Hello! Boulderstar2000 here! I decided to write a short story based on the Five Nights at Freddy's series and the tv show Sherlock. Of course, I own neither of those things.

I know that Five Nights at Freddy's probably takes place in the 90's. And in America. Just pretend that through the magic of plot, those problems have been resolved. I only have one other story (That I've hardly updated. Whoops.), so I apologize if anything seems odd or ooc!

It was a slow day at 221B Bakers Street. Hardly any clients had been in over the past week, and, of course, Sherlock was very bored. He made quite sure John knew this. And in the middle of making sure John knew exactly how bored he was, there was a knock on the door.

"Oh thank goodness, a client!" John said, standing up. He could only put up with bored Sherlock for so long. He opened the door, and standing on the other side was a man in his mid-twenties. He had short, scraggly brown hair, and was unshaven. There was a wild look in his eyes. The look of someone who had been relentlessly tormented.

"Please come in." John stated, ushering the client inside. The man looked around nervously, as if he expected something to jump out at him. After taking a few cautious steps, he seemed to calm a bit and come fully into the room.

"So-" before John could start, the paranoid man interrupted him.

"Please, please, you've got to help me! No one else believes me! They all say I'm crazy!" The man had an American accent.

"Well that's because you probably are." Sherlock said.


"It's obvious you suffer from a form of PTSD. Something traumatic has happened to you, and as a result, your mind has suffered. While 'crazy' is a bit of an umbrella term, you would most likely fall under it in one way or another."

"How did you know?"

"Oh for crying out loud it's obvious! Even the simplest of cretin could see it! Why-"

Before he could continue, John stopped his ramble. "We understand, Sherlock."

"So if you think I'm crazy, does that mean you won't help me? I knew it, I knew no one would believe me!" He started mumbling to himself, getting more and more frantic.

"Well this was at least mildly entertaining. Good day." Sherlock brushed the man off.

"Come on, don't you think we should at least hear him out?" John pleaded. He felt bad for the man.

"Oh fine, but just because there's nothing better to do. I can already answer now, it's all in his head as an-" A glare from John made the detective go quiet. "Yes, please, go right ahead."

"R-really? Oh thank you!"

"Go ahead and start from the beginning." John said in a calming tone.

"There was an ad in a paper. For a job at a local pizzeria..."

Please leave a review and tell me what you think! They are very appreciated! I probably won't write any more on this, but if you guys really want me to, I may. Thanks for reading!