."

"Fitz, you were looking at their porn."

"Well…That's because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and if you tell Olivia that I was watching I will kill you."

"Did you like it?"

"Nope. She didn't give me even a little hard on."

"Why not?"

"She's stiff." Fitz answers simply "now, Olivia and I…we are art. She's so flexible from yoga and Pilates. I can do it upside and then turn her…."

"Alright Fitz!" Harrison cuts him off not wanting to hear about Olivia and Fitz's sex life.

"How are you?" Abby asked Olivia who was watching Fitz to talk to a group of people who wouldn't leave him alone.

"I'm great. I'm having the best time."

"Poor Angie, had too much fun that she fell right to sleep."

"I know." Olivia giggles "She was so cute with that mask, and for some reason she loved it." Olivia rolls her eyes thinking about it.

"Fitz threw an awesome party."

"Yeah, he did. I think he did it for me. To take my mind off of our lack of pregnancy."

"Liv, that's going to happen."

"I know." Olivia agrees but it doesn't make it any less painful "We want a baby and now we can't make one. Fitz, is being amazing and attentive and being his typical self so I don't dwell in my own self-pity. Plus, I have Angie…and she's getting into a lot of stuff now."

"I know." Abby laughs "I still remember you Fitz baby proofing the house that you two couldn't even open the drawers."

Olivia laughs herself at the memory. That was a day to remember. "Angie, is so funny. Fitz, tells her to kiss like daddy and she grabs my face and forces me to kiss her. Like she really kisses me, just like her daddy, and then she kisses her daddy like that."

"She's adorable."

"She's becoming trouble." Olivia warns

"What has she done?"

"I just see her being mischief like her daddy. Them two will be laughing in her room for hours making fart noises and I'm just….what is Fitz teaching my child."

"Fitz is crazy, Liv."

"I know." Olivia shakes her head pitifully at all the problems Fitz causes, he's forbidden from going to a few parks and the ice cream shop around their house, and worse Disney. How can she forget his behavior at Disney.

"He's pretty crazy about you."

"I'm crazy about him, and I know he's doing all this stuff just to make sure I feel good. So he keeps me busy. And I know he does all this for me. Fitz, helps me in his own way that I need. He's incredible."

Abby grabs Olivia's hand "you guys are going to have a baby. I know that."

"Thanks Abby."


"Ok ladies, now let's get in formation!" Fitz yells with his plug in costume on, as Olivia waddles to him wearing her own socket costume.

Everyone else kept their original costume on. But Olivia and Fitz felt it would be appropriate to change for the giggles and laughs.

"Harrison. Quinn. Huck. Stephen. Abby, Fitz and Olivia." The announcer reads off the list of how they are to enter the haunted house.

"Wait why am I the first one. We are going in together." Harrison yells as everyone pushes him to the front

"You know the token black guys has to die, and we have our stupid white girl name Quinn who will end up screwing the serial killer because he smiled at her." Fitz answered causing everyone in the group to laugh besides Quinn and Harrison.

"You go to hell!" Quinn yells

"Well where do you think we are going, Quinn." Fitz says sarcastically .

"I'm not going in first." Harrison folds his arms refusing to be the first.

"I'll go first." Huck answers excitedly for the first time in his life.

"You weirdo." Harrison says staring at Huck

"He's crazy, lets him go first." Quinn answers pushing Huck in front.

"Oh look Beyoncé !" Fitz says pointing up

"Where" everyone asked excitedly at the idea of meeting queen bee.

Before anyone could look Fitz pushes the three stooges in first. With all that could be heard in the first few seconds is 'fuck Fitz' and 'fuck my mother!'

"Let's go!" Fitz says happily as they quickly follow the group into the haunted house.

"Fitz, why do you hate us!" Quinn screams as she feels monsters and zombies touching her face and jumping from the roof.

"This is scary as fuck!" Harrison yells as he and Quinn hold onto Huck who smiles with obvious glee, never once making a sound.

"Ahhhhh!" Fitz screams nearly running away from the monster.

"Fitz, you left me!" Olivia yells

"Everyone's for themselves." Fitz screams back

"Come get me!" Olivia yells as she also jumps as things and people begin crawling around her.

"Shit!" Fitz yells running back towards Olivia. Quickly he grabs her hand, and they run with the rest of the group who was practically crawling on the floor.

"I peed on myself!" Quinn laughs on the floor

"I felt some leaks too." Harrison say looking down at his pants.

They had successfully managed to escape the haunted house. And everyone is high off the endorphins and absolute fear and fun of going through the haunted house together.

"That was awesome!" Huck says way too happily for the group who was still managing to catch their breath.

"Thank God that's over." Stephen said rubbing Abby's back, who's face has gotten as red as her hair.

Suddenly a chainsaw turns on, followed by Freddy, Mike, Chucky, and zombies all coming out of the haunted house towards them.

"Fitz!" what's this!"

"How the fuck do I know!" he yells quickly motioning for Olivia to follow him

"what do we do?" Quinn asked terrified

"Offer a person as tribute, I vote the black man!" Fitz yells pushing Harrison towards the growing monsters emerging and walking towards them.

"What's this?" Fitz asked bumping into a large tractor

"Oh fuck my ass." Fitz whimpers turning around and seeing a large monster with blood oozing from his face right in front of him.


"Nice monster." Fitz says calmly walking away

The monster moves closer to Fitz with each step he moves away.

"What's that!" Fitz said but the monster doesn't look away

"I'll never forget you Fitz!" Olivia yells running away

"Oh come on!" Fitz hollers as the group runs away leaving only Huck who stares and watches.

"Huck, why aren't you going?"

Huck shrugs "I like it. Besides you are going to need my help."

"Damn you are weird." Fitz answers deciding whether it would be safer to stay with the monsters or go with Huck.

"You need to move." Huck warns him.

"I'm scared."

"Come on." Huck tells him, noticing the large group of monsters moving closer

"Fuck it" Fitz says running towards Huck and the rest of the group, who was waiting for them a few feet awat

"Run!" He yells as the monsters follow them in hot pursuit.