And we're back! Not going to lie, I completely put this on the back burner and totally forgot about it. It wasn't until I got a few emails about it that I even considered writing more. Hope you like it and ENJOY!

"You are not allowed to be hurt like that again. Okay?"

"Even though you know I can't make a promise like that, I will still do it," Andy said squeezing her hand. Through sheer will, he forced the nurses to put him into a wheelchair so he could come see his wife. "And you have to make me a promise too."

"And what's that?"

"Don't boss doctors around just because they are doing their job and you don't like the answers."

"I was a bit harsh wasn't I? But you are here now through being bossy!"

"It's different when I do it."

"Oh really?" Sharon said laughing. Andy smiled. That was his goal. Making his lovely wife laugh.

"How are you feeling really? They said they stopped the premature labor."

"They did, but we'll most likely have our new addition with us next week. I'm close enough to term and without the trauma atmosphere, it'll be fine for delivery."

"Wow. Next week. Our whole world will change. For the better, but still."

"I understand Andy. But I am so ready to meet little Connor. But how's the rest of our children? They came by yesterday, but they're still tip-toeing around me."

"They're doing better knowing we are both fine. Nicole and Emily have really been there for Rusty. Even Ricky has been a rock. They've come together Sharon. Oh, and if we weren't sold on Ethan yet, we should be now. He has been by Rusty's side the entire time. And he's helped with Nicole's kids so they can come visit. True keeper right there."

"Wow. You must really like this kid if you're bragging on him like this. And I'm glad the kids are doing alright for the circumstances."

At this moment, Provenza and Patrice came in holding flowers. Of all the people on the team, Louie has really stepped up for Andy and Sharon.

"How are you two doing today?" Patrice asked knocking on the open door to announce their presence.

"Better than the day before. That's kinda our motto for all this whenever someone asks. We might not be 100%, but we're better than the day before." Sharon answered while reaching for Andy's hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Awe! That's such a great way to look at things!" Patrice was much more enthusiastic about this than Provenza. He was still a little shook up from being the one at the hospital that day.

"Thank you for the flowers. They are so pretty. And smell good too." Sharon and Patrice quickly went into a conversation like they always do, leaving the men to talk about whatever they always talk about. At one point, the conversations melded together and plans were made for after Connor was born to all get together for lunch.

It was another 3 days before Andy was released to go home. Even so, since Sharon was still on complete bed rest, he was up at the hospital daily. Andy was still on medical leave, so he could stay as long as visiting hours would allow him. All the kids came in cycles, never wanting to over crowd the room.

When everyone would leave for the night and she would drift off to sleep, she always pictured her family. In just a few short days, they would be adding another one to the mix… and she couldn't wait!