A Miracle's Promise 07

Anyone who saw the way Aomine Daiki and Kuroko Tetsumi knew something was off. The beautiful brunette was a blushing mess everytime she was around Aomine and that had thrown them off. To top it all off, Momoi was being a creep as she grinned the away at them.

This lasted a full on week before curiousity won everyone over and cornered the three. Well they weren't really cornered. They were just on their way to get something to eat.

"Alright! What the hell is this shit?!" Wakamatsu yelled. He was released a day earlier than expected but he learned his lesson. "Something is going on here and we want to know!"

"I thought it was obvious." Momoi said causing everyone to sweatdrop.

"Well, if we're asking it's cause it wasn't." Imayoshi said. His smile was still in place but his voice was a bit steely.

"It's really none of your business." Aomine said not really caring as he threw his arm over Tetsu's shoulders as she drank her vanilla milkshake.

"I think they have a right to know." She said as she looked at her feet absentmindly.

"You sure?" Satsuki asked as she stared at her best friend worriedly. She was acting weird ever since this morning. She was unusually quiet, which was rarely ever like her unless she was in the prescence of an adult, which was weird in itself. She had noticed a slight bruise peaking out from the confinment of her uniform during class. When she asked about it she was completely ignored.

"Yeah. Anyway's I have to go." She removed Aomine's arm from her shoulders and was about to turn to walk away when she felt a pair of hands on her waste and then lift her up onto shoulders.

"Huh? Wait, Daiki! Put me down!" She yelled other's watched the little chat in amusement and then it clicked in almost all of their heads.

"Not until you tell me where you're going." Aomine smirked.

"I need to go home." She said in what sounded like a whisper.

"But it's so early. Sumimasen!" Sakurai said.

"He's right. It's still really early, considering there was no practice today." Satsuki says.

"I really need to go." She said nervously as she looked up accross the street at her house. Two cars were parked outside. She recognized them as her parent's cars respectively.

"Well we might as well let her go. I mean she does live right across the street." Satsuki said. The others were shocked. Aomine stayed quiet as he saw her looking at her house. He felt her shaking slightly and narrowed his eyes. Only one thought was crossing his mind and it involved a few very eventful childhood memories.

He was about to say something when shouts came from the house they were all staring at and the shaking got a bit harder.

"Tetsumi. You're not going home today. That's final."

"Daiki. I HAVE to go home. You know better than anyone that!"

"Exactly. Did you already forget our first meeting? No, do you even remember what happened when my mom took you home that day?"

Tetsumi bit her lip. Of course she remembered. That was when her mother started abusing her everytime her father was off on a business trip.

"I'm taking custody of Tetsumi and that's final!" A black haired man with striking blue eyes yelled as he stepped out of the house.

"No! She's mine! You're not taking her away from me! She still needs to be disciplined!" A blue haired woman with eyes as black as night yelled after him. Tetsumi visibly flinched at the word discplined.

Aomine removed her from his shoulders and set her on the ground. He pulled her into a hug as she whimpered slightly and covered her ears.

"Dai-chan we need to get her out of here." Satsuki whispered receiving a stiff nod. At that moment a black limo stopped right behind the other limo already there. A red haied man with matching rede eyes stepped out.

"Brother." Kuroko Tetsuya said as he sent the red haired Akashi a smile.

"Tetsuya. Kurumi. What's the meaning of all this shouting? I heard it while passing-on my way to the office." Akashi Seiichi said as he sent the teal haired woman a hard stare that had her cowering back slightly.

"He wants to take Tetsumi away from me! Of course we'll be arguing."

"It would be for the best." Seiichi said as he leaned against his brother's own limo, crossing his arms.

"Not you to!?"

"I'm not stupid, Kurumi. I know what you do to her." At those words confusion set upon the basketball team and caused Tetsumi's eyes to widen when she heard the voice.

"Uncle Seiichi..." She mumbled.

"I've gone through her medical files recently from now all the way until she was 4 yrs old. I've gone through all the video evidence aswell-"

"What videos?"

"Oh you didn't know? When I realized what was going on because of Seiijirou's worry-smart boy indeed- I had camera's set up in places you would't know of. I'm just waiting for her to come and ask me for help herself. Or for Seiijirou or one her other friends to realize it and come ask me on her part."

"Brother? What might you be going on about?"

"So you really don't know? Well, how about it Kurumi? Why don't you tell him what's happened in this exact same house since she was 4 yrs old, everytime he would go away for days or weeks on end for a business trip? Why don't you tell him about how you've tormented the poor girl? Oh I know! Why not tell him what you did to her yesterday?" By this, Kurumi was shaking in anger. Before she could retort she noticed them.

Tetsumi squirmed out of Aomine's arms and ran across the street, jumping right into her father's warm arms as tears now streamed down her face. They were both in fear and joy.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!"

"I missed you too pumpkin." He said with a warm smile. He felt her flinch as he wrapped his arms around her back, but not enough to hurt her. However he said nothing and turned to his ex-wife.

"I'm waiting for an answer." By now, Aomine had coaxed the rest of Touou to leave and had made his way over with Satsuki in tow, saying she 'wouldn't let her bestfriend deal with whatever it was alone.'

"I just did what I believed was a suitable punishment for her for coming home so late form school." Kurumi says vaguely.

"She has basketball practice you damned woman. What do you expect her to be home 20 minutes after school ends when she has to practice for games?" Aomine says as he glares at the woman.

"Dai-chan. Don't be so rude!"

"Aomine Daiki. What a pleasant surprise. I never expected to see you here of all places." She says her fake personality in place.

"Shut up." He says to her before turning to Tetsuya "Kuroko-san. May I please take Tetsumi with me? My mother was wondering if she could come over for dinner tonight." To Satsuki's surprise, the ganguro was very polite to the seemingly young man."

"Please do. Send my regards to your mother and father. Do me a favor and have your mother check her over." he says with a small smile before turning it to Satsuki in greeting causing her to blush a very deep shade of red.

"She is not going anywhere!" Kurumi yelled.

Tetsumi stepped away from her father before her mother could make a grab at her and sprinted down to her uncle in a hug. The red-head bent down at her motion.

"Please help me, Uncle Seiichii!" It was a desperate whisper and he nodded before ushering her Daiki and Satsuki into his limo and telling the driver to go off towards the Aomine Household.

The minute Tetsumi's head fell onto Aomine's lap she dozed off into darkness only hoping that nothing bad happened.

But you see? Fate must hate her for nothing was the same again.