Words in bold=POV shift

Words in italics=El or Loki interjecting in the other's narrative

Words in underline=standard emphasis

Brackets=Loki responding to El when she interrupts his narrative

I looked around nervously. "Uh, Tony, are you sure about this?" Tony looked up from his computer with a grin. We were in a wrecked section of the R&D area, with me standing in front of pressure scanner.

"Of course I'm sure. Would I bring you down here if I wasn't?" I looked at the scanner again, then back at him. Tony wanted to see how magic worked, and once he learned that I had a spell that made a blast of pure kinetic force there was no stopping him from dragging me down to a lab for testing said spell. I raised an eyebrow.

"Would Pepper be okay with this?" I asked skeptically. I'd only been at 'A' Tower (Tony insisted that from now on it should be called Avengers Tower, but I told him I'd be waiting until he fixed the letters on the building to do so) for four days now, but I'd quickly learned that Pepper was Tony's minder and he tried his hardest not to make her disappointed with him. Tony opened his mouth, paused, closed it, and then glared at me.

"Just shoot the spell already." He said, sitting down behind his computer. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention fully to the large round plate. I took a deep breath and began focusing magic into my hands.

"Come out and strike, Sentinel of the Wind." I thrust my hands out, focusing as hard as I could on the pressure sensor. Tony blinked, staring at the computer. I winced as the pressure sensor broke, revealing a huge crack in the wall.

"Ten thousand PSI." He said, blinking. "That's…pretty impressive." I was too busy wincing at the damage to the wall and the broken sensor to acknowledge the compliment. "Relax." Tony said, waving me off. "That wall was already broken, and I've got a dozen more sensors." There was an ominous cracking noise from the wall. "That being said, we should probably move to another floor." He continued, giving the wall a sideways glance. I nodded and backed away quickly, heading for the elevator.

Five minutes later

Tony and I were sitting on the couch of the game room, playing Tekken Tag Tournament 2, when Pepper walked in. "Do either of you know why one of the walls in the eighth R&D floor just collapsed?" She asked in a voice that made it quite clear that she already knew the answer. Tony looked up from the game, letting me knock Jin out with Lili.

"Not a clue...Hey!" He snapped, glaring at me. "No fair, I wasn't looking." I stuck my tongue out at him and kept playing. Pepper sighed.

"JARVIS." The TV turned off.

"Hey!" Tony and I snapped.

"You cannot destroy the tower." Pepper said sternly. "It's difficult enough repairing this place without you two actively trashing parts of the building."

"Sorry." We said together.

"In my defense, it was Tony's idea." Tony glared at me and opened his mouth, but Pepper cut him off.

"I figured as much."

"Hey!" Tony protested. "You really think I'm that much less mature than an eighteen year old?" Pepper just gave him a dry look and he turned the TV back on, muttering under his breath as I laughed. "You get stupid drunk at a party fifty times and you're marked for life."

"I think fifty is a pretty low number." Pepper said, sitting on the couch next to Tony.

"Agreed." I said, knocking him out again.

"Dammit!" Tony groaned, looking like he was about to throw the controller. "That's it, we're playing Mario Kart." He got up and grabbed two Wii remotes, handing me one. I raised an eyebrow.

"You got Rosalina yet?" He snorted.

"I've got everyone."

"Then sure." I set down the Xbox controller and grabbed the Wii remote. Pepper sighed.

"Weren't you two saving the world two weeks ago?" She asked. We looked at each other. I'd long since given up on convincing the two that I hadn't really done much when compared to everyone else, if only because I didn't want to annoy them and I'd been told by my parents that self-depreciation was annoying. So now I just rolled with it.

"What's your point?" I asked. Tony nodded as the Wii turned on.

"I'm not seeing the connection Pep." Pepper rolled her eyes and flicked on the tablet she was holding, getting back to work while we played.

Three hours later

I sighed as Tony adjusted the cameras. "Hey, I won the bet fair and square." Tony said, looking up from the last one.

"You cheated and we both know it." I snapped.

"I never took my hands off the controller!"

"So you're saying that the power to the TV went off right as I was about to pass you as a coincidence?" I demanded skeptically.

"Power surges are bound to happen. I'll have to take a look at the arc reactor later." Tony said with a smile, taking a step back.

"Yeah, that's why the Wii didn't turn off, just the TV for a few seconds." I muttered before taking a deep breath. "Spirits of the air, oldest inhabitants of this world, allies of those who dwell on more than mere land, accept this my offering. Raise me up and cut my bonds." Immediately I rose up in the air, hovering about four feet off the ground. Tony frowned as he checked the computer screen.

"There's…nothing. No energy output, no manipulation of air…you're just flying." He said slowly, moving around to check on each of the cameras. "I don't get it, that shouldn't be possible. The camera could see how much kinetic energy you sent out last time." I shrugged, turning slowly in the air.

"That was a blast of kinetic energy." I pointed out. "The whole point of the spell was to make that energy. This just needs to make me fly."

"That makes no sense!" Tony protested. I shrugged again before doing a flip.

"It's magic, I don't need to explain it." Tony let out a growl of frustration.

Author's Notes

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