"Our best plan on attack would be to get in there undercover to gain the interest of the unsub," Derek quipped as he eyed his fellow agents. His implications went unnoticed by his intended victims.

"I think Morgan is right," Hotch agreed. He nodded in the women's direction, "Only if you're willing."

The unsub had been targeting minority couples that seemed to be new to the area, abducting them and forcing the assumed weaker of the pair to watch as the unsub tortured the stronger to death before murdering the witness. So far they had covered a mixed race couple, a couple with handicaps, and a couple with more than 30 years age difference. All couples had visited the same bar before their abductions. The unsub left explicit notes at each crime scene, the last suggesting they would be attacking a same sex couple next. Their attacks had escalated in a short time and the team was hellbent on catching them before they could reap further havoc on the small Alabama town.

Emily choked on her water when she realized what exactly the men were suggesting. She and JJ would need to set the trap, going undercover as a couple to lure the unsub out of hiding. It wasn't the undercover part that made Emily's heart race, it was the fact she and JJ would have to play lovers for the assignment. She wasn't entirely sure why the thought made her stomach flutter but she knew it was their best shot at catching the bastard responsible for the murders.

"I'm in," JJ answered without hesitation. "Let's do this."

"I think you mean lez do this," Morgan grinned, chuckling at his own pun. Emily punched him in the arm, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, we can do this," Emily answered, not sure who exactly she was trying to convince more. She had gone undercover numerous times before with much dire consequences, take for example the two years she spent as Lauren Reynolds. She shuddered thinking about how that operation had ended, her clover scar stinging slightly under her blouse. She had almost lost everything because of that operation. She had gone after Ian Doyle on her own, hadn't trusted her team, and she nearly wound up dead. Or rather she did wind up dead as far as the team knew, she had only recently come back to the BAU and tensions were high. Other than JJ and Hotch the rest of the team had been under the impression she had been murdered for over six months until she showed up int he BAU alive and well. For the most part her team mates seemed to have forgiven her betrayal, save for Reid who had taken it personally. Emily was dead set on doing anything she could to prove her dedication to the team and if it meant going under cover for this case, then she would do it with bells and whistles on.

"Emily, you should be comfortable with lying to everyone. This should be pretty easy for you," Reid scoffed as he walked out of the room. JJ sighed and Hotch gave her a nonverbal cue to follow after him. She had been the one Reid had reached out to after Emily's funeral. He had spent weeks on end on her couch crying over their loss and JJ had never been able to tell him the truth. He would arrive in the middle of the night with tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes. She would sit on the couch for hours, arms wrapped around the younger man, attempting to comfort him. She knew he had taken Emily's presumed loss the hardest but she was sworn to keep Emily's status under wraps. Once Emily had returned Spencer had been unfairly venomous towards her. As far as the team knew, Hotch had made the decision on his own and he had been the only one who knew Emily had survived. He had, up to this point, done his best to keep JJ out of the cross hairs. JJ was grateful for the gesture but she knew it was only a matter of time before the truth came out.

"Spence," JJ called as she caught up with Reid in the hallway.

"How can everyone just be okay with this?"

"Spence, she's back now. I know you're upset but the important point is that she is back now. How can you be so upset by that?" JJ asked as she instinctively rubbed his back just as she'd done on those many nights in her living room.

"How can you not be?" Reid asked as he looked up with broken brown eyes. Before JJ could reply the team came out of the conference room and headed down the hallway towards the two agents.

"We need to get a move on if we want you two at the bar by tonight," Hotch said as he gave JJ a knowing nod.

JJ squeezed Reid's hand and offered a small smile of encouragement. They joined the team and followed a local police officer to the conference room to set their plan in place. JJ knew the truth would have to wait a few more days, at least until the case was over. She wanted to come clean to her friend but now was not the time nor place. There was a serial killer on a rampage and they would have to work together to bring him in with the least amount of further damage to the community.

"You've reached the powerful and all knowing, how can I be of service?" Garcia chimed in her general upbeat demeanor.

"Garcia, I need you to pull up the cameras on this place and make sure you've got eyes and ears. It's going to be loud and there's a chance our coms won't work," Emily explained.

"Anything you need, my darling!"

Emily smiled at the chipper sound of her friend's voice. She was happy that Garcia had forgiven her almost immediately and had been the first to truly make her feel welcomed back at the bureau, "Thanks Garcia."

"You take care of my gumdrop, Emily! I don't want to have to get mad at you again," Garcia reminded jokingly.

"I promise," Emily laughed as she hung up the phone. She looked across the seat towards JJ who was busy humming along to the radio as they made their way to the bar. The night air was crisp and lightly scented with the impending rain storm. Emily rolled her window down a bit further as she let her hand glide along in the wind. She couldn't help but think how stunning JJ looked in her tight jeans and navy v-neck blouse which made her eyes sparkle. Her hair was down and just long enough now that the tips danced over her strong shoulders. Emily had missed JJ more than anyone else. They had kept in contact over her hiatus but it wasn't the same as being next to her. Seeing that grin that would make a dentist proud, hearing that laugh, getting lost in those baby blues. There was definitley something special about JJ that Emily had never been able to fully admit to herself, though she had spent countless nights awake at night pondering exactly what it was.

"Well, this is it," JJ stated as they pulled into the parking lot of The Roundup. They parked to the side of the building and placed their comms in their ears. JJ ran her fingers through her hair and applied a coat of lipstick before turning to Emily to get final approval.

"You look stunning, Jayje," Emily whispered. "Now are we solid on this cover?"

"I'm Sarah and you're Jessica Hartwell. Moved here a little over a month ago, out to have a good time and meet the locals. The unsub specifically goes after couples with an obvious power struggle, so I'll be the dominant one," JJ concluded.

"You?" Emily asked with a raised eyebrow, "Dominant?"

"Oh, you have no idea Mrs Hartwell," JJ purred seductively, leaning in a little too close for Emily's comfort. The brunette pulled back and shrugged. It was all a ruse after all, JJ could pretend to be the Queen of England for all she cared as long as it meant this scumbag would be in custody.

"Alright, then. After you," Emily insisted as they exited the SUV. They met at the back of the vehicle and JJ took Emily's hand as if they had done it a million times before. Emily blushed as she felt a spark shoot up her arm and turn to a thousand butterflies in the pit of her stomach. She casually readjusted to intertwine her fingers with JJ's as she tried to keep up with the blonde. JJ was happy to be in the lead because it meant Emily couldn't see the grin that spread across her face at that simple gesture.

The women entered the bar and scoped out the scene, despite being a small town the bar was rather packed for a Thursday night. Emily chuckled as she noticed a nearby flier and pointed it out to JJ. Thursday Night Dart Challenge

"Looks like we're here on the right night," JJ grinned. She waved down the bartender who didn't seem to quite fit in with the rest of the crowd. His tanned skin was covered in intricate tattoos, hair buzzed close to the scalp and each ear boasted multiple gauged piercings. He was wearing a cut off jean vest over a tight fitted black tank that showed off a sculpted physique that Derek Morgan would be jealous of. His voice was raspy as he made his way to the women who had taken up a seat near the end of the bar.

"And what can i get you, blondie?"

"I'll have the local brew and whatever Jessica wants," JJ smiled as she looked towards Emily who had not recognized the name JJ had used. "Jessica, darling?"

"Oh! Right! I'll have what she's having," Emily replied once she regained focus. She was already getting distracted by the way JJ was leaning forward on the bar, popping her hip to one side accentuating the fit of her jeans. It was going to be a long night and they had yet to begin the search for the unsub, if he was even in attendance. Though something in her gut was telling Emily he was. She knew they had to make their presence know in order to catch his eye so after their first round she pulled JJ from her chair and drug ehr to the dance floor.

"Em, er, Jessica babe," JJ groaned as she tried to pull against Emily's strong hold,"You know I don't dance."

Emily pulled her close and whispered into her ear, "Perhaps JJ didn't but something tells me Sarah is full of secrets."

"Damn Prentiss! Laying on the charm!" Derek chimed in over their earpieces. Emily and JJ pulled apart as if the team could see them and blushed at the sudden intrusion on their conversation. They chuckled as they eyed each other awkwardly.

The song changed to something a bit more up tempo and Emily watched as more couples joined them on the dance floor. They would have to make some sort of spectacle of themselves if they wished to get the attention of their chosen target, whomever he may be. Emily took JJ by the hand and lead her to the middle of the dance floor. JJ was thankful the dim lighting his her blushed cheeks as Emily placed hands on either side of JJ's waist and pulled her close.

JJ let herself get lost in the music and took her lead for Emily's rhythm. They moved to the music as the beat pulsated throughout the crowd. Emily placed her arms on JJ's shoulders and dropped to a squat, tracing JJ's torso with a single finger on her way back up to meet questioning blue eyes. Not to be outdone, JJ turned around and placed her hips squarely against Emily's and ground into her to the beat of the song. Emily let out a soft moan at the physical connection as JJ pushed against her while draping her arms over her head, running her fingers through her hair. Emily could smell the scent of JJ's tresses and she bit her lip to keep control. That thing, whatever it was, was taking hold of her in unexpected ways. She grabbed JJ and spun her back around by the wrist, positing her thigh precariously between JJ's and moving her hips slowly with a certain lackadaisical swagger that was intoxicating. The two got lost in the primitive movements as their bodies worked against each other, gaining interest from more than a few wandering eyes.

Emily forgot herself for the briefest of moments but it was just long enough, she leaned in and closed the distance between them. Right as she locked eyes with JJ a strong hand grabbed her by the shoulder and refocused her attention. A large man with blonde hair, wearing a tank top and denim jacket smiled through missing teeth at the otherwise oblivious pair.

"Mind if I cut in?" he asked Emily as he nodded in JJ's direction.

"No thank you, I'm doing just fine," JJ smiled as politely as possible as she took a stance in front of Emily to hold back the brunette in case she got a bit jealous.

"Aww come on little lady!" the man beamed as he licked his lips suggestively. "Name's Ryan. I can show you a good time."

"The 'little lady' said no thank you," Emily repeated through gritted teeth.

"Don't think I was talking to you,dyke" the man glared.

JJ placed a firm hand on Emily's arm as a reminder that she was supposed to be in the lead for the evening. Emily seemed to understand and stood down momentarily, knowing JJ could take care of herself in the situation.

"Actually, we were just about to head to the dart board. How about I make you a deal?" JJ smiled mischievously. "If you can beat me at a round of darts then you may have a dance."

The hick laughed at the implication and threw out a hand, "Agreed little Missy. But you better be ready for a real man to show you just how to move on the dance floor." They shook hands and he headed across the bar.

"I think we have a potential match," Emily whispered to Derek over the comm. "Ryan, blonde, green eyes, 6'3", Semper Fi tattoo on the right forearm."

"Em, if this guy is ex-Marines you need to keep an eye out. It would make sense that our unsub has tactical training. Don't take you eyes off of JJ. This could be exactly how he lures in his victims, pitting them against each other in a show of force to weed out the dominant. Be careful, Garcia has eyes on the bar and we're outside awaiting your call if things get heated," Derek explained. Emily nodded although she knew he couldn't see her and escorted JJ towards the dart board where a crowd had formed. "I'll get Garcia to see what she can find on him, in the meantime try and play it cool."

"See this?" Ryan pointed at a picture of himself on the wall nearby. "That's because I'm the reigning champion around here."

"We'll see about that," the petite blonde laughed as she removed her set of darts from the holder.

"Ladies first," the man chuckled as he gulped down beer from a frosted mug while his gaze lingered on JJ's tight jeans. Emily caught the inappropriate glare and gritted her teeth to keep from saying anything. She waited patiently for Derek to come back on the comm with something concrete so she would have a reason to take the creep out.

JJ positioned herself behind the line and threw her first dart. She hit squarely in the 20 point slice and smiled.

"Well at least you hit the board," Ryan laughed to his table of buddies. He took his place and threw his dart landing on a double 18. The crowd erupted in cheers. "Can't wait to show you exactly how to boot scoot, if you catch my drift," he winked in JJ's direction, making her grimace at the innuendo.

They took turns and JJ stunned the crowd with a bullseye just 8 turns in. Ryan repeated the feat easily and quickly took the lead. After fifteen minutes the score was down to Ryan with 42 points remaining while JJ was trailing with 51.

"You've got this, erm, Sarah," Emily smiled as she playfully slapped JJ's ass in encouragement. JJ nodded and took a deep breath as she approached the line. She could go for the 50 and then land a 1 but that would take two turns and perfect aim. She decided to take her chances, she steadied her hand and pulled back, closing one eye to focus and throwing with one swift movement. The dart landed firmly on the triple 17.

The crowd went wild and Emily swooped JJ up in her arms in celebration. Before she realized what she was doing she leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on JJ's lips. JJ blushed and pulled away hastily.

"Fucking faggots!" Ryan cursed as he reached in his pocket and produced a knife.

Time slowed as Emily instinctively went to draw her sidearm which she wasn't wearing. He lunged at her and she ducked just in time, he missed her but managed to slice JJ's cheek witht he blade. Emily's blood boiled as she swiftly threw out her leg and caught him off balance sending him falling backwards into a table. He regained control and lunged again, this time Emily landed a closed fist across his face,making blood gush from his nose. He retaliated and managed to grab her hair and slam her face into a nearby table. JJ took a stance and landed a side kick to his chest. Ryan staggered backwards as a loud voice announced "FBI!"

"FBI?" Ryan asked as he held his bloodied nose.

Just then Derek and Hotch rushed through the front door and quickly placed handcuffs on the bewildered man. Spencer came up from behind with Rossi to check on the women. Emily flexed her swollen hand and shrugged off Rossi's concern. Reid only half heartily glanced over at her as he immediately made his way to the blonde.

"JJ, are you alright?" Reid asked, dabbing at her bloodied cheek with a napkin.

"I'm fine, it's just a minor cut," JJ reassured, wincing slightly as she took the napkin away form Spencer who was still dabbing absentmindedly at her cheek.

"You guys did great," Derek stated as Hotch and a local police officer lead Ryan out the front door and into the back of a squad car. "Penelope found out this guy, Ryan Gentry, has a history of violence. His wife recently left him for a Hispanic man and we think that's what sent him over the edge. With a cocky son of a bitch like this I'm sure he'll end up confessing in no time. You guys can head to the hospital, Hotch and Rossi are going to head up the interrogation."

"Yeah, I think I could use a once over by a doctor," JJ frowned as the blood still dripped down her face. The cut was deeper than originally thought.

"I guess I can get my hand checked out too. I'll ride along," Emily admitted as she rubbed her already bruised knuckles.

"What? The impervious Emily Prentiss accepting medical attention without a fight?" JJ quipped as she raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe I'm going to watch over you," Emily chided.

There was some truth to her statement. Emily wanted to keep an eye on JJ after such a close call in the bar. Plus, before their night had turned serious she had been enjoying their playful banter and flirtatious dancing. Not to mention she knew at least one of her knuckles was broken and she would need to get it set so it would heal properly.

They bid their male counterparts goodbye and loaded up in the SUV to head towards the hospital. Once safely inside Emily chuckled as the drove down the road in silence.

"What's so funny?" JJ asked as she held the steering wheel with one hand, the other still firmly placing pressure against her wound.

"We just make a terrible pair," Emily conceded. She reached across the console and placed her hand on JJ's thigh, patting it gingerly. JJ's muscles slightly stiffened at the sudden physical contact.

"I don't know, you did kiss me," JJ smiled.

"You know that was just for the part right?" Emily asked as she monitored JJ's smile slip momentarily. She suddenly realized her hand was still on JJ's upper thigh and she decided to keep it where it was for the remainder of the ride. JJ glanced over and winked knowingly, , enjoying the reddish tint that flooded Emily's pale skin.

Three hours after their arrival at the hospital the two women signed their releases and headed out. Emily had wound up with two broken knuckles and much to her dismay a cast, and a minor concussion. JJ had escaped without needing stitches but had a few butterfly bandages holding her cut closed. JJ helped Emily into the SUV as the brunette had been dosed with some rather strong pain killers in order to set her hand. Just as she closed the passenger door her phone rang, she fished it out of her pocket and answered as she made her way to the driver side.


"JJ, we need you guys back at the station. It wasn't Gentry. There's been another murder," Hotch answered. "How soon can you two be back here? It's going to be a long night."