Hey Guys sorry for the wait. Hope you all had a good Easter. May not be able to update for a while as exams are coming up and have to revise. Sorry. Hope you enjoy this chapter thought. Have a lovely day :)

Chapter 23

I followed Four back to his area at the back of the garden. All I had in my head was what Al had said. Did Four really just want to get in my pants? Did he make the whole childhood abuse up? He couldn't have, he wouldn't have. Coe on Tris you saw the scars.

"Are you ok?" Four asked me.

"Yeah, sorry just thinking" I replied. More like over thinking. "Actually, would it be alright if I have a shower?" I quickly grabbed my clean clothes.

"Yeah sure" Four took me to his bathroom just of the corner of his living space and handed me two towels. "I have a hair dryer in there" he smiled.

"You have a hair dryer" I giggled softly.

"Yeah, don't all boys?"

"No." I let a loud laugh escape my lips. Four tried hard to contain his laugh.

"Ok, well I'll leave you for your shower" he walked off to his couch, still trying to hold in his laughter. I guess my laugh made him laugh.

I turned on the water, the warm spray soothing my bruised body. I hummed a tune at first then it started to form into a song. I grabbed whatever shampoo and conditioner I could find and lathered them to coat my hair. I rinsed every soapy sup out of my hair before careful cleaning my body. When I was done I wrapped the big fluffy towel around me and got changed one dry. I slipped on the deep blue skinny jeans and the light grey t-shirt which had magic written across it in a light purple colour. I dried my hair with the hair dryer and tied it up into a high ponytail. I applied a little makeup and heard voices outside. I guess that his parents had come. I went to the door to unlock it but froze when I heard.

"You have a girl here" it was Uriah's voice.

"He what!" that was Zeke.

"Yeah look at these. I doubt these panties belong to him" that was Peter and he had seen my pants.

Shit! What was I going to do? Help me Four please.

"I don't have a girl here. I did but I don't anymore ok" his voice was annoyed.

"Who Four? Bet it was that hot chick from the bar last week" Uriah said.

"Be hilarious if it was the Stiff" I heard them all laugh including Four. I suppose he had to, keep up appearances and all that.

"Ok guys. If it's alright with you I have family stuff to do today. So move it" Four said to them all.

"Four" I heard one of them whine, they all whine the same.


I hear them all leave and Four close the door. A few moments later he knocked on the bathroom door. "You can come out now, there gone."

I wondered out of the bathroom. "That was extremely close" I told him.

"I know. I'm sorry. Maybe I should tell them."

"No!" I almost shouted.

"Why ever not?" he looked sad and confused.

"Because, then, you will become a misfit like me and I can't purposely but that on someone. The life of a misfit is horrible."

"But I'll be with you" he tried reasoning.

"No. Ok just no. Don't say anything until I say so ok?"


"Good." I put all my clothes in my bag and handed Four his shorts and hoodie back. He took them reluctantly.

"Maybe we should go outside of town for our date tonight?" he finally spoke.

"Maybe that would be a good idea" I giggled. "That's still if you want to go on a date with me."

"Of course why wouldn't I" Four wrapped his hands around my waist and held me close to him. He leant is head down and our lips met. I felt warm and fuzzy inside. I felt like my life was finally on track for once. Even though I knew it wasn't.